What is Direct Communication? Definition of Direct Communication, Direct Communication Meaning and Concept

Direct communication is the transmission of information that is done by exposing what a person thinks about something in particular instantly. It is carried out through an exposure that occurs at a certain time. The interlocutors who participate have all the data immediately and honesty is the basis for transmitting them.

Direct communication is a good way of providing clear, concise information and exposing data directly, with nothing to hide.

It can be classified as perfect and ideal communication because it develops in the present moment and instantly. The people involved exchange instant messages and are able to respond and express what they feel.

In addition, there is continuous feedback throughout the development of direct communication.

In some types of psychology, such as social, it has been argued that this type of communication is very effective in dealing with problems, exposing feelings and generating effective communication.

On the contrary, if data is hidden, this can mean that there is no fluid communication. The parties involved are not aware of all the messages necessary to achieve solutions.

Characteristics of direct communication

These are the main ones:

  • The importance of honesty: When this type of communication is used, it is very common to transmit real and truthful information. A person who intends to manifest through this communication, will expose their desires and feelings thinking about themselves and expressing them with total clarity.
  • The feelings of others are not a priority: It is true that when this communication develops, a person focuses on exposing their ideas and transmitting information according to how they feel. They do not take into account what the other person may say or think. For this reason, there are people who do not tolerate this type of communication well and consider it unpleasant. However, it is very effective when it comes to exposing problems and seeking solutions, since the information that is put into play is truthful and honest, there is nothing hidden.
  • Interlocutors must agree: All those who participate in this style of communication must be in agreement. They must agree to implement direct communication. If someone hides data, it is unlikely that it will be performed effectively.

Direct communication example

Direct communication is not usually beat around the bush. It shows through honesty and immediately.

For example, a teacher who tells a student that if he does not study more he will fail the next exam or the head of a company who tells his employee that he will lose his job if he is late again.