Extended Reality and Augmented Reality The Difference Between Them

With the evolution of technology, the world is changing rapidly, and with it, the way we interact with the world is also changing. One of the most significant advancements in technology is the emergence of Augmented Reality (AR) and Extended Reality (XR). These technologies have become popular in recent years and are rapidly gaining popularity in various industries. However, many people often get confused between these two terms, assuming them to be the same. In this article, we will explore the difference between Extended Reality and Augmented Reality, their applications, and how they are changing the world.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes digital information onto the real-world environment. It creates an interactive experience by enhancing the physical world with digital content such as graphics, sounds, and videos. AR technology uses a camera or a display device such as a mobile phone, tablet, or smart glasses to overlay virtual objects or information onto the physical world.

The technology works by scanning the real-world environment and identifying features such as objects or surfaces, and then overlaying virtual information on them. The overlayed information can be anything from simple text, images, or 3D models. Augmented Reality is widely used in various applications, including gaming, education, healthcare, retail, and marketing.

One of the most popular examples of AR technology is the Pokemon Go game, where users can catch virtual Pokemon that are superimposed onto the real world. Another example is IKEA's AR furniture app, where users can see how a piece of furniture will look in their home before making a purchase.

Extended Reality

Extended Reality, on the other hand, is a term that encompasses all the technologies that extend our reality beyond what we experience in the physical world. XR includes Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). While AR technology adds virtual objects to the real world, VR technology creates a fully immersive digital experience that replaces the real world. MR, on the other hand, combines elements of AR and VR, creating a hybrid reality that merges virtual and real-world objects.

Extended Reality technology works by creating a digital environment that simulates the real world or creates an entirely new environment. The technology uses various sensors, cameras, and other devices to track the user's movements and adjust the digital environment accordingly. XR technology is used in various industries, including gaming, education, healthcare, and training.

One of the most popular examples of XR technology is the Oculus VR headset, which creates a fully immersive digital experience that transports users to another world. Another example is the HoloLens, a mixed reality headset that overlays virtual objects onto the real world, creating a hybrid reality experience.

Difference between AR and XR

While AR is a subset of XR, there are some key differences between the two technologies. AR technology enhances the real world by overlaying digital information onto the physical environment, while XR technology creates an entirely new digital environment that simulates the real world or creates a new one.

AR technology uses a camera or display device to overlay virtual objects onto the real world, while XR technology uses sensors, cameras, and other devices to track the user's movements and adjust the digital environment accordingly. XR technology requires more hardware and processing power than AR technology to create a fully immersive digital experience.

Another key difference between AR and XR technology is the level of immersion. AR technology provides a semi-immersive experience as users can still see and interact with the real world, while XR technology provides a fully immersive experience where users are transported to a completely different world.

Applications of AR and XR

Both AR and XR technologies have numerous applications in various industries, including gaming, education, healthcare, retail, and marketing. AR technology is widely used in mobile applications, where it can be used to enhance the user experience. For example, Snapchat filters use AR technology to add digital effects to users' faces, making the experience more engaging and interactive. AR technology is also used in retail and marketing to create interactive experiences that help customers visualize products before making a purchase. For example, Sephora's Virtual Artist app allows customers to try on makeup virtually before purchasing.

XR technology, on the other hand, is used in various industries for training and simulation purposes. In healthcare, XR technology is used to train medical professionals and simulate medical procedures in a safe and controlled environment. In the aviation industry, XR technology is used to simulate flight scenarios and train pilots. In the military, XR technology is used to train soldiers in combat scenarios and simulate real-world missions.

XR technology is also used in gaming, where it creates a fully immersive experience for players. Games like Minecraft VR and Beat Saber use XR technology to transport players to a digital world where they can interact with objects and characters in real-time.

Future of AR and XR

The future of AR and XR technology is bright, with the market projected to grow significantly in the coming years. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the AR market is expected to reach $77.0 billion by 2025, while the XR market is expected to reach $18.8 billion by 2026. The growth of these technologies is driven by advancements in hardware and software, as well as increased adoption in various industries.

In the future, AR and XR technology will continue to transform the way we interact with the world. AR technology will become more advanced, with the ability to recognize and interact with real-world objects in real-time. XR technology will become more immersive, with the ability to create even more realistic and engaging digital environments.


In conclusion, while AR and XR technologies share similarities, there are significant differences between the two. AR technology enhances the real world by overlaying digital information onto the physical environment, while XR technology creates an entirely new digital environment that simulates the real world or creates a new one. Both technologies have numerous applications in various industries, and the market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. The future of AR and XR technology is bright, and we can expect to see even more advanced and innovative applications in the years to come.