Why do I argue with everyone?

Why do I argue with everyone?
The discussions are very constructive when they have a reason for being and an assertive development.

On the contrary, when the person feels a constant loss of energy because of discussions that seem to become habit. Then, it is convenient to correct this attitude because it is very unproductive.

Why do I argue with everyone? If you ask yourself this question, then keep in mind that everyone who has been through this situation at some point in their life knows that this situation is exhausting at the mental level.

In Transkerja.com, we give you the keys to identify the cause that limits you in your relationships with others.

Why do I fight with everyone?

Just as there are people who always find reasons to be happy learning to be positive. Others on the contrary, adopt the opposite attitude.

They are people who always have arguments to look for a reason to argue about. That is, they are experts in seeking imperfection even in a scenario of harmony. Because, there are different manifestations of this behavior.

Destructive criticism

Some people position themselves on a reality plane from which they do not measure the side effect that their words produce in their relationships with others.

They can become very hurtful in their assessments and observations not only in the message they express. Also, by how they express it from a tone of authority.

Maybe, you argue recurrently with people because you look more at those aspects that you do not like about other people than about their virtues.

In addition, this dissatisfaction leads you to always look at that action that you did not like, at unfulfilled expectations or at improvable aspects.

Frequent reproaches

Another manifestation of behavior with little social intelligence is that which leads the person to seek changes in others through messages that show continuous reproaches. However, in this case, you position yourself in the right to make those claims constant to others.

Difficulties to accept the rules
Standards are not only present in childhood when children receive guidelines from their parents in order to find in these principles an ethical support in the act.

Norms are also present in adult life. For example, at work.

However, some people have clear difficulties in relating to the concept of norm that they misunderstand as a limit to their own freedom.

In this way, those who do not want to submit to any type of rule constantly argue with others, simply because it is not feasible to live together without accepting the limits.

If you usually argue with others, think about whether you are posing a pulse in those situations in which you want to assert your opinion, your criteria and your point of view over any other type of objective data.

That is, maybe you want to show something to yourself or others through the attitude that does not lead to any positive end because it makes you feel locked in a spiral loop in which you go through different sequences that have a similar scheme.

The suffering of people who argue for everything

The constant discussions can also be a clear symptom of the pain that a person has inside because of a bad patch. Pain can manifest itself through attitudes that go beyond crying. Sometimes, a human being can be suffering a lot internally and, externally, show this pain through a behavior that is not usual in him.

In this case, inner suffering acquires meaning precisely because the discussions do not have a concrete and objective character but are habitual and recurrent. That is, the person seems to be angry at life.

In this type of situation, it is common for the immediate environment, aware that this person is not going through a good time, be patient with the protagonist and try to justify some of their reactions.

However, at some point, the person will have to realize that he should not discharge his frustrations with others, and then he must learn to untie the emotional knots that produce pain.

Difficulties to work in a team

In the professional environment, in the academic field or even in the family, this inertia of discussing frequently can also show the difficulties that the person has to work and collaborate in a team for a common goal.

That is, if the person feels more comfortable from an individualistic role, personal relationships position him on a reality level in which he has to reach agreements with others and make common decisions.

In relation to teamwork, this type of conflict can also arise when one who aspires to position himself as the leader of the group does not manage to be a reference for others.

Alternatively, also, when in the same group two or more people aspire to be leaders. Then, a power struggle arises.