Difference Between Arraylist and Linkedlist

When it comes to programming, one of the fundamental concepts is data structures. They are an essential part of designing efficient algorithms and optimizing code performance. Two commonly used data structures in Java are ArrayList and LinkedList. Although both of these data structures serve the same purpose of storing data, there are significant differences between them. In this article, we will explore the differences between ArrayList and LinkedList, their advantages, and disadvantages, and when to use one over the other.

What is an ArrayList?

ArrayList is a dynamic array that allows you to add or remove elements at runtime. It is part of the Java Collection Framework and provides an implementation of the List interface. The ArrayList class provides several methods to add, remove, and manipulate elements in the list.

One of the main advantages of ArrayList is that it provides constant-time access to any element in the list. It achieves this by storing the elements in contiguous memory locations. Thus, when you access an element, you can do so in constant time by using its index.

Another advantage of ArrayList is that it is easy to use and understand. It has a simple interface, and most developers are familiar with its methods and behavior.

What is a LinkedList?

A LinkedList is a data structure that consists of a sequence of nodes. Each node contains a reference to the next node in the sequence. Unlike ArrayList, LinkedList does not store its elements in contiguous memory locations. Instead, each node stores a reference to the next node in the sequence. This structure allows you to add or remove elements at any position in the list.

LinkedList provides several methods to add, remove, and manipulate elements in the list. One of the main advantages of LinkedList is that it is more memory-efficient than ArrayList. This is because LinkedList does not require contiguous memory locations to store its elements.

Another advantage of LinkedList is that it provides constant-time insertion and deletion operations. This is because you only need to update the references of the adjacent nodes when you add or remove an element.

ArrayList vs. LinkedList: Performance Comparison

When it comes to performance, ArrayList and LinkedList have different strengths and weaknesses. The performance of each data structure depends on the specific use case and the operations performed on the list.

  1. Accessing Elements:

Accessing elements in ArrayList is faster than LinkedList. This is because ArrayList stores its elements in contiguous memory locations. When you access an element, you can do so in constant time by using its index. On the other hand, accessing an element in LinkedList requires traversing the nodes in the list until you reach the desired element. This operation has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of elements in the list.

  1. Adding and Removing Elements:

Adding or removing elements from the beginning or end of the list is faster in ArrayList than LinkedList. This is because ArrayList provides constant-time insertion and deletion operations for these positions. On the other hand, adding or removing elements from the middle of the list is faster in LinkedList. This is because you only need to update the references of the adjacent nodes when you add or remove an element.

  1. Memory Usage:

LinkedList uses less memory than ArrayList. This is because LinkedList does not require contiguous memory locations to store its elements. Instead, each node stores a reference to the next node in the sequence. This structure allows you to add or remove elements at any position in the list. On the other hand, ArrayList requires contiguous memory locations to store its elements. This means that you need to allocate a fixed amount of memory to the list when you create it.

  1. Iterating over Elements:

Iterating over elements in LinkedList is slower than ArrayList. This is because LinkedList requires traversing the nodes in the list to access each element. On the other hand, iterating over elements in ArrayList is faster because the elements are stored in contiguous memory locations.

When to Use

Now that we have compared the performance of ArrayList and LinkedList, let's look at some scenarios where one data structure is more suitable than the other.

  1. When to Use ArrayList:

Use ArrayList when:

  • You need fast access to elements at a specific index.
  • You are adding or removing elements from the end of the list.
  • You are iterating over the elements in the list.

Some examples of use cases for ArrayList are:

  • Storing a collection of objects that need to be accessed frequently by index.
  • Implementing a stack data structure where elements are added and removed from the top of the stack.
  • Creating a list of user inputs that need to be processed in the order they were received.
  1. When to Use LinkedList:

Use LinkedList when:

  • You need to frequently add or remove elements from the middle of the list.
  • You are working with a large data set and memory usage is a concern.

Some examples of use cases for LinkedList are:

  • Implementing a queue data structure where elements are added at one end and removed from the other end.
  • Implementing a linked list of nodes that represent a graph.
  • Storing a collection of objects that are frequently added and removed in a specific order.

Why use LinkedList over ArrayList?

LinkedList and ArrayList are both important data structures in Java, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. There are situations where LinkedList is more suitable than ArrayList. Here are some reasons why you might want to use LinkedList over ArrayList:

  1. Dynamic Size:

LinkedList is a dynamic data structure, which means that it can grow or shrink in size as needed. This makes it ideal for situations where the number of elements in the list is unknown or can change at runtime. ArrayList, on the other hand, has a fixed size that is determined when the list is created. If you need to add or remove elements from an ArrayList, you need to create a new ArrayList with a larger or smaller size, which can be inefficient.

  1. Constant Time Insertion and Deletion:

LinkedList provides constant time insertion and deletion operations, even when adding or removing elements from the middle of the list. This is because you only need to update the references of the adjacent nodes when you add or remove an element. In contrast, adding or removing elements from the middle of an ArrayList requires shifting all the elements after the insertion or deletion point, which can be inefficient.

  1. Memory Efficiency:

LinkedList is more memory-efficient than ArrayList because it does not require contiguous memory locations to store its elements. Instead, each node stores a reference to the next node in the sequence. This structure allows you to add or remove elements at any position in the list without having to allocate a fixed amount of memory for the entire list. In contrast, ArrayList requires contiguous memory locations to store its elements. This means that you need to allocate a fixed amount of memory to the list when you create it.

  1. Flexibility:

LinkedList provides more flexibility than ArrayList in terms of the operations you can perform on the list. For example, you can easily insert or remove nodes from the middle of the list without having to shift all the elements after the insertion or deletion point. This makes LinkedList ideal for situations where you need to frequently add or remove elements from the list, or where the order of the elements in the list is important.

  1. Performance in Some Scenarios:

In some scenarios, LinkedList can outperform ArrayList. For example, if you need to add or remove elements from the middle of the list frequently, LinkedList can be faster than ArrayList. This is because LinkedList provides constant time insertion and deletion operations, while ArrayList requires shifting all the elements after the insertion or deletion point.

LinkedList is more suitable than ArrayList in situations where the size of the list is unknown or can change at runtime, where you need to frequently add or remove elements from the list, where memory efficiency is important, or where you need more flexibility in the operations you can perform on the list. However, it is worth noting that ArrayList is still a good choice in many scenarios, especially when you need fast access to elements at a specific index or when you are iterating over the elements in the list. Ultimately, the choice between LinkedList and ArrayList depends on the specific use case and the operations you need to perform on the list.

What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?

In summary, ArrayList is an implementation of the List interface that uses an array to store its elements, while LinkedList is an implementation of the List interface that uses a doubly-linked list to store its elements. ArrayList provides fast access to elements at a specific index, while LinkedList provides fast insertion and deletion of elements at any position in the list. The choice between these two data structures depends on the specific use case and the operations that need to be performed on the list.


In conclusion, both ArrayList and LinkedList are important data structures in Java, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. The choice of which data structure to use depends on the specific use case and the operations performed on the list. ArrayList is more suitable when you need fast access to elements at a specific index, and you are adding or removing elements from the end of the list. LinkedList is more suitable when you need to frequently add or remove elements from the middle of the list or when memory usage is a concern. By understanding the differences between these two data structures, you can choose the one that best fits your needs and optimize your code performance.