Difference Between Dynamic and Static IP

The internet has become an indispensable part of our lives, and with it comes the need for IP addresses. An IP address is a unique identifier that helps devices communicate with each other over the internet. There are two types of IP addresses: static and dynamic. In this article, we will explore the differences between dynamic and static IP addresses.

What is Dynamic?

Dynamic refers to something that is constantly changing or in a state of flux. In the context of IP addresses, dynamic IP addresses are those that change each time a device connects to the internet. Dynamic IP addresses are assigned by a DHCP server, which stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The DHCP server assigns a new IP address to a device each time it connects to the internet.

What is Static IP?

Static IP addresses, on the other hand, are fixed and do not change. A static IP address is assigned to a device and remains the same each time the device connects to the internet. Static IP addresses are typically assigned by network administrators to servers, routers, and other devices that require a permanent address.

Definition of Dynamic and Static IP

To further understand the differences between dynamic and static IP addresses, let's take a look at the following table:

Dynamic IP Static IP
Changes each Remains the
time device same each
connects to internet time device
Assigned by DHCP Assigned by
server network

Meaning of Dynamic and Static IP

As the table above shows, dynamic IP addresses change each time a device connects to the internet and are assigned by a DHCP server. Static IP addresses, on the other hand, remain the same each time a device connects to the internet and are typically assigned by network administrators.

What's the Difference between Dynamic and Static IP?

The main difference between dynamic and static IP addresses is that dynamic IP addresses change each time a device connects to the internet, whereas static IP addresses remain the same. Dynamic IP addresses are typically used by devices that do not require a permanent address, such as laptops and smartphones, whereas static IP addresses are used by devices that require a permanent address, such as servers and routers.

Another difference between dynamic and static IP addresses is that dynamic IP addresses are assigned by a DHCP server, whereas static IP addresses are assigned by network administrators. DHCP servers are used to automatically assign IP addresses to devices, whereas network administrators must manually assign static IP addresses.

What's the Relationship between Dynamic and Static IP?

Dynamic and static IP addresses are both important components of a network. Dynamic IP addresses are useful for devices that do not require a permanent address and need to be assigned an IP address automatically. Static IP addresses, on the other hand, are useful for devices that require a permanent address and need to be assigned a specific IP address.

What is the difference between static and dynamic devices?

Static devices are devices that have a fixed IP address, whereas dynamic devices are devices that are assigned a new IP address each time they connect to the internet. Static devices are typically used for servers, routers, and other devices that require a permanent address, whereas dynamic devices are typically used for laptops, smartphones, and other devices that do not require a permanent address.


Let's say you have a laptop that you use to connect to the internet. If you have a dynamic IP address, each time you connect to the internet, you will be assigned a new IP address by the DHCP server. However, if you have a static IP address, you will be assigned the same IP address each time you connect to the internet.

Table of Comparison:

To summarize the differences between dynamic and static IP addresses, let's take a look at the following table:

Dynamic IP Static IP
Changes each Remains the
time device same each
connects to internet time device
Assigned by DHCP Assigned by
server network
Useful for devices Useful for devices
that do not that require a
require a permanent permanent address
address, such as such as servers
laptops and and routers

As you can see from the table, dynamic and static IP addresses have different characteristics and are used for different purposes. Dynamic IP addresses are useful for devices that do not require a permanent address, such as laptops and smartphones, whereas static IP addresses are useful for devices that require a permanent address, such as servers and routers.


In conclusion, IP addresses are a crucial component of the internet, and there are two types of IP addresses: dynamic and static. Dynamic IP addresses change each time a device connects to the internet and are assigned by a DHCP server, whereas static IP addresses remain the same and are assigned by network administrators. Dynamic IP addresses are useful for devices that do not require a permanent address, such as laptops and smartphones, whereas static IP addresses are useful for devices that require a permanent address, such as servers and routers. Understanding the differences between dynamic and static IP addresses is important for network administrators and anyone who uses the internet regularly.