What is Tertiary Needs? Definition of Tertiary Needs, Tertiary Needs Meaning and Concept

Tertiary needs are those based on social aspects, coexistence or social recognition.

Tertiary needs arise when the primary and secondary needs have been met. In this case, the objective is to meet social needs.

When people have already satisfied the primary and secondary needs that are essential for human life (especially the primary ones), they begin to have other types of needs that are reflected in the tertiary ones.

Types of tertiary needs

These are the most characteristic of this group:

  • The need to be part of a group of friends, to meet like-minded people with whom to share hobbies and leisure time.
  • Receive the love and affection of family and loved ones as a sign of love.
  • Living in a fair society where that feeling and that security prevail.
  • Establish couple relationships to live together and share interests.
  • Stand out in the work where the good achievement of objectives and the work carried out are rewarded.
  • Being a socially respected person.
  • Being able to participate in solidarity and humanitarian activities.
  • Being able to be responsible for the actions generated by oneself.
  • Build good relationships in the workplace.
  • Belong to interest and leisure groups where you can enjoy common hobbies.

In short, it is about managing to meet those needs thanks to establishing ties and social relationships.

Needs according to Maslow

A need is a lack that has to be supplied. They can be unlimited, constantly created, deleted, and reappear. Abraham Maslow (American psychologist) established a hierarchy in which he divided these types of needs into three blocks:

  • Primary needs : Those essential to subsist and that are related to the physiology of people. Among them are: eating, breathing, bathing, drinking water, defecating...these are essential needs to live.
  • Secondary needs : These are those that according to Maslow refer to improving their quality of life. Medical assistance, vaccinations, being able to bundle up during the cold, having a place to live, knowing that there is safety on the streets and in life in general. They are the next step to ensure a quality life now and in the future.
  • Tertiary needs : They are the protagonists of this article, and in them Maslow emphasizes that it is a third step, to cover the most social and companionship aspect that is not vital to survive, but is necessary to have a better social and vital interaction..
Maslow's pyramid

These are the large groups that the author defines in his pyramid and in which he delimits the importance of supplying these needs, and the type. In this way, although there may be thousands of needs, it is a way to be able to evaluate and segment the most essential in the first place and the rest in the following groups.