How to cope with an unwanted pregnancy

How to cope with an unwanted pregnancy
Normally, when we talk about unwanted pregnancies, the image of a young adolescent who has become pregnant or of a woman who has been raped and now does not know what to do comes to mind almost immediately. Although this usually happens continuously, there are other cases that must be taken into account such as the fact that it happens to a stable couple of many years, to a marriage or between two people who simply did not take the necessary precautions.

It is important to know that if this is happening to you and your partner has even threatened to leave you or has already done so, that person did not deserve to be in your life, regardless of whether you are pregnant or not. If right now you find yourself in this delicate situation, you are pregnant without wanting it and you do not know what to do, in this article, we are going to give you a series of recommendations so you can know how to face an unwanted pregnancy in the best possible way.

Unwanted pregnancy: what to do

It can happen that, on some occasions, especially when you do not have a stable partner, you do not have the support of the other person and great conflicts begin to emerge from this fact. Next, we will show you what you can do to solve the situation in the most effective way possible.

Tell your partner

Do not try to hide from your partner that you are pregnant; on the contrary; he is the first person who should know. The worst thing you can do is to live this that is happening to you in solitude since it is the responsibility of both to face the pregnancy not only of the woman. In case you do not have your partner at this moment for whatever reason, then you have to talk to one or more people who are your trust.

Your opinion is what matters

There are many opinions on the subject of continuing or not with an unwanted pregnancy. On the one hand is what the society in which we live, the church, the circle of friends, the family, the couple, etc. tells us.

However, the only thing that matters here is what you think and what you feel. It is also important to consider what your partner thinks and feels, as this is a decision that should not involve anyone else. Remember that it is your body, your life and you have control over it, you decide which are the experiences you want to have and which ones you do not, only you know what is best for you because you are the person that is most known. Keep in mind that you cannot be good with everyone, that is impossible so probably some people have not agreed with your decision and others if, so what else does what others think?

Identify your feelings about pregnancy

Once we get the news about pregnancy, not only will we have to make important decisions, we will also have to learn to identify our feelings and what exactly we want.

Difference between unwanted pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy

It must be taken into account that there is a great difference between an unwanted pregnancy and an unplanned pregnancy. The unplanned pregnancy is where it was assumed that at some point, in a few months or years the arrival of a baby was desired; however now they are "advanced" and probably consider that now is not the most prudent moment to have it due to the circumstances they are going through.

On the other hand, there is the unwanted pregnant woman, which is where the possibility of having a child is now definitely not assumed, nor in the future, either because the relationship with the current couple is not stable enough, because of age and goals. Personal issues, health issues or simply because they had already made the decision not to have children.

After having this clear, it is necessary to reflect on all the feelings associated with it. For this, you can ask yourself (a) some questions such as: what exactly do I feel about the pregnancy? What are the real reasons why I do not want to have a child now? Do I feel fear, anger, and anguish? Why am I feeling this? How much does my partner's opinion influence mine? Among many other reflective questions.

Consultation with a specialist

It is recommended that, especially if you decide not to continue with the pregnancy, you approach a specialist, tell him your case and tell you what are the methods available to abort that suit your particular situation. You also need to be informed about what your country's legislation dictates about abortion. On the other hand, if you decide to continue with your pregnancy, it is also necessary that you keep yourself informed and that you begin to carry with rigorous control over your health and that of your baby.

Consequences of unwanted pregnancy: psychological therapy

Finally, to know how to cope with an unwanted pregnancy , keep in mind that whatever the decision you have made, it is important that you learn to adequately manage your emotions for your own health and in the event that you continue with the pregnancy , also for your baby's.

On the one hand, making the decision not to continue with the pregnancy, although this has not really been desired, in the majority of the occasions it usually leaves an important mark especially in women, so it is necessary to work with that theme to maintain and increasing psychological well - being .

If the decision is finally to continue with the pregnancy even without having been desired from the beginning, it is important that through therapy the person begins to lead an acceptance process where love and the illusion of being a mother / father arise, where The person learns to focus more attention on the benefits that being will bring to his life more than what he currently believes is going to harm him.

It is important that during pregnancy, the woman is as stable as possible not only physically but also emotionally as that also affects the welfare of the baby. In addition, in this type of cases it is important to prevent a future postpartum depression.