Difference Between Risky and Risqué

The English language is full of words that are similar in sound but have different meanings. Two such words are "risky" and "risqué". These two words are often confused with each other, and people sometimes use them interchangeably. However, they have completely different meanings and connotations. In this article, we will discuss what "risky" and "risqué" mean, their differences, and provide examples of how they can be used.

What is Risky?

The word "risky" is an adjective that is used to describe something that is likely to involve danger, harm, or loss. It refers to a situation or action that has a high probability of going wrong, resulting in an unfavorable outcome. The risk associated with a particular situation or action is generally measured by the likelihood of the undesirable outcome occurring and the severity of the consequences that may result.

Examples of situations that can be described as "risky" include investing in stocks without proper research, driving recklessly, or attempting a dangerous stunt. In all these cases, there is a high probability of something going wrong, resulting in significant harm or loss.

What is Risqué?

On the other hand, "risqué" is an adjective that is used to describe something that is suggestive of sexual content or topics that are considered taboo. It can be used to describe an art form, a joke, or a conversation that is sexual in nature or that touches on a topic that is considered inappropriate or taboo in polite society.

Examples of situations that can be described as "risqué" include a movie with explicit sexual scenes, a comedian telling sexually explicit jokes, or a conversation that touches on a taboo topic like religion, politics, or sex.

Why Do People Say Risqué?

The word risqué is often used to describe something that is sexually suggestive or taboo. It is used to describe art, literature, and humor that is considered to be edgy or provocative. People use the word risqué to express their appreciation for things that push the boundaries of social norms and expectations.

Risqué can also be used as a euphemism for more explicit language or actions. For example, instead of saying something explicit, someone might use the word risqué to hint at what they mean without being too explicit.

What Does Risqué Mean?

Risqué is an adjective that means suggestive of sexual content or taboo topics. It is often used to describe things that are considered edgy, provocative, or taboo. The word risqué is derived from the French word "risque," which means "risk."

In French, the word risque is used to describe something that is dangerous or uncertain. In English, the meaning of the word has shifted to focus on sexual content or taboo topics. The word risqué is often used to describe things like art, literature, music, and humor that is considered to be provocative or edgy.

What Language Is Risqué?

As mentioned earlier, risqué is a French word that has become a common part of the English language. The word is often used in English to describe things that are sexually suggestive or taboo. However, it is important to note that risqué is not the only French word that has made its way into the English language.

French has had a significant influence on the English language, particularly in areas like art, literature, and culture. Many French words are commonly used in English, including words like café, chic, and ballet. The use of French words in English is often seen as a way to add sophistication or elegance to language.

What is the Difference between Risky and Risqué?

The main difference between "risky" and "risqué" is their meaning and the context in which they are used. "Risky" refers to a situation or action that has a high probability of going wrong, resulting in an unfavorable outcome. In contrast, "risqué" refers to something that is suggestive of sexual content or topics that are considered taboo.

Another difference between the two words is their connotation. "Risky" has a negative connotation, implying that something is dangerous or unwise. "Risqué", on the other hand, has a more neutral connotation, implying that something is suggestive or taboo but not necessarily negative or harmful.

What is the Relationship between Risky and Risqué?

There is no direct relationship between "risky" and "risqué". The two words are not synonyms and do not have any inherent connection with each other. However, they can be used together in a sentence to create a pun or a play on words. For example, "Going to a strip club is risky business, but it can also be quite risqué."

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of "risky" are that it can be used to describe a situation or action that involves risk, which is an essential component of growth and progress. Taking risks is often necessary to achieve success, and the willingness to take calculated risks is a valuable trait in many fields, such as entrepreneurship, investing, and sports.

The disadvantage of "risky" is that it can be dangerous and can result in significant harm or loss. It is essential to weigh the risks against the potential rewards before taking any action that involves risk.

The advantages of "risqué" are that it can be used to describe art forms, jokes, or conversations that touch on taboo topics, which can be entertaining or thought-provoking. It can also be used to express oneself creatively and to explore topics that are not commonly discussed in polite society.

The disadvantage of "risqué" is that it can be offensive to some people and can create discomfort or tension in social situations. It is important to be aware of the context and the audience before using "risqué" language or humor.


To summarize the differences between "risky" and "risqué", the following table can be used:

  Risky Risqué
Meaning Likely to involve danger, harm, or loss Suggestive of sexual content or taboo topics
Connotation Negative Neutral
Relationship No direct relationship Can be used together in a sentence to create a pun or play on words
Advantages Can be necessary for growth and progress Can be entertaining and thought-provoking
Disadvantages Can be dangerous and result in harm or loss Can be offensive and create discomfort or tension


In conclusion, "risky" and "risqué" are two words in the English language that sound similar but have completely different meanings and connotations. "Risky" refers to a situation or action that has a high probability of going wrong, resulting in an unfavorable outcome. "Risqué" refers to something that is suggestive of sexual content or taboo topics.

While the two words are not related, they can be used together in a sentence to create a pun or play on words. It is important to be aware of the context and the audience before using "risqué" language or humor as it can be offensive to some people and create discomfort or tension in social situations. It is also important to weigh the risks against potential rewards before taking any action that involves risk.