Difference Between Relish and Chutney

Relish and chutney are two popular condiments that have been used in many cultures for centuries. Although both are used as accompaniments for meals, they are different in terms of their origin, ingredients, and preparation. In this article, we will explore the difference between relish and chutney.

What is Relish?

Relish is a type of condiment that is made from chopped vegetables, fruits, or a combination of both. It is commonly used as a topping for burgers, hot dogs, and sandwiches. It can also be used as a side dish for meat, fish, or poultry. Relish can be sweet, savory, or spicy, depending on the ingredients used.

Relish originated in the United States in the late 1800s. It was originally made from pickled vegetables such as cucumbers, onions, and peppers. Today, relish is made from a variety of ingredients, including fruits such as apples, cranberries, and tomatoes.

What is Chutney?

Chutney is a type of condiment that originated in India. It is made from a combination of fruits, vegetables, spices, and vinegar. Chutney is commonly used as a side dish or condiment for Indian meals. It can also be used as a marinade for meat or fish.

There are many different types of chutney, each with its own unique flavor and texture. Some common ingredients used in chutney include mangoes, coconut, tamarind, and mint.

Difference between Relish and Chutney:


The main difference between relish and chutney is their ingredients. Relish is made from chopped vegetables or fruits, while chutney is made from a combination of fruits, vegetables, and spices. Chutney also contains vinegar, which gives it a sour flavor.


Relish and chutney are also different in terms of their preparation. Relish is typically made by chopping vegetables or fruits into small pieces and mixing them with sugar, vinegar, and spices. The mixture is then cooked until it thickens and is canned or jarred.

Chutney, on the other hand, is made by cooking the ingredients together until they form a thick paste. The mixture is then blended until smooth and canned or jarred. Chutney can be made with fresh or dried fruits and vegetables.


Relish and chutney also differ in terms of their flavor. Relish can be sweet, savory, or spicy, depending on the ingredients used. It is typically used as a topping or side dish for meat, fish, or poultry.

Chutney, on the other hand, has a strong, tangy flavor that is a combination of sweet, sour, and spicy. It is commonly used as a side dish or condiment for Indian meals.


The texture of relish and chutney is also different. Relish has a chunky texture due to the chopped vegetables or fruits used in its preparation. Chutney, on the other hand, has a smooth texture due to the blending of the ingredients.


Relish and chutney are both used as condiments for meals. However, they are used in different ways. Relish is commonly used as a topping or side dish for meat, fish, or poultry, while chutney is used as a side dish or condiment for Indian meals.


Relish and chutney come in a variety of flavors and types. Relish can be sweet, savory, or spicy, and can be made from a variety of vegetables and fruits. Chutney also comes in a variety of flavors and types, including sweet, sour, and spicy, and can be made from a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Regional Differences:

Relish and chutney also vary in their regional differences. Relish is more commonly used in American cuisine, particularly in the southern and midwestern regions. In these regions, relish is often made with ingredients such as corn, pickles, and peppers.

Chutney, on the other hand, is more commonly used in Indian cuisine. It is an essential condiment in Indian meals and is often made with regional ingredients such as coconut, mango, and mint.

Health Benefits:

Relish and chutney both offer some health benefits due to their ingredients. Relish made from vegetables and fruits is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, some types of relish can be high in sugar and salt.

Chutney made from fruits and vegetables is also a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, chutney can be high in sugar and salt, particularly if it is commercially made. Homemade chutney made with fresh ingredients and minimal added sugar and salt is a healthier option.

What Is the Difference Between Relish Chutney and Pickle?

Relish, chutney, and pickle are all types of condiments that are used to add flavor to dishes, but they are made using different methods and ingredients. Here are the main differences between relish, chutney, and pickle:


Relish is a type of condiment that is made by chopping vegetables or fruits into small pieces and then pickling them in a mixture of vinegar, sugar, and spices. The vegetables used in relish can vary, but common ingredients include cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, and peppers. The texture of relish is usually chunky, and it has a tangy and sweet flavor.


