Difference Between Terrace and Balcony

Terrace and balcony are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have distinct differences in terms of their size, location, design, and functionality. Understanding these differences can help you choose the right outdoor space for your home, whether you're looking to enjoy a panoramic view, entertain guests, or simply relax in the fresh air. In this article, we'll explore the difference between terrace and balcony in detail.


A terrace is an outdoor space that is located on a flat surface, typically on the roof of a building or at ground level, that is often used for entertaining, dining, or relaxing. Terraces are usually larger than balconies and offer more space for outdoor activities, such as gardening or sunbathing.

A balcony, on the other hand, is a platform that is attached to the outside of a building and is typically smaller than a terrace. Balconies are usually located on upper floors of a building and provide a space to step outside, enjoy the view, or get some fresh air. They are often used for relaxing or as an extension of an indoor living space.

In terms of construction, terraces are generally built on a flat surface, while balconies are cantilevered from the side of a building. This means that balconies are supported by brackets or other structural elements attached to the building, while terraces are built on a solid foundation.

Both terraces and balconies can be designed in a variety of styles and can be made from a range of materials, including concrete, wood, and tile. They can also be decorated with outdoor furniture, plants, and lighting to create a comfortable and inviting outdoor living space.

What is a Terrace?

A terrace is an outdoor space that is located on a flat rooftop or raised platform, usually at the ground level or on a higher floor of a building. Terraces are typically larger than balconies and can accommodate a variety of activities, such as dining, sunbathing, gardening, or hosting parties. They often have an open design and can be surrounded by a railing or fence for safety purposes.

Terraces can come in various shapes and styles, depending on the architectural design of the building and the preferences of the owner. Some terraces are rectangular, while others are circular, oval, or irregularly shaped. They can be made of different materials, such as wood, concrete, stone, or tiles, and may feature amenities such as lighting, heating, shading, or a built-in barbecue grill.

One of the main advantages of a terrace is its size and versatility. Unlike a balcony, which is usually limited to a small area outside a room or apartment, a terrace can be as large as the entire roof of a building. This means that it can offer a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape, cityscape, or waterfront, and can provide more space for outdoor furniture, plants, or decorative elements.

Another advantage of a terrace is its accessibility. Since it is usually located at the ground level or on a higher floor of a building, it can be easily accessed by stairs, elevators, or even a private entrance. This makes it convenient for residents, guests, or customers to enjoy the outdoor space without having to go far from their homes or offices.

However, one of the drawbacks of a terrace is its maintenance. Since it is exposed to the elements, such as rain, wind, sun, and snow, it may require regular cleaning, repair, or replacement of the materials used. Also, since it is often located on a flat rooftop or raised platform, it may pose a safety risk if not properly designed and maintained.

What is a Balcony?

A balcony is an outdoor space that is attached to a room or apartment, usually on the upper floor of a building. Balconies are typically smaller than terraces and have a narrower layout, which limits their functionality to a few chairs or a small table. They often have a railing or a balustrade for safety purposes and can be accessed through a door or a window.

Balconies can come in various designs and styles, depending on the architectural design of the building and the preferences of the owner. Some balconies are enclosed, which means that they are covered with a roof or a glass panel to protect from the elements, while others are open, which means that they are exposed to the sun, wind, rain, and snow.

One of the main advantages of a balcony is its intimacy and privacy. Since it is usually attached to a room or apartment, it can offer a personal and cozy space for relaxing, reading, or enjoying the view. Also, since it is often elevated above the ground level, it can provide a better view of the surrounding area than a terrace at the same height.

Another advantage of a balcony is its design. Since it is usually located on the upper floor of a building, it can add an aesthetic appeal to the exterior and interior of the building, as well as provide natural light and ventilation to the room. It can also be decorated with plants, furniture, or other decorative elements that reflect the owner's style and taste.

However, one of the drawbacks of a balcony is its limited size and functionality. Since it is usually smaller than a terrace, it may not be suitable for hosting large gatherings, barbecues, or outdoor activities. It may also be more susceptible to noise, pollution, or other external factors that can affect the comfort and privacy of the residents.

