Causes of school failure

Causes of school failure
More than ever, family and school must form a team
Recommended age From 8 to +13 years

In general, low motivation, poor performance or school failure are not directly related to problems in cognitive functions or with specific learning difficulties. In most cases, the causes are associated with motivational and environmental aspects. Do not miss this article.

The first thing: rule out cognitive causes

These are some of the causes that can motivate a school failure:
  • Lack of basic study and work habits.
  • Low self-esteem, insecurity and little confidence in one's abilities.
  • Lack of clear family references in relation to authority, autonomy and personal responsibility.
  • Family conflicts that prevent the student from experiencing the balance and emotional well-being essential to learn, grow and enjoy studying and life in general.
  • An educational system that tends to the homogeneity of students and that, due to lack of resources or other reasons, does not meet their individuality and more personal needs.

The nature of the child and his innate ability to learn

The natural in the human being is his desire for knowledge. Children have a natural tendency to activity and learning by putting all their energy and eagerness in that goal. Sometimes it happens that they are not interested in what their families and teachers want them to do. Other times, the problem is not in the lack of motivation, but in making the study more attractive and interesting. If we do not connect with their world, vital experience and interests, we run the risk of extinguishing their innate desires for learning and personal development.

What can we do?

  • Give importance to school life. Not only to the notes but to everything that happens in the center. To relationships with classmates, teachers, school outings, camps and colonies, parties, etc. It is important that you like what you do, that you feel happy, welcomed and safe at school. If you do not feel well, you will be tense and worried, you will not be able to learn or study properly.
  • Help you develop good habits. That he learn to take responsibility for what he does, that he be respectful of people. That assumes the limits and norms to have a favorable attitude towards discipline and order. Let him learn that effort is necessary to make things right. Help you plan and organize time. Devote daily time to school activity. Take care and keep your books and materials tidy.