Chutney is a type of condiment that originated in India and is made by combining fruits or vegetables with vinegar, sugar, and spices. The fruits or vegetables used in chutney can vary, but common ingredients include mango, apple, tomato, and onion. Chutney has a thick, chunky texture and a sweet and savory flavor. In Indian cuisine, chutney is often served as a side dish or used as a dipping sauce for bread or fried snacks.


Pickle is a type of condiment that is made by preserving vegetables or fruits in vinegar or brine. Pickling can be done using two methods: fermentation and quick pickling. Fermentation involves soaking the vegetables or fruits in a saltwater brine and allowing them to ferment for several days or weeks. Quick pickling involves boiling vinegar, sugar, and spices, and then pouring the mixture over sliced vegetables or fruits. The pickles can be eaten on their own as a snack, or used as a topping for sandwiches or burgers. Pickles can have a sour or sweet flavor, depending on the type of vinegar and spices used in the pickling process.

What Is the Difference Between Chutney and Pickle?

Chutney and pickle are both condiments that are made by preserving fruits or vegetables in vinegar or brine, but they are made using different methods and have distinct differences in flavor and texture. Here are the main differences between chutney and pickle:

Difference Between Chutney and Pickle Method of Preparation:

Chutney is typically made by combining chopped fruits or vegetables with vinegar, sugar, and spices, and cooking the mixture until it becomes thick and chunky. The ingredients are not soaked in vinegar or brine for an extended period of time.

Pickle, on the other hand, is made by soaking sliced vegetables or fruits in vinegar or brine for an extended period of time, usually several days or weeks. The ingredients are preserved in the vinegar or brine, which gives them a distinct sour or salty taste.

Difference Between Chutney and Pickle Texture and Flavor:

Chutney has a thick, chunky texture and a sweet and savory flavor. The texture comes from the chunks of fruit or vegetables that are left intact in the mixture, while the flavor comes from the combination of vinegar, sugar, and spices.

Pickle has a crunchy texture and a sour or salty flavor. The texture comes from the firmness of the vegetables or fruits that have been soaked in vinegar or brine, while the flavor comes from the acidity of the vinegar or the saltiness of the brine.

Difference Between Chutney and Pickle Usage:

Chutney is often used as a condiment for Indian dishes, such as samosas or pakoras, and can also be used as a dipping sauce for bread or chips. It can also be used as a spread for sandwiches or wraps.

Pickle is often used as a side dish or a garnish for sandwiches, burgers, or hot dogs. It can also be used as a topping for salads or as an ingredient in potato salads or other dishes.

Chutney and pickle are both condiments made from fruits or vegetables that are preserved in vinegar or brine, but they differ in their method of preparation, texture, and flavor, as well as their usage. Chutney has a thick, chunky texture and a sweet and savory flavor, while pickle has a crunchy texture and a sour or salty flavor.

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What Is the Difference Between Chutney and Jam?

Chutney and jam are both types of preserves that are made using fruits and sugar, but they are distinct condiments that differ in their ingredients, texture, and flavor. Here are the main differences between chutney and jam:

Difference Between Chutney and Jam Ingredients:

Chutney is made using a combination of fruits, vinegar, sugar, and spices. The fruits used in chutney are typically tart or sour fruits, such as apples, mangoes, or cranberries. Vinegar is added to the mixture to give it a tangy flavor and help preserve the chutney. Spices like ginger, cinnamon, or cumin are added to enhance the flavor of the chutney.

Jam, on the other hand, is made using only fruit and sugar. The fruit is cooked down with sugar until it forms a thick, spreadable mixture. No vinegar or spices are added to the mixture.

Difference Between Chutney and Jam Texture:

Chutney has a chunky texture with pieces of fruit, vegetables, and spices visible in the mixture. The texture of chutney is often described as grainy or chunky.

Jam, on the other hand, has a smooth, spreadable texture with no pieces of fruit or seeds visible.

Difference Between Chutney and Jam Flavor:

Chutney has a sweet and sour flavor, with a tangy taste from the vinegar and a sweet taste from the sugar. The spices added to the chutney give it a complex flavor profile.

