What is Message Broker? Definition and Example

What is Message Broker? Definition and Example

What is Message Broker?

Analogically, message broker is a third-party program or intermediary operation system that acts as a post office in sending and receiving messages. It is managing the sent command from the sender termed as publisher or producer to the receiver which termed as consumer or subscriber. The use of this broker can be seen as often as in the online shop and e-marketing concepts nowadays. Basically, it replaces the role of individual work by utilizing middleware system protocols. With this, the simplicity of future messaging process is guaranteed to be convenience enough for all technology users.

Message Broker Definition

Furthermore, a message broker can be simply defined as a program that helps in managing messaging processes. The meaning of message broker is indeed referring to the program. Other names to call it are interface engine or integration broker. To be fairly put, message broker is a human-made proprietary protocol-based system that worked as an act-caller over the commands or messages that is being sent to it.

What does a Message Broker do? Example

1. Transmit sent messages over one or more target

Messages are meant to be delivered. Message broker took the role of transmitting those messages in the shape of data codes and send them over to the designated targets, either one or more destinations. That is the first reason it is often called as the digital post office system.

2. Translating the messages into representative data

Global user means different types of data and commands, of course the different languages too. The broker breaks down the inducted messages and converts them into language system that has been set before. This worked in both ways, too, making sure that both sides of the producer and consumer are on the same page of thinking.

3. Resort to web data from the internet

Sometimes, the brokers are complemented with internet connection. This system will be different because it let them to retrieve internet data on their own, responding to the inquiries from the consumers. The fetched data will be sent back to the customer as their respond, and brought back to the producer as queued data.

4. React to errors

Often times, host server error may happen. This situation doesn’t let the producer to interact with consumer, even just to tell them that their system is in maintenance. This is where the message broker comes in handy. They let the consumer know by sending them a default commands that have been created before in case of errors.

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