How to Be Patient at Work

Patience is one of the most important virtues in life and also at work. In an environment so marked by the achievement of immediate objectives, competitiveness and deadlines, patience becomes an ingredient of resilience that increases your level of happiness in the professional field. However, patience as a virtue is not innate but is perfected and trained in the realm of practical experience. How have patience at work? In psychology we give you ideas.

4 Tips for Being Patient at Work

What can you do to achieve this goal?

1. Make the development of patience a priority goal

It is vital that you give the necessary space to this goal. If you focus on other goals but do not give space in practice to this challenge, then you do not create the ideal conditions to get personally involved in cultivating this attitude.

2. Identify the moments of impatience

Your experience as a worker is not linear, throughout the week you can have different moods. In what situations do you notice that you get impatient on a regular basis? You can write a diary for two weeks paying attention to the description of these types of episodes, in this way, it will be easier for you to contextualize this reality.

3. Beliefs about time

Impatience can be closely linked to the values ​​that the person has about time. However, time is not a material possession that you can manage from this perspective of reality. It is positive that you care about punctuality or that you are concerned about achieving good results, however, try to meet the established deadlines and focus on the task. If for any reason you are going to be late in the delivery of a project, anticipate that moment to inform your boss of this matter.

Also, if you receive an email with information that requires reading time, you can reply to your interlocutor who will give him a definitive answer in a couple of days.

4. Reserve a margin of time for unforeseen events

When you program your agenda to the millimeter, you start from an ideal vision that is rarely fulfilled. It is natural that unforeseen events arise in the company. Reserve two free hours in your schedule to increase your capacity to respond to these types of situations.

How to be patient with yourself at work

Difficulties can not only be interpersonal. Impatience can also affect you as the protagonist. How can you develop the art of patience?

1. What does this attitude bring you closer to and away from?

It may be that a person has never stopped to think carefully about the effects and consequences of impatience in the reality of work. Therefore, you can brainstorm in two directions: How close does impatience bring you? And what does it take you away from in your work? In turn, you can perform the same exercise but paying attention to patience.

2. Support network

Although you have to take care of your emotional goals individually, see the reality of work as a social environment in which your happiness is greatest when you also feel part of the system as a whole. It is positive that you take care of personal relationships in the organization, especially with those people with whom you have a higher level of affinity.

3. Focus your attention on the short term

The world of work is closely linked to the achievement of new projects that lead you to live constantly focused on the future. However, it is in the short term where you have the ability to influence to move forward. When planning, take special care to attend to the tasks planned for today .

4. Reinforcement of the award

Learning to wait is not always easy. However, you can fuel your motivation to continue with effort and perseverance through the award technique by giving yourself simple whims that make you excited.

How to be patient with others at work

Personal relationships at work can be especially complex. How to be patient with others?

1. There is no single interpretation of reality

It is positive that you increase your vision of reality to understand that your observation is not the only possible interpretation. Perhaps, if you put yourself in the other person's shoes, you would have a different interpretation than you have now.

2. Offer ideas for improvement

One of the main points of conflict in relation to patience is the feeling that workers have that work meetings are a real waste of time because they prolong badly managed meetings to infinity. In that case, you can propose ideas to streamline those meetings through a suggestion box.

3. Think about the times that others have patience with you

This dose of humility is universally necessary when the ego surges most strongly at work. Teamwork means becoming aware of what one contributes to others, but also being aware of what one receives.

4. Learn to ask instead of complain

Impatience, sometimes, manifests itself through complaint. However, it is recommended that you transform this attitude through the assertiveness of making a specific and concrete request to that person. Communication is essential to strengthen teamwork. Others cannot guess your thinking and you do not have this ability either.

5. Identify time thieves

Those gestures that are significant even though they may seem insignificant at first. Identify those points and generate alternatives because when you always do things in the same way, the results are also identical.

6. Digital disconnection

When you're away from work, disconnect from the news in the office. Otherwise, impatience also emerges as a saturation effect. Also, try to transfer the patience that you exercise in other areas of your life with other people with whom you are generally more patient.