Difference Between Resistance and Resistivity

Resistance and resistivity are two important concepts that are related to the flow of electrical current in a material. Resistance is the measure of how much a material resists the flow of electric current through it, while resistivity is the measure of how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current. Resistance is dependent on the dimensions of the material, while resistivity is independent of the dimensions of the material.

Several factors can affect the resistance and resistivity of a material, such as temperature, type of material, cross-sectional area, length, and purity. These factors are important to consider when designing electrical circuits and devices.

Resistance and resistivity have many applications in the field of electrical engineering and physics, including the design of electrical circuits, materials science, temperature sensors, and heating elements.

Understanding the difference between resistance and resistivity is essential for anyone working with electrical circuits or materials. Both of these concepts are important in understanding the behavior of electrical current in materials and designing electrical devices.

Electrical resistance and resistivity are two important concepts in the field of electrical engineering and physics. While both of these terms are related to the flow of electrical current in a material, they refer to different properties of the material. Understanding the difference between resistance and resistivity is crucial for anyone working with electrical circuits or materials.

In this article, we will explore the differences between resistance and resistivity, their units of measurement, and the factors that affect their values.

What is Electrical Resistance?

Electrical resistance is a measure of how much a material resists the flow of electrical current. It is the property of a material that opposes the flow of electric current through it. Electrical resistance is caused by the collision of electrons with atoms or other electrons in the material. These collisions cause the electrons to lose energy, which results in the conversion of electrical energy into heat.

The resistance of a material can be calculated using Ohm's law, which states that the current flowing through a material is directly proportional to the voltage applied to it and inversely proportional to its resistance. The formula for calculating resistance is:

R = V/I

Where R is the resistance in ohms, V is the voltage in volts, and I is the current in amperes.

The unit of measurement for electrical resistance is the ohm (Ω). One ohm is defined as the amount of resistance that will allow a current of one ampere to flow when a voltage of one volt is applied.

What is Electrical Resistivity?

Electrical resistivity, on the other hand, is a measure of how strongly a material opposes the flow of electrical current. Resistivity is the intrinsic property of a material that describes its ability to resist the flow of electric current. It is a measure of how difficult it is to pass an electrical current through a material. Resistivity is independent of the dimensions of the material, unlike resistance, which is dependent on the dimensions of the material.

The resistivity of a material can be calculated using the formula:

ρ = RA/L

Where ρ is the resistivity in ohm-meters, R is the resistance in ohms, A is the cross-sectional area of the material in square meters, and L is the length of the material in meters.

The unit of measurement for electrical resistivity is the ohm-meter (Ω•m).

The Difference Between Resistance and Resistivity

The main difference between resistance and resistivity is that resistance is the property of a material that opposes the flow of electrical current, while resistivity is the intrinsic property of a material that describes its ability to resist the flow of electric current.

Resistance depends on the dimensions of the material, such as its length, cross-sectional area, and shape, while resistivity is independent of the dimensions of the material.

Another difference between resistance and resistivity is that resistance is a macroscopic property of a material, while resistivity is a microscopic property of a material. Resistance can be measured directly using a multimeter, while resistivity can only be calculated by measuring the resistance of a sample of the material and taking into account its dimensions.

Factors Affecting Resistance and Resistivity

Several factors can affect the resistance and resistivity of a material. Some of these factors include:

  1. Temperature: The resistance of a material increases with an increase in temperature, while the resistivity of a material decreases with an increase in temperature.

  2. Type of Material: Different materials have different resistivities, which depend on their atomic and molecular structures.

  3. Cross-Sectional Area: The resistance of a material decreases with an increase in its cross-sectional area, while the resistivity of a material remains constant with an increase in its cross-sectional area.

  4. Length: The resistance of a material increases with an increase in its length, while the resistivity of a material remains constant with an increase in its length.

  1. Purity: Impurities in a material can affect its resistivity by introducing additional collisions between electrons and impurities, thereby increasing the resistance.

Applications of Resistance and Resistivity

Resistance and resistivity have important applications in the field of electrical engineering and physics. Some of the applications of resistance and resistivity are:

  1. Electrical circuits: The concept of resistance is essential in designing electrical circuits. Resistors are used to control the flow of electrical current in circuits, and the value of the resistor determines the amount of resistance in the circuit.

  2. Materials Science: Resistivity is used to study the electrical properties of materials. It is an important parameter in the design of electrical components and devices.

  3. Temperature Sensors: The resistance of certain materials, such as platinum, changes with temperature, making them useful as temperature sensors.

  4. Heating Elements: The resistance of materials, such as tungsten and nichrome, makes them useful for heating elements in devices such as electric stoves, hair dryers, and toasters.


Resistance and resistivity are important concepts in the field of electrical engineering and physics. While both of these terms are related to the flow of electrical current in a material, they refer to different properties of the material. Resistance is the property of a material that opposes the flow of electrical current, while resistivity is the intrinsic property of a material that describes its ability to resist the flow of electric current. Understanding the difference between resistance and resistivity is crucial for anyone working with electrical circuits or materials.