What is Consumption Habits? Definition of Consumption Habits, Consumption Habits Meaning and Concept

Consumption habits are the preferences and predispositions that buyers have when selecting a good or service that they are going to purchase. This decision is influenced by various factors that impact differently on each person.

Consumption habits are, then, those behaviors that consumers follow when making a purchase. This is the object of study by companies in order to expand or consolidate their market.

As we mentioned before, several variables determine the purchase decision, and we will detail them in the next section.

Factors that influence shopping habits

The factors that influence buying habits are, mainly, the following:

  • Fashion: Refers to trends, to products that are arousing interest in the market.
  • Seasonality: There are periods throughout the year in which the demand for certain types of items increases. For example, jackets (coats) as the autumn-winter season approaches.
  • Brands : There are consumers with a clear preference for certain brands, and they are loyal to them, except in certain circumstances, such as when there is a lack of stock.
  • Availability: Refers to the status of the offer at a certain time. In the case of agricultural products, for example, there are months of the year where there is greater availability than in others, when it coincides with the harvest season.
  • Type of establishment: People may have a preference for their local store, for a supermarket with a greater variety of products, or for another type of store.
  • Payment facilities: It is increasingly important for consumers to be able to make their purchases quickly and safely. Especially in the case of electronic commerce, which is growing.

Types of consumers according to their buying habits

Based on their shopping habits, consumers can be mainly classified into the following types:

  • Low cost: They are those that compare all possible options, looking for the lowest prices. This, above the quality of the product.
  • Compulsive: They are those who buy on impulse, just for the satisfaction of owning something. However, they later regret it, as they tend to spend beyond their means and get into debt.
  • Hunting offers: They are the ones who are always attentive to offers to take advantage of the opportunity. Although they could be confused with the compulsive ones, since both are guided by the sales, the bargain hunters do a more rational exercise when making a purchase decision. Thus, they identify significant product offerings that they know they need, or will require in the near future.
  • Cars: They are those that usually reserve time on the weekend to make large purchases that will cover their needs in the coming days.
  • Small baskets: They are those who make frequent small purchases, even more than one a day, since they do not have space to store their purchases. It may be, for example, that they live in a very small place, or that their refrigerator is not very spacious (or perhaps they do not have one).
  • Rational: They make their purchases in establishments where they know the owners and / or the people they serve. Thus, the action of shopping also implies socializing.