How Car AC Compressor Works – Types and Important Parts

AC or air conditioner in a car is one of the features that must be available in a car so that the driver and passengers are comfortable when driving. Therefore, it is important for you to know how the car AC compressor works which is one of the main hearts of this air conditioning installation.

In this article, let's understand how the AC compressor works to its most important parts so that you can use it more optimally. In addition, it will also explain the functions and types of this AC compressor. Read on for the following Auto Insurance Agencies article, OK!

What Is a Car Air Conditioner Compressor

If you are a car user that has AC facilities, of course, you will not be foreign to hear the compressor. The compressor is the heart of the air conditioner. It takes power from the car engine so that the 'heart of the car' can work.

Well, if you turn on the engine, the car air conditioner will automatically turn on. Car AC compressors have a function to cool called freon which can circulate in the AC system.

The compressor in the car air conditioner is in charge of providing pressure according to the needs of the engine. This stage works to absorb refrigerant gas from the evaporator which has a low pressure to turn the gas into a liquid with a high temperature.

How Does a Car AC Compressor Work?

Before you find out more about the types of car AC compressors, it would be nice to know how car AC compressors work first. Well, here are some ways the AC compressor works on a car.

The working system of the car AC compressor is the heart of the AC system. If the AC compressor is dead or damaged, the car air conditioner will not work.

The way a car AC compressor works basically moves to follow the movement of the engine. If the car is moving slower, the compressor work is getting heavier. The air that is released will not be stable.

At low pressure, the car air conditioner compressor will suck the freon which then turns it into freon with high pressure. The compression makes the freon temperature high.

For details, here is how the car air conditioning system works:

  • Inhalation of gas with low pressure (cold) which is then converted into gas with high pressure (hot).
  • The gas with high pressure will be pumped to the condenser where in the condenser, the gas that has passed through the compressor will undergo a condensation process which will be converted into a liquid.
  • After passing through the condenser, the liquid with high pressure will flow to the expansion valve which previously passed through the receiver dryer. That part is what filters dirt before it enters the expansion valve until it is carried away in a liquid with high pressure.
  • The liquid that has been filtered in the receiver dryer and is still under high pressure is then converted into gas whose temperature is lowered by the expansion valve. that gas will make the evaporator cold, with the help of a blower cold air in the evaporator will be channeled to the car cabin.
  • The cooled gas from the evaporator is then reabsorbed by the compressor. Well, that's how the car air conditioner freon circulation system works.

Types of Car Air Conditioner Compressors

After you know the working principle of a car ac compressor, it's time for you to get to know the types of this car AC compressor. The compressor itself is divided into two types, namely rotary and piston types.

The rotary compressor type is a compressor whose job is to move the rotation which will absorb and suppress the freon. While the piston type uses an alternating motion in the compressor cylinder to absorb and suppress freon.

Rotary Type Car Compressor

The rotary type compressor has its own advantages, namely:

  • Each rotation will simultaneously produce a press and suction stroke. This causes the rotational moment to become more even and minimizes shock.
  • This type of compressor has dimensions that can be made smaller so that it saves space when installed near the engine.

For this type of compressor, it is also divided into two other categories, including:

  • Through vane type. For this type of compressor, it has two vanes (blades) which are installed perpendicular to each other on the inside of the cylinder. When the rotor rotates, the vanes will shift in a radial direction which then touches the inside of the cylinder or stator.

The result, gives rise to the space formed by the blades, rotor and cylinder wall. This space is the area for the entry and exit of freon.

The centrifugal force will do the work on the blades as they rotate with the rotor. Until the blade moves to touch the cylinder wall, when the inlet is open, the freon will also be sucked in.

  • Scroll type. This type of compressor has two types of scroll, namely fixed scroll and rotary. When the rotary scroll works by crossing the compressor shaft, it will form an intake and output space between the fixed scroll and the rotary scroll.

If the inlet is open, the refrigerant will be absorbed inside. Then it will be brought round by being compressed until it reaches the outlet hole.

After the freon is compressed, it is then channeled to the condenser when it is under high pressure.

