Difference Between Vainglory and Pride

Vainglory and pride are two concepts that are often discussed in religious and philosophical circles. Although they share some similarities, they are distinct concepts with different meanings and impacts on an individual's life. In this article, we will explore the meanings of vainglory and pride, their differences, their relationship, and their impact on individuals.

What is Vainglory?

Vainglory is a term that has been used throughout history to describe excessive or unwarranted pride in one's accomplishments or abilities. It is often associated with vanity, arrogance, and boastfulness. Vainglory can be thought of as a form of self-promotion that is motivated by a desire for admiration or recognition.

Definition of Vainglory

Definition Meaning
Excessive or unwarranted pride An inflated sense of self-worth based on one's accomplishments or abilities
Vanity Excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments
Arrogance A feeling of superiority or self-importance
Boastfulness Excessive pride in one's achievements or abilities, often accompanied by bragging

Examples of Vainglory

An example of vainglory would be a person who constantly brags about their accomplishments, even if they are minor. Another example would be a person who is overly concerned with their appearance and spends a lot of time and money on grooming and fashion.

Impact of Vainglory

Vainglory can have a negative impact on an individual's life. It can lead to a lack of humility, which can hinder personal growth and development. It can also create resentment and envy in others, leading to strained relationships. Furthermore, excessive focus on oneself can lead to neglect of others' needs and feelings.

What is Pride?

Pride is a term that is often used to describe a sense of self-respect or self-esteem. It is a positive feeling that arises from a sense of accomplishment or recognition. However, pride can also be excessive and lead to negative consequences.

Definition of Pride

Definition Meaning
Self-respect A sense of dignity or worthiness
Self-esteem Confidence in one's abilities and worth
Excessive pride An inflated sense of self-importance or superiority

Examples of Pride

An example of pride would be a person who takes pride in their work and strives to do their best. Another example would be a person who is proud of their heritage or cultural background.

Impact of Pride

Pride can have both positive and negative impacts on an individual's life. On the one hand, it can motivate individuals to strive for excellence and achieve their goals. On the other hand, excessive pride can lead to arrogance and a lack of humility. It can also create a sense of superiority, leading to strained relationships and resentment from others.

Differences Between Vainglory and Pride

Vainglory and pride are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. Vainglory is a negative form of self-promotion that is based on an inflated sense of self-worth. It is focused on external validation and recognition. Pride, on the other hand, is a positive feeling that arises from a sense of accomplishment or recognition. It is focused on internal validation and self-respect.

Relationship Between Vainglory and Pride

Vainglory and pride are related in that they both involve a sense of self-importance or self-worth. However, they differ in the source of that importance. Vainglory is focused on external validation and recognition, while pride is focused on internal validation and self-respect. Additionally, excessive vainglory can lead to excessive pride, as individuals become overly focused on their accomplishments and recognition from others.

Impact of Vainglory and Pride on Society

Both vainglory and pride can have significant impacts on society. In a society that values individualism and achievement, these traits can be celebrated and encouraged. However, excessive vainglory and pride can lead to a lack of empathy and concern for others. It can create a sense of competition and individualism that undermines the community and shared values.

On a larger scale, excessive vainglory and pride can also contribute to social and economic inequality. When individuals become overly focused on their own accomplishments and recognition, they may neglect the needs and concerns of others. This can lead to a society that is more divided and less empathetic to the needs of those who are less fortunate.

How to Avoid Excessive Vainglory and Pride

To avoid excessive vainglory and pride, it is important to cultivate a sense of humility and perspective. This can be achieved by focusing on the needs and concerns of others, practicing gratitude, and recognizing the contributions of others. It is also important to recognize that accomplishments and recognition are not the only measures of success and self-worth.

What Does Feeding Pride and Vainglory Mean?

Feeding pride and vainglory is a common phrase used to describe actions that contribute to the development and reinforcement of these negative traits. Pride and vainglory are two concepts that are often discussed in religious and philosophical circles, and feeding them can have significant impacts on an individual's life.

What is Feeding Pride and Vainglory?

Feeding pride and vainglory means engaging in behaviors or activities that reinforce an individual's sense of self-importance or self-worth. These behaviors can include bragging, seeking attention or recognition, and comparing oneself to others. Feeding pride and vainglory can also involve focusing excessively on one's appearance or possessions, and neglecting the needs and concerns of others.

Examples of Feeding Pride and Vainglory

Examples Feeding Pride Feeding Vainglory
Seeking attention or recognition
Comparing oneself to others  
Focusing on appearance or possessions  
Neglecting the needs of others  

Feeding Pride and Vainglory: The Impact

Feeding pride and vainglory can have significant impacts on an individual's life. These negative traits can lead to a lack of empathy and concern for others, and can contribute to a sense of superiority or entitlement. This can create strained relationships with others, and can make it difficult to form meaningful connections.

Additionally, feeding pride and vainglory can lead to a lack of humility and perspective. This can hinder personal growth and development, as individuals become overly focused on their own accomplishments and recognition. It can also lead to a lack of self-awareness, as individuals become blinded by their own sense of self-importance.

How to Avoid Feeding Pride and Vainglory

To avoid feeding pride and vainglory, it is important to cultivate a sense of humility and perspective. This can be achieved by focusing on the needs and concerns of others, recognizing the contributions of others, and practicing gratitude. It is also important to recognize that accomplishments and recognition are not the only measures of success and self-worth.

Additionally, individuals can benefit from engaging in practices that encourage self-reflection and self-awareness. This can include meditation, journaling, or seeking feedback from others. By focusing on personal growth and development, individuals can avoid feeding pride and vainglory, and can cultivate a sense of empathy and concern for others.

Feeding pride and vainglory is a common phrase used to describe actions that contribute to the development and reinforcement of these negative traits. Feeding these negative traits can have significant impacts on an individual's life, and can lead to a lack of empathy and concern for others. By cultivating humility and perspective, and engaging in practices that encourage self-reflection and self-awareness, individuals can avoid feeding pride and vainglory, and can cultivate a sense of empathy and concern for others.


In conclusion, vainglory and pride are two concepts that are often discussed in religious and philosophical circles. While they share some similarities, they are distinct concepts with different meanings and impacts on an individual's life. Vainglory is a negative form of self-promotion that is focused on external validation and recognition, while pride is a positive feeling that arises from a sense of accomplishment or recognition. Excessive vainglory and pride can have negative impacts on individuals and society, but cultivating humility and perspective can help to mitigate these negative effects.