Difference Between Votre and Vos

In French, "votre" and "vos" are two possessive adjectives that are often confused by language learners. While they may seem interchangeable at first glance, there are important differences between the two that can affect the meaning of a sentence. In this article, we will explore the definitions, meanings, differences, and relationships between "votre" and "vos," along with examples and a comparison table.

What is "Votre"?

"Votre" is a singular possessive adjective in French that means "your" in English. It is used to show possession of a singular object, person, or idea that belongs to the person being addressed. "Votre" must agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies, just like other French adjectives.

For example:

  • Votre livre est intéressant. (Your book is interesting.) - "livre" is singular and masculine
  • Votre voiture est rouge. (Your car is red.) - "voiture" is singular and feminine

What is "Vos"?

"Vos" is a plural possessive adjective in French that also means "your" in English. It is used to show possession of plural objects, people, or ideas that belong to the person being addressed. "Vos" must also agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies.

For example:

  • Vos livres sont intéressants. (Your books are interesting.) - "livres" is plural and masculine
  • Vos voitures sont rouges. (Your cars are red.) - "voitures" is plural and feminine

Definition and Meaning

To summarize, "votre" and "vos" are both possessive adjectives that mean "your" in English. However, "votre" is singular and "vos" is plural. They must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. Here is a table to illustrate the differences between the two:

  Singular Plural
Masculine Votre Vos
Feminine Votre Vos

What is the Difference?

The main difference between "votre" and "vos" is their number. "Votre" is used for singular nouns, while "vos" is used for plural nouns. Another difference is that "votre" is always followed by a singular noun, whereas "vos" is always followed by a plural noun.

For example:

  • Votre chapeau est élégant. (Your hat is elegant.) - "chapeau" is singular, so "votre" is used
  • Vos chapeaux sont élégants. (Your hats are elegant.) - "chapeaux" is plural, so "vos" is used

It is important to use the correct possessive adjective in French to avoid confusion and convey the intended meaning.


"Votre" and "vos" are related in that they both indicate possession by the person being addressed. They are both used to show ownership or belonging of an object, person, or idea. The choice between "votre" and "vos" depends on whether the noun being modified is singular or plural.


Here are some more examples of "votre" and "vos" in context:

  • Votre maison est grande. (Your house is big.)
  • Votre mère est gentille. (Your mother is nice.)
  • Vos enfants sont adorables. (Your children are adorable.)
  • Vos amis sont drôles. (Your friends are funny.)

In each sentence, "votre" or "vos" is used to show possession of a singular or plural noun.

Comparison Table

To sum up the differences and similarities between "votre" and "vos," here is a comparison table:

  Votre Vos
Number Singular Plural
Gender Must agree with noun Must agree with noun
Examples Votre livre (Your book) Vos livres (Your books)
  Votre voiture (Your car) Vos voitures (Your cars)
  Votre maison (Your house) Vos maisons (Your houses)

As you can see from the table, "votre" is used with singular nouns, while "vos" is used with plural nouns. Both "votre" and "vos" must agree in gender with the noun they modify, and they are both used to indicate possession by the person being addressed.

In conclusion, "votre" and "vos" are two important possessive adjectives in French that can greatly affect the meaning of a sentence. It is important to use the correct one based on the number and gender of the noun being modified. With practice, using "votre" and "vos" correctly will become second nature, and you'll be able to communicate effectively in French.