Difference Between Solve and Resolve

Solve and resolve are two words that are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings and implications. Understanding the differences between these two words is important to use them accurately and effectively in communication. In this article, we will explore what solve and resolve mean, their differences, and similarities, and provide examples of their usage.

What is Solve?

To solve a problem means to find a solution to it. The word "solve" is commonly used in mathematical contexts, where it refers to finding the answer to a problem or equation. However, it can also be used in other contexts where a problem needs to be addressed. Solving a problem involves identifying the root cause of the problem and taking steps to address it.

For example, if you have a leaky faucet, you would need to identify what is causing the leak and take steps to fix it. Once you have fixed the problem, you can say that you have solved the problem.

What is Resolve?

To resolve a problem means to find a way to address it. The word "resolve" is commonly used in situations where there is a conflict or dispute that needs to be addressed. Resolving a problem involves finding a way to address the underlying issues that are causing the conflict or dispute.

For example, if two coworkers are having a disagreement over a project, a manager may need to step in and help them resolve the issue. This may involve finding a compromise or solution that addresses both of their concerns.

  Solve Resolve
Definition To find a solution to a problem To find a way to address a problem
Meaning To identify the root cause of a problem and provide a solution To address the underlying issues causing a problem
Implication A definitive solution to a problem A way to address the problem, but not necessarily a definitive solution
Usage Technical or mathematical contexts Interpersonal or social contexts
Focus Root cause of the problem Underlying issues causing the problem
Examples Solving a math equation, fixing a broken machine Resolving a conflict between two coworkers, finding a compromise in a negotiation

Differences Between Solve and Resolve

While solve and resolve are similar in meaning, there are some key differences between the two words. The main differences are as follows:

  • Solve implies finding a definitive solution to a problem, while resolve implies finding a way to address the issue, but not necessarily finding a definitive solution.
  • Solve is typically used in technical or mathematical contexts, while resolve is more commonly used in interpersonal or social contexts.
  • Solving a problem involves identifying and addressing the root cause of the problem, while resolving a problem involves finding a way to address the underlying issues that are causing the problem.

Relationship Between Solve and Resolve

Solve and resolve are related in that they both refer to addressing a problem or issue. However, they have different implications and are used in different contexts. In some cases, solving a problem may also involve resolving underlying issues, while in other cases, resolving a problem may involve finding a way to address the issue without necessarily finding a definitive solution.

Examples of Usage

To illustrate the differences between solve and resolve, here are some examples of their usage:

  • If a software developer is trying to fix a bug in a program, they would need to solve the problem by identifying and fixing the root cause of the bug.
  • If a customer is unhappy with a product they purchased, a customer service representative may need to resolve the issue by finding a way to address the customer's concerns and ensure their satisfaction.
  • If there is a dispute between two neighbors over a property line, a mediator may need to help them resolve the issue by finding a way to address both of their concerns and reach a compromise.

Comparison with Table

To summarize the differences between solve and resolve, here is a comparison table:

  Solve Resolve
Meaning Find a solution to a problem Find a way to address a problem
Usage Technical or mathematical contexts Interpersonal or social contexts
Implication Finding a definitive solution Finding a way to address underlying issues
Focus Root cause of the problem Underlying issues causing the problem

What Does It Mean to Resolve a Problem?

To resolve a problem means to find a solution or to come to a conclusion about how to address the issue. It involves identifying the root cause of the problem and taking steps to address it. Resolving a problem requires a systematic and organized approach that involves critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

How Do You Use the Word Resolve?

The word "resolve" can be used in various contexts. For example, you can say that you resolved a conflict between two people or resolved a technical issue with a computer program. In both cases, the word "resolve" implies that you took action to address the issue and found a solution to it.

What Is the Difference Between Resolved and Resolution?

The words "resolved" and "resolution" are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings. "Resolved" refers to the act of finding a solution to a problem, while "resolution" refers to the decision or plan of action that was made to address the problem.

For example, if a company resolves a customer complaint, it means they found a way to address the issue. However, the resolution to the complaint might be a refund or replacement of the product, which is the plan of action that was decided upon to address the problem.

What Is the Difference Between Fixed and Resolved?

The words "fixed" and "resolved" are similar in that they both refer to addressing an issue, but they have different connotations. "Fixed" implies that the problem was repaired or restored to its original state, while "resolved" implies that the problem was addressed and a solution was found.

For example, if a broken appliance is fixed, it means it was repaired and restored to working condition. However, if a customer complaint is resolved, it means that the issue was addressed and a solution was found, but the original problem may not necessarily be restored to its original state.

What Is the Difference Between Solve or Resolve Issue?

The words "solve" and "resolve" are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different connotations. "Solve" implies finding a definitive solution to a problem, while "resolve" implies finding a way to address the issue, but not necessarily finding a definitive solution.

For example, if a mathematician solves a math problem, it means they found a definitive solution to the problem. However, if a company resolves a customer complaint, it means they found a way to address the issue, but the original problem may still exist.


Solve and resolve are two words that are often used interchangeably, but they have different implications and are used in different contexts. While solving a problem involves finding a definitive solution to the root cause of the problem, resolving a problem involves finding a way to address the underlying issues causing the problem. The two words can also be used together, as resolving a problem may involve solving underlying issues.

It is important to understand the differences between solve and resolve in order to use them accurately and effectively in communication. Using the wrong word could result in confusion or misunderstanding, especially in situations where a specific meaning is required.

In conclusion, both solve and resolve are important concepts in problem-solving and conflict resolution. While they have different meanings, they both involve finding a way to address issues that need to be resolved. By understanding their differences and using them correctly, we can communicate more effectively and achieve better outcomes in problem-solving and conflict resolution.