How does an envious person behave? 8 keys to identify envious people

Envious people share behavior patterns.

Learning to identify them will help us so that their attitudes do not cause us harm.

They say of envious people that they keep a secret.

That under their attentive and suspicious gazes, frustration hides, an unsatisfied need and, in turn, a psychological exhaustion that they do not know how to solve.

Because envy, believe it or not, involves great efforts: observe, compare, monitor and above all, suffer in silence the weight of unhappiness.

We all know well how an envious acts.

Even more, if we identify this dimension in foreign worlds, it is because we ourselves have also experienced it on some occasion.

This emotion also defines the human being.

However, there is no shortage of those who ask the following question.

If all emotions serve a purpose, what purpose would this psychological reality have for our survival? What anthropologists and psychologists tell us is the following.

Envy is related to competition and social comparison.

It is part of our self-assessment.

In this way, envious people present this type of drive to a greater degree because they see themselves as limited or lacking in a series of characteristics.

They crave what others see because they think that with that quality that they lack they would have a greater social advantage.

How do envious people act?

Envy has a relief and transcendence that make it unique from the rest of the emotions.

It's not hard for most of us to say we're sad, angry, disappointed, or even jealous.

However, hardly anyone would dare to say out loud that they are envious.

This dimension is perceived as something childish, as something mean and, moreover, it is shameful.

Thus, what envious people do is limit themselves to hiding that emotion.

That camouflage is covered with a strong character, with a very marked type of personality where everything appears to be straight and apparent perfection.

It is an impeccable armor that is very useful to hide that essence where low self-esteem lives and the longing for what others have or do.

Let's look at some of its main features.

Extinguish illusions

A wonderful event has just happened to you, and as soon as you convey it to the person in question, they begin to downplay it, and even belittle it.

The act of detracting from your triumphs is a necessity, a strategy with which to dull your shine and be able to put yourself at their height.

Envious people do not want competitors, they cannot bear to be surpassed or outdone.

He will criticize you in public

One of the most significant traits of a person who is envious of you is putting you down or making negative comments about you to other people.

Often those poisoned spears come to you unexpectedly, and when it happens you don't know what to do.

That is his advantage, that of catching us off guard, that of making use of an audience so that the humiliation is sudden and thus, assuming power over you.

Forced celebrations

If you want to identify envious people, pay attention to their non-verbal language.

Let's take an example.

You have passed some oppositions, you cannot be happier and more radiant.

You tell your friend the “great news” and they become extremely happy.

Now, if you look at his expressions you will see that they are forced, that his smile is unnatural, false.

You realize right away that he's faking it.

Why? so that his envy goes unnoticed.

The Phantom Help

If there is something that abounds in excess, it is the supposed friends of the soul.

Of those who promise us unconditional support, of those who say they give everything for us.

However, when we need them most, they are not there.

The soul friend in this case is a shadow friend, a fugitive who, in reality, never experienced affection, affection or complicity.

The only thing he silently felt was envy.

Envious people compete with you and steal your credit.

A common project, teamwork, a shared goal...

There are situations where sooner or later envious people end up standing out, those who at least take the credit, those who don't hesitate to say that "without me you don't do it.

" you would have achieved”.

We cannot forget that envy is above all the need to have advantages over others.

Getting on top of you is his main objective and therefore he will use any means.

Likewise, they are usually highly competitive people, who will do everything possible to stand out more than others, emphasizing that their achievements are entirely their own merit.

Interferes in any area

If there are envious people in our environment, their impact reaches any area.

Your arts, your words, acts and presence will affect our work performance.

He will not hesitate to boycott friendships, to turn off illusions, to criticize you behind your back, to gradually close your entire circle to turn off your shine.

To erase what makes you unique and envies you.

These types of people can even give you bad advice to sabotage your plans and make you fail, taking advantage of your trust in them and in their judgment.

Suddenly disappears from your life

Everything is going great, you are happy, everything is going well and suddenly that friend of yours disappears from the face of the earth without warning.

You start to see him much less, making excuses so as not to see each other.

It turns out that your current happiness is a reminder that your life is immersed in many frustrations, those that you prefer not to dare to work and get ahead.

The feeling of frustration eats away at them

As striking as it may seem to us, envy is not caused only by the desire to have an advantage over others.

Envious people suffer.

And they do it because of their feeling of inferiority and frustration, because of that low self-esteem that forces them to yearn for what others have and to hate those who are close to them for having what they want.

Many times, these feelings of frustration even lead them to establish relationships of false friendship with those they envy, to feel at least "sprinkled" with the success they perceive in others.

What do we do if we have envious people in our circle? The first tip is to employ empathy.

It is very positive in these cases to be able to reflect on a very basic fact: what has led that person to live under such a negative emotion? What causes that behavior? Therefore, it is not a question of objectifying the envious person, of establishing walls and limiting ourselves to placing that label.

We are able to go deeper.

Likewise, another recommended exercise in this circumstance is to talk to that person about what their behavior is causing us.

Reaching an understanding is always the best thing in a relationship of any kind.

In fact, anything is more advisable than limiting ourselves to sentencing, cutting ties, putting distance.

Let's give the opportunity for envy to come to their senses, for that person to heal wounds, rebuild their self-esteem and repair that me so battered that only lives on frustrations.