Jam has a sweet taste from the sugar and the natural sweetness of the fruit. The flavor of jam is often simple and straightforward, with no additional spices or flavors.

Difference Between Chutney and Jam Usage:

Chutney is often used as a condiment for Indian dishes, such as samosas or curry, and can also be used as a spread for sandwiches or wraps. It can also be used as a dip for bread or chips.

Jam is often used as a spread for toast, biscuits, or scones. It can also be used as a filling for cakes, pastries, or thumbprint cookies.

Chutney and jam are both types of preserves made with fruit and sugar, but they differ in their ingredients, texture, flavor, and usage. Chutney has a chunky texture and a sweet and sour taste, with added spices and vinegar. Jam has a smooth texture and a simple, sweet taste, with no added spices or vinegar.

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What Is the Difference Between Chutney vs Relish vs Jam?

Chutney, relish, and jam are all types of condiments made from fruits or vegetables, but they are distinct in their ingredients, texture, and flavor. Here are the main differences between chutney, relish, and jam:


Chutney is made using a combination of fruits or vegetables, vinegar, sugar, and spices. The fruits used in chutney are typically tart or sour fruits, such as apples, mangoes, or cranberries. Vinegar is added to the mixture to give it a tangy flavor and help preserve the chutney. Spices like ginger, cinnamon, or cumin are added to enhance the flavor of the chutney.

Relish is made using chopped vegetables, vinegar, sugar, and spices. The vegetables used in relish can include cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, or peppers. Vinegar and sugar are added to the mixture to give it a tangy and sweet flavor. Spices like mustard seeds or celery seeds are added to enhance the flavor of the relish.

Jam is made using only fruit and sugar. The fruit is cooked down with sugar until it forms a thick, spreadable mixture. No vinegar or spices are added to the mixture.


Chutney has a chunky texture with pieces of fruit, vegetables, and spices visible in the mixture. The texture of chutney is often described as grainy or chunky.

Relish also has a chunky texture, but with smaller pieces of vegetables visible in the mixture.

Jam has a smooth, spreadable texture with no pieces of fruit or seeds visible.


Chutney has a sweet and sour flavor, with a tangy taste from the vinegar and a sweet taste from the sugar. The spices added to the chutney give it a complex flavor profile.

Relish has a sweet and tangy flavor from the combination of vinegar and sugar. The spices added to the relish give it a unique flavor profile.

Jam has a sweet taste from the sugar and the natural sweetness of the fruit. The flavor of jam is often simple and straightforward, with no additional spices or flavors.


Chutney is often used as a condiment for Indian dishes, such as samosas or curry, and can also be used as a spread for sandwiches or wraps. It can also be used as a dip for bread or chips.

Relish is often used as a topping for hot dogs, hamburgers, or sandwiches. It can also be used as a condiment for grilled meats or as an ingredient in potato salad.

Jam is often used as a spread for toast, biscuits, or scones. It can also be used as a filling for cakes, pastries, or thumbprint cookies.

In summary, chutney, relish, and jam are all types of condiments made from fruits or vegetables, but they differ in their ingredients, texture, flavor, and usage. Chutney has a chunky texture and a sweet and sour taste, with added spices and vinegar. Relish has a chunky texture and a sweet and tangy taste, with added spices and vinegar. Jam has a smooth texture and a simple, sweet taste, with no added spices or vinegar.

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What is the main difference between relish and chutney?

The main difference between relish and chutney is their ingredients and preparation. Relish is made from chopped vegetables or fruits, while chutney is made from a combination of fruits, vegetables, and spices.

What are some examples of relish?

Some examples of relish include pickle relish, corn relish, and tomato relish. Relish can be sweet, savory, or spicy, depending on the ingredients used.

What are some examples of chutney?

Some examples of chutney include mango chutney, coconut chutney, and mint chutney. Chutney has a tangy flavor that is a combination of sweet, sour, and spicy.

Can relish and chutney be used interchangeably?

Relish and chutney have different flavors and textures, so they are not interchangeable