Difference Between Guilt and Shame

Guilt and shame are two common emotions that people experience in their daily lives. Both emotions can be difficult to manage and can have a negative impact on a person's mental health and well-being. In this article, we will explore what guilt and shame are, the differences between the two, their relationship, and the similarities they share.

What Is Guilt?

Guilt is an emotional response that occurs when a person has done something wrong or violated a personal or societal value or standard. It is a feeling of regret, remorse, or responsibility for one's actions or inactions. Guilt can be a helpful emotion because it can motivate a person to correct their behavior and make amends for their actions. However, excessive guilt can be harmful and lead to feelings of shame and self-blame.

What Is Shame?

Shame, on the other hand, is a feeling of humiliation, embarrassment, or inadequacy that arises when a person believes they have failed to meet certain standards or expectations set by themselves or others. Shame is often accompanied by feelings of worthlessness and inferiority and can lead to self-destructive behaviors such as isolation, self-blame, and avoidance.

What's the Difference Between Guilt and Shame?

While guilt and shame are often used interchangeably, they are distinct emotions. Guilt is focused on the behavior, while shame is focused on the person. Guilt is a feeling that arises from doing something wrong, whereas shame is a feeling that arises from being something wrong. Guilt is a more rational emotion, whereas shame is a more irrational emotion.

What's the Relationship Between Guilt and Shame?

Guilt and shame are often intertwined, and it's not uncommon for a person to experience both emotions simultaneously. Guilt can lead to shame when a person internalizes their actions as a reflection of their character, leading to feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness. In contrast, shame can lead to guilt when a person recognizes that their behavior is not consistent with their values or beliefs, leading to feelings of remorse and regret.

What Is the Similarities Between Guilt and Shame?

Despite their differences, guilt and shame share some similarities. Both emotions can be distressing and lead to negative consequences for a person's mental health and well-being. They can also be triggered by similar events, such as moral transgressions or social rejection.

Table of Comparison:

  Guilt Shame
Definition Feeling of regret or responsibility for one's actions or inactions. Feeling of humiliation, embarrassment, or inadequacy for failing to meet certain standards or expectations.
Focus Behavior Person
Rationality Rational Irrational
Consequences Motivates behavior change and amends. Leads to self-destructive behaviors such as isolation and avoidance.
Triggered by Moral transgressions or failure to live up to personal or societal standards. Social rejection or failure to meet internalized standards or expectations.


Guilt and shame are complex emotions that can have a significant impact on a person's mental health and well-being. While they share some similarities, they are distinct emotions with different focuses and consequences. Understanding the differences between guilt and shame can help individuals better manage these emotions and their associated negative effects.