Apa itu Waterproofing? Metode dan Jenis Waterproofing Pada Konstruksi Bangunan

Waterproofing adalah proses membuat objek atau struktur tahan air atau kedap air sehingga relatif tidak terpengaruh oleh air atau menahan masuknya air dalam kondisi tertentu. Barang-barang tersebut dapat digunakan di lingkungan basah atau bawah air untuk kedalaman yang ditentukan. Waterproofing dig… Continue to read

Kumpulan Jenis Pelapis Lantai yang Banyak Dipakai Pada Lantai

Pelapis lantai telah lama menjadi bagian integral dari desain interior di apartemen, rumah, juga kantor. Berbagai jenis pelapis lantai digunakan untuk memberikan elastisitas lantai dan penampilan yang menarik. Tapi hanya lantai yang tepat yang akan menambah gaya ke ruangan dan membawa kenyamanan ke… Continue to read

Apa Itu Injeksi Molding dan Bagaimana Cara Kerja Injeksi Molding?

Apa itu injection molding ? Injeksi molding adalah proses pembuatan yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat barang-barang mulai dari pernak-pernik plastik dan mainan hingga bagian tubuh otomotif, kotak ponsel, botol air, dan wadah. Pada dasarnya banyak bagian plastik yang kita gunakan dalam kehidupan seh… Continue to read

How to choose my electric hammer? 5 tips for choosing

How to choose my electric hammer? 5 tips for choosing There are many people who come to our store with the need to buy an electric hammer but with doubts about which to buy, since the goal is to meet the needs of the buyer to the fullest. In this post we will expose all possible types of electric ham… Continue to read

Definition of hydraulic and pneumatic systems

Definition of hydraulic and pneumatic systems Machines of all kinds need energy. This allows machines to do certain types of work. Two of the most efficient and compact forms of power for machines are hydraulic and pneumatic systems. These systems can be configured in different types of energy sourc… Continue to read

What is a hydroelectric? Hydroelectric definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The hydroelectric adjective refers to that pertaining to or related to hydroelectricity . This term is linked to the electricity that is obtained through hydraulic energy , which is the type of energy generated by the movement of water. Hydraulic or water energy, therefore, takes advantage of the ki… Continue to read

What is the usefulness of reservoirs? Definition of reservoir - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Areservoir is a reservoir of water that forms artificially. Typically, the mouth of a valley is closed through a dam or a dike, storing water from a river or a stream . With these waters, nearby populations can be supplied, produce electricity or irrigate land. For example: "Concern in the sout… Continue to read

Piston definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept

What are the pistons of an engine? A piston is a part that is part of the operating mechanism of an engine . Also known as a plunger, it is an element that moves alternately inside a cylinder to interact with a fluid. Made of aluminum, the pistons are installed in the cylinder through rings with flex… Continue to read

Advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic gear pumps

A hydraulic gear pump is a type of rotary pump that creates fluid flow and pressure by rotating two gears inside a housing. A gear is driven by an external power supply; The other is a pinion. The fluid enters through the suction created at an inlet port and is pressurized and moved by the rotation… Continue to read

9 Types of Valves with Different Operation

9 Types of Valves with Different Operation In this article, we briefly explain the operation and differences between 9 types of valves with their different uses and uses  of each. 1. Needle Valves Its name is due to its conical closing shaft that functions as a plug in a  small  opening. The needle … Continue to read

Relief valve hydraulic

Relief valve hydraulic The relief valve hydraulic is an important exponent in hydraulic systems. Its use is synonymous with a number of benefits, such as better pressure distribution in hydraulic systems. The hydraulic relief valve is used mainly in industry, in which it provides performance gains o… Continue to read

Hydraulic torque wrench enerpac

Hydraulic torque wrench enerpac Enerpac offers a wide variety of tightening options that perfectly match the requirements of your application, from manual torque multipliers to pneumatic and electric torque wrenches, in addition to a comprehensive range of hydraulic torque wrenches and interconnecta… Continue to read

Pressure relief valves

Pressure relief valves The 50 series pressure relief valve is designed to maintain a constant pressure upstream within tight limits. Once in operation, the valve is actuated by the line pressure through a pilot control system that opens quickly to maintain a stable line pressure, but closes gradual… Continue to read

Diaphragm valves: Advantages and disadvantages of diaphragm valves

Diaphragm valves: Advantages and disadvantages of diaphragm valves Diaphragm valve It is a type of valve that has a flexible diaphragm that partially opens, closes or obstructs one or more holes or conduits. Diaphragm valves are used for cutting and throttling liquids that can carry a large amount of… Continue to read

Plug valve VS ball valve

Plug valve VS ball valve    The plug valve with one-piece upper inlet design has many similarities to a one-piece upper inlet ball valve. Strictly speaking, the ball valve and the plug valve are the same types of valve due to their similar function and characteristics, and both have a wide range o… Continue to read

Needle Valve: How does a needle valve work And functions?

The needle valve is named for the conical rod that acts as a plug over a small diameter hole in relation to the nominal diameter of the valve. The displacement of the rod, if it is of fine thread, is slow and the fact that until a good number of turns is turned the section of passage of the fluid i… Continue to read
