Why do we feel embarrassed?

Why we feel embarrassed The shame of others is a feeling that is born from social intelligence based on empathy. That is, the human being has the ability to put himself in the place of the other or to project himself into possible future situations similar to those he observes in other people. In t… Continue to read

Why I feel inferior to others

Why I feel inferior to others One of the most obvious symptoms that we are going through a period of vulnerability in our self-esteem is that we compare ourselves relatively frequently with others. Moreover, the nuance of comparison acquires a negative prism for those who position themselves in an i… Continue to read

Why I get angry for no reason

Why I get angry for no reason Getting angry is human. However, it is important to remember the wisdom of Aristotle's message: "Anyone can get angry, that's a simple thing, but getting angry with the right person, in the right degree, at the right time, with the right purpose and in the… Continue to read

Emotional attachment in adults: types, causes and symptoms

Emotional attachment in adults: types, causes and symptoms When we speak of emotional attachment, we refer to that emotional bond that is generated between a baby or child and the adult person who takes care of him, normally the father or the mother. In 1958, the psychologist John Bowlby was the f… Continue to read

Why do I argue with everyone?

Why do I argue with everyone? The discussions are very constructive when they have a reason for being and an assertive development. On the contrary, when the person feels a constant loss of energy because of discussions that seem to become habit. Then, it is convenient to correct this attitude becaus… Continue to read

What does the color red mean in psychology?

What does the color red mean in psychology? It is said that red was the first of the colors to receive a name. This tonality is part of the so-called primary colors and we can find it in many elements found in our day to day, in nature, clothing, advertising ... however, throughout history, has acq… Continue to read

Why it costs me so much to express my feelings

Why it costs me so much to express my feelings In many occasions, expressing our feelings and emotions can become a rather complicated task especially when we have never been accustomed to it. We may know how to identify what we feel and know ourselves well, but we do not know what the best way to c… Continue to read

Why I'm Always so Nervous

Why I'm always so nervous Point nervousness is logical when it has a cause that produces it, a specific reason. However, when nervousness becomes a frequent component of the way a person feels, then this is an indication that there is something that should be modified internally. A person may n… Continue to read

What does the butterfly effect mean in psychology?

What does the butterfly effect mean in psychology? " The beating of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane in another part of the world " This phrase summarizes this curious theory which states that every little act we do has enormous consequences in the world and in the people aroun… Continue to read

How to stop feeling guilty about everything

How to stop feeling guilty about everything All of us have experienced at some point in our lives the feeling of guilt. This feeling, in spite of being quite uncomfortable and annoying, also usually brings with it extremely positive aspects if it becomes responsibility. If the responsibilities did no… Continue to read

Why I scream when I get angry

Why I scream when I get angry It is not always easy to manage an angry situation. When we argue with someone, we are likely to lose control and end up raising our voice a little. However, we have to keep in mind that, screaming, all we get is to make the problem more important and that the other pe… Continue to read

Why it's so hard for me to do things

Why it is so hard for me to do things The vast majority of people have at least in mind, a series of plans and objectives that we want to achieve. However, there are also people who, despite their short-term plans, have a hard time getting down to work and starting to carry out what they want and t… Continue to read

How to cope with an unwanted pregnancy

How to cope with an unwanted pregnancy Normally, when we talk about unwanted pregnancies, the image of a young adolescent who has become pregnant or of a woman who has been raped and now does not know what to do comes to mind almost immediately. Although this usually happens continuously, there ar… Continue to read

What to do when someone envies you

What to do when someone envies you Envy is one of the emotional experiences that you can feel as a protagonist or, also, as a recipient of someone else has gaze. In the first case, the discomfort you feel is internal. In the second situation, you can suffer the effects of the actions of those people … Continue to read

What to do when someone ignores you

What to do when someone ignores you When someone ignores you and, in turn, you do not have any interest in that person, then there is no emotional conflict because the interests of both are fully compatible. However, when someone interests you in some way, however, you receive the response of indiff… Continue to read

Difference Between Emotion and Feeling in Psychology

The concepts of emotion and feeling are often confused very often because they seem to have a great similarity, so much, so that even in psychology they can often be used as if they were synonyms, however, we are talking about two different experiences. The words emotion and feeling have been used … Continue to read