Piston Type Car Compressor

Piston type car compressors are also divided into three different categories, namely:

  • Crank type

This type of compressor has two valves on the cylinder head, namely suction and discharge. Crank type, the only part that functions is the top side of the python.

As the piston moves down, the volume of the space above the piston will increase. This causes the pressure to drop which then the intake valve will open until the refrigerant drops.

The piston contained in the compressor will be driven by a rotating crankshaft. When the piston is pushed up, the piston pressure will also increase until the exhaust valve opens and the refrigerant is pushed out to be channeled into the condenser.

  • swash plate type

The swash plate type has two types which are distinguished by the number of pistons in it. A compressor that has 10 cylinders with 72° piston intervals with a 6 cylinder compressor with 120° intervals, has a working method if one side of the piston is pressing, the other side sucks.

Just as the name suggests, the piston on this swash plate type compressor will move to the right and left according to the rotation of the regulating plate to suck and suppress the refrigerant. The intake valve will open when the piston is moving inward and suck refrigerant into the cylinder.

And vice versa, when the piston moves out, the intake valve will be closed and the outlet valve will open to press the refrigerant out. To avoid backflow, both valves only work in one direction.

  • Wobble plate type

The wobble plate type has a working system that is almost the same as the swash plate compressor. Both use a disk in their working system.

The way the wobble plate type compressor works is to make a rotary motion from the compressor shaft which is converted into a back and forth motion with the help of a guide ball by the drive plate and wobble plate. The movement is then transmitted to the piston through the connecting rod.

The use of a wobble plate type compressor isconsidered to be more profitable, because the compressor capacity can be adjusted automatically according to the cooling load requirements. The different capacity settings will also reduce the shock that causes the magnetic clutch to operate.

Car AC Compressor Problems

When a car's AC compressor has a problem, it is usually marked by several symptoms. Here are some signs that cause a problematic car AC compressor that you need to know, including:

Noisy Car AC Compressor

A problematic car AC compressor will usually make a noise when the AC button is turned on. The noise in the compressor is caused by a dirty and reduced lubricant system resulting in friction and causing noisy car air conditioners.

Car AC Compressor Not Rotating

This is caused by damage to the compressor unit as well as damage to the magnetic clutch that does not work properly so that the car AC compressor does not rotate. In addition to these two things, a disturbance in the pressure sensor of the AC system can also cause the car's AC compressor not to rotate.

For that problem, if the damage comes from the compressor unit itself, you can hear a "tuk" sound when turning on the AC Switch. Well, if the "tuk" sound is not heard, it can be concluded that the damage comes from the magnetic clutch unit.

Car AC Compressor Keeps Turning On

This is because the evaporator temperature is not cold so that the temperature sensor in the evaporator through the AC amplifier does not cut off the electric current to the magnetic clutch. For those of you who don't want to be complicated, you can solve this problem by taking your car to an AC service repair shop.

However, you can also check it yourself by trying to check the working condition of the car's AC compressor and the magnetic clutch and later you will find the problem.

Leaking Car AC Compressor Oil

The emergence of the problem of leaking car AC compressor oil is mostly caused by components such as the seal on the car AC compressor being damaged. This can cause the car's AC compressor oil to leak and be left behind when the cooling cycle occurs, in that case you need to take it to a car AC service center.

Tips from Auto Insurance Agencies! Air conditioning in a car is one of the features that must be in the car for the comfort of the driver and passengers. So it is important for you to know the working system of the car AC compressor which is one of the main hearts of this air conditioning installation.

So, here are some tips from Auto Insurance Agencies for you! In order for your car's AC compressor to continue to work smoothly, it would be nice for you to carry out regular car air conditioning services at a service place that you trust to prevent damage, because after all it can't be avoided.

Take Advantage of Car Insurance to Cover Repair Costs at the Workshop

Having a car, of course, must be prepared with the various costs that come with it. What usually drains the pocket the most is the cost of repairing the car at the workshop.

Therefore, so that your finances are not burdened by the high cost of car service, use the best car insurance that can cover the cost of damage, both small and large.

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