What is Purchasing Process? Definition of Purchasing Process, Purchasing Process Meaning and Concept

The purchase process is the series of phases that a consumer goes through before deciding to purchase a product.

Before introducing ourselves to this topic, we are going to define that buying is the action of acquiring a product in the market, be it a good or a service. When buying, a person looks for the product to have the attributes and quality suitable for their needs. That the price is reasonable in relation to the benefits you receive with the product and that you find it in the right place and at the right time.

Likewise, the process refers to the steps or stages that are passed through, prior to making the decision to make the purchase action effective. That is, pay the price required to obtain the product.

Stages of the purchase process

Consequently, whatever the product that a person wants to acquire, the stages of the purchase process are as follows:

1. Recognition of the problem

Certainly, the purchase process begins when the person becomes aware that they are facing a lack, thus recognizing their need. Then she decides to make an effort to try to satisfy her, this motivation is what drives her to seek the satisfier.

For example, if we analyze the case of a person who recognizes that he has the need to transport himself safely and quickly. So think of a satisfier as a car, the person wonders do I need a car to transport me safely and quickly? If your answer is affirmative, do you ask yourself, should I buy or not buy a car?

2. Search for information

Surely, the next step is to search for information about the topic to solve the problem. First, the internal information that an individual possesses is sought, which is based on their past experiences to solve similar situations. Immediately external information is sought, this can be found in other people more expert in the subject, reference groups, sources of information and the media.

Continuing with the example, if the individual decides to buy a car, he first questions his own experience. Like which brand of vehicle is the most reliable for him, which one has the best prices and which one has the best performance.

Later you could consult a person to advise you on your decision. You could also search for information on the Internet or specialized magazines, finally you will attend to the information offered by the media and vehicle dealers.

3. Information analysis

Then proceed to carefully analyze the information obtained, before deciding to buy the product.

Therefore, in the case of the vehicle example referred to above, it takes a lot of time for the person to process and analyze the information. Because the purchase of a car involves making a decision that involves a lot of risk, since it is a high-priced product and therefore it will take more time to make your decision.

4. Buy Action

After the information analysis stage is over, the person decides to make their purchase. However, even at this last moment he could be influenced by other people who could affect his decision.

In our example, let's imagine that the buyer had already decided on a vehicle of a certain make and model. But if the seller introduced him to an attractive deal on a similar car, he might change his mind and end up buying the car on sale.

5. Use of the product and post-purchase evaluation

As a result, the process ends when the individual finally uses the product and evaluates the purchased product, here he determines whether he was satisfied with his purchase or not.

By way of conclusion, it should be noted that not everyone who is going to make a purchase decision goes through the steps of problem recognition, information search, information analysis, the act of purchase and ends with the evaluation at the time of purchase. use the product.

This is because purchasing processes can change between people depending on many factors. And that is, each person is different.

The higher the price of the product, the greater the risk a person runs, which is why they require more time to make their purchase decision. Now in a low-priced product, although the same steps are followed, the decision is almost automatic, because the person's decision is very fast.

Think about what your purchasing process is like when you buy a computer or when you buy a bag of chips?