How to Overcome a Provoked or Spontaneous Abortion

How to overcome a provoked or spontaneous abortion
After an abortion, a woman may feel sad and confused. These feelings of sadness and loss can be misinterpreted as guilt and regret through a process of wrong logic like this: "If I decided to abort and I feel sad and bad about it, it must have been a wrong decision, therefore, I must feel guilty and regret my decision to have an abortion.”

This moment can be very difficult to cope with and you probably need psychological advice. In this article, we tell you how to overcome a provoked or spontaneous abortion.

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Emotional consequences of an abortion

For many people the interruption of a pregnancy can be a stressful event in their life.

It is not unusual to experience a wide range of psychological and emotional responses. Some people may be relieved to have made the right decision and taken action to resolve a difficult situation, while others may experience a series of negative emotions. Guilt and repentance are very powerful and often are feelings that are misinterpreted. Guilt is the feeling that results when a person believes they have done something wrong. While repentance is the desire to change something that has already happened.

Any loss of pregnancy will lead to an interruption of the hormonal cycle. The negative feelings that occur after a planned interruption may be due at least in part to hormonal changes, which are similar to those that occur after an unplanned pregnancy loss.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, common negative feelings include:
  • Guilt
  • Anger
  • Humiliation
  • Remorse or regret
  • Loss of self-esteem or self- confidence.
  • Feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Sleep problems and nightmares
  • Relationship problems
  • Thoughts of suicide

In addition, some people may experience pain, stress or a sense of loss and may feel less able to cope. If suicidal thoughts or self-inflicted harm occur, the person should seek help urgently.

How to overcome a provoked abortion: psychological advice

Having an abortion can be an unusual circumstance for some women. A woman may feel very sad about the loss of pregnancy and, since she decided to have an abortion, she becomes both the victim of the loss and the person who caused it; this can lead to the woman being punished emotionally through guilt and repentance. It is useful for a woman to realistically see why she decided to have an abortion. Often the logic is usually:
"I decided to abort. It is a loss. It was a difficult decision to make and I am sad about it. I regret that the situation was not different. I wish I were at a time and place where I could have been a mother or given a child for adoption. I made the best decision I could at that time with the resources I had. "

Anyone who experiences discomfort after an abortion may find it helpful to seek the support of family, friends or a self-help group.

This can help prevent feelings of grief and sadness from becoming a deep depression. In the event that a depression develops, it is treatable.

The treatment may consist of:
  • Build or seek a good support network, be it family, friends or groups
  • Counseling, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy
Changes in lifestyle that can help you overcome abortion include:
  • A healthy diet
  • Do regular exercise on a regular basis
  • Reduce stress as much as possible
  • Learn relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation

5 Tips before making the decision to abort

Before deciding whether to perform an abortion, it is advisable to try the following:
  • Talk to people you can trust
  • Weigh all your options
  • Seek medical help and advice
  • Try to avoid isolation, as it can lead to depression
  • Avoid giving in to the pressure to do something you do not want to do, be it abortion or continuation with pregnancy
The interruption of a pregnancy can also involve some physical risks, in the same way as another surgical procedure. It is vital to seek treatment in a registered facility with qualified and experienced professionals to reduce the risk of harm.

How to overcome grief after an abortion

Normally, voluntary abortion creates a situation of pain in which the expression of feelings on the part of women is not allowed. The private affliction of rights is the affliction experienced by a person who is not openly recognized, socially validated or publicly observed. The loss experienced is real, but women are not granted the “right to mourn “for that loss.

A common effect of these situations is depression, which manifests itself in small periods of sadness or in more complex periods of depression. These periods may be accompanied by episodes of easy crying. Unprocessed affliction can also cause people to "stay stuck" in anger without even realizing the source of that anger.