Difference between Terrace and Balcony

Now that we have explored the characteristics and advantages of terrace and balcony, let's summarize the main differences between them:

  1. Location and Size: A terrace is usually located on a flat rooftop or raised platform, while a balcony is usually attached to a room or apartment. A terrace is typically larger than a balcony and can accommodate a variety of activities, while a balcony is usually limited to a few chairs or a small table.

  2. Accessibility and Privacy: A terrace is usually more accessible and open to the public than a balcony, while a balcony is usually more private and intimate than a terrace.

  3. Design and Functionality: A terrace can come in various shapes and styles, and can offer amenities such as lighting, heating, shading, or a built-in barbecue grill. A balcony can also come in various designs and styles, but is usually limited to a few decorative elements and outdoor furniture.

  4. Maintenance and Safety: A terrace may require more maintenance than a balcony, since it is exposed to the elements and may pose a safety risk if not properly designed and maintained. A balcony may require less maintenance than a terrace, but may also pose a safety risk if not properly secured or maintained.

Choosing the Right Outdoor Space

When it comes to choosing the right outdoor space for your home, there are several factors to consider, such as your budget, location, lifestyle, and preferences. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Assess your needs: Determine what you want to use the outdoor space for, whether it's for entertaining, relaxing, gardening, or a combination of these activities.

  2. Consider your budget: Decide how much you are willing to spend on the outdoor space, including the materials, construction, and maintenance costs.

  3. Evaluate the location: Check the accessibility, safety, and privacy of the outdoor space, as well as the view, noise level, and environmental factors that may affect your comfort and enjoyment.

  4. Consult a professional: Seek the advice of an architect, landscape designer, or contractor who can help you design and build the outdoor space that meets your needs and preferences.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of a Terrace:

  1. More Space: Terraces are typically larger than balconies and offer more space for outdoor activities such as entertaining, gardening, or lounging.

  2. Better View: Because of their elevated location, terraces offer better views of the surrounding landscape or cityscape.

  3. More Design Options: Since terraces are typically larger, they offer more design options such as adding seating areas, a dining area, or even a built-in barbecue.

  4. Outdoor Living: A terrace is an ideal place to enjoy outdoor living while still being close to home. You can enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and relaxation without leaving your home.

  5. Higher Property Value: A well-designed terrace can add value to your property and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

Disadvantages of a Terrace:

  1. Maintenance: Terraces are exposed to the elements and require regular maintenance to keep them in good condition.

  2. Cost: Building a terrace can be more expensive than a balcony due to the larger size and materials needed.

  3. Safety: Terraces can be a safety hazard if not properly designed and maintained. They can also pose a risk of falling or injury if not properly secured.

Advantages of a Balcony:

  1. Privacy: Balconies offer more privacy than terraces, as they are usually attached to a room or apartment and not open to the public.

  2. Low Maintenance: Balconies require less maintenance than terraces, as they are typically smaller and less exposed to the elements.

  3. Cost-effective: Building a balcony is usually less expensive than building a terrace.

  4. Space-saving: Balconies are a good option for small homes or apartments where space is limited.

Disadvantages of a Balcony:

  1. Limited Space: Balconies are typically smaller than terraces, which limits the number of activities that can be enjoyed on them.

  2. Less Design Options: Balconies have fewer design options than terraces, limiting the types of outdoor furniture or decor that can be added.

  3. Noise and Pollution: Balconies can be noisy and exposed to pollution if located near busy roads or areas with high traffic.

  4. Safety: Balconies can pose a safety risk if not properly secured or maintained. They can also be a hazard if used improperly or overloaded with too much weight.

Terraces and balconies both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice ultimately depends on personal preferences, needs, and budget. If you want more space and versatility, a terrace may be the best option, but it will require more maintenance and investment. If you prefer privacy and a low-maintenance outdoor space, a balcony may be the better choice. Whatever you decide, make sure to prioritize safety, functionality, and aesthetics when designing and using your outdoor space.


In conclusion, terrace and balcony are two outdoor spaces that have distinct differences in terms of their location, size, design, and functionality. While a terrace is usually larger and more versatile than a balcony, a balcony is usually more private and intimate than a terrace. When choosing the right outdoor space for your home, it's important to assess your needs, consider your budget, evaluate the location, and consult a professional who can help you make an informed decision. Whether you choose a terrace, a balcony, or a combination of both, remember to enjoy the fresh air and the beauty of the outdoors.