What Is Selective Advertising? Definition of Selective Advertising, Selective Advertising Meaning and Concept

Selective is known as the type of advertising focused on certain audiences or specially chosen market segments, based on different characteristics. Age, origin, interests, income level or geographical location are some of the main ones.

Selective advertising is therefore a kind of evolution of the classic concept of advertising, advocating market differentiation and specialization of the advertising message to each individual.

In this sense, it is usually considered that this type of advertising focused on a certain target has a higher cost. This happens when it is necessary to carry out a preliminary investigation of said audience segment to find out their tastes and customs and, later, create adapted content about the company or brand to be publicized.

As with other types of advertising , selective advertising pursues the greatest possible impact of the messages it is responsible for transmitting and, therefore, greater benefits and advantages for the companies that use its methods.

Characteristics of selective advertising

The distinction generated by the advertising campaigns of selective advertising can be based on very different types of criteria:

  • Differentiation of market segments by age, sex, interests, professions, income level or geographic origin
  • Occupation of a certain channel or medium: physical advertising in a space such as the posters of a university is not the same as it is on DIY websites
  • With the growth of the technological field, it is currently experiencing a high level of use and utility, due to its adaptability to new tools.
  • Despite living in an increasingly globalized world , companies have discovered that today's society is increasingly distinguishable according to the aforementioned criteria and, therefore, more accessible with marketing segmentation processes.