Float and Double Differences

Float and double are two commonly used data types in programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python. They are used to represent real numbers, and they differ in their precision and storage size. In this article, we will explore the differences between float and double in detail.

Data types are used to specify the type of data that a variable can hold. In programming languages, there are different data types available, such as integers, characters, strings, and floating-point numbers. Floating-point numbers are used to represent real numbers, and they can be of two types: float and double.

Float and double are both used to represent floating-point numbers, but they differ in their precision and storage size. Float is a single-precision floating-point number, and double is a double-precision floating-point number. This means that double has more precision and can store larger values than float.


The precision of a floating-point number refers to the number of significant digits that can be represented. In other words, it determines how accurately a number can be represented. Float is a single-precision floating-point number, which means it can represent 6-7 significant digits. Double, on the other hand, is a double-precision floating-point number, which means it can represent 15-16 significant digits.

To understand the difference in precision, let's take an example. Consider the number 0.123456789. If we represent this number using float, it will be rounded to 0.123457, as it can only represent 6-7 significant digits. However, if we represent the same number using double, it will be represented as 0.123456789, as it can represent 15-16 significant digits.

Storage Size

The storage size of a floating-point number refers to the number of bytes required to store the number. Float requires 4 bytes to store a floating-point number, while double requires 8 bytes. This means that double requires twice the amount of storage space as float.

To understand the difference in storage size, let's take an example. Consider the number 1.23. If we represent this number using float, it will require 4 bytes of storage space. However, if we represent the same number using double, it will require 8 bytes of storage space.


Float and double are both used to represent floating-point numbers, but they are used in different situations. Float is used when memory is a constraint, and precision is not critical. Double is used when precision is critical, and memory is not a constraint.

For example, float is commonly used in mobile devices and embedded systems, where memory is limited. Double, on the other hand, is commonly used in scientific calculations, financial applications, and other applications where precision is critical.

In Java, float and double are used to represent floating-point numbers. The float data type is declared using the keyword "float", and the double data type is declared using the keyword "double". Here is an example:

float f = 1.23f; double d = 1.23;

In this example, the variable "f" is declared as a float and is assigned the value 1.23. The variable "d" is declared as a double and is assigned the value 1.23. Note that the value assigned to "f" ends with the letter "f", which indicates that it is a float literal.

In C++, float and double are also used to represent floating-point numbers. The float data type is declared using the keyword "float", and the double data type is declared using the keyword "double". Here is an example:

float f = 1.23f; double d = 1.23;

In this example, the variable "f" is declared as a float and is assigned the value 1.23. The variable "d" is declared as a double and is assigned the value 1.23.

In Python, float and double are not explicitly defined as data types. Instead, Python has a built-in float data type that can represent floating-point numbers with double precision. Here is an example:

f = 1.23 d = 1.23

In this example, the variable "f" is assigned the value 1.23, and the variable "d" is also assigned the value 1.23. Note that Python does not have a separate data type for float and double.

Arithmetic Operations

Float and double can be used in arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However, when using float and double in arithmetic operations, it is important to be aware of the limitations of floating-point arithmetic.

Floating-point arithmetic is not exact and can result in rounding errors. These rounding errors can accumulate over time and lead to significant inaccuracies in the results. Therefore, it is important to use floating-point arithmetic carefully and understand the limitations of the data types being used.

Here is an example of using float and double in arithmetic operations in Java:

float f = 1.23f; double d = 1.23; float result1 = f + f; double result2 = d + d;

In this example, the variables "f" and "d" are assigned the value 1.23. The variable "result1" is assigned the result of adding "f" and "f", which is also a float. The variable "result2" is assigned the result of adding "d" and "d", which is also a double.


In conclusion, float and double are two commonly used data types in programming languages to represent floating-point numbers. Float is a single-precision floating-point number that can represent 6-7 significant digits and requires 4 bytes of storage space. Double is a double-precision floating-point number that can represent 15-16 significant digits and requires 8 bytes of storage space.

Float is used when memory is a constraint, and precision is not critical. Double is used when precision is critical, and memory is not a constraint. It is important to use floating-point arithmetic carefully and understand the limitations of the data types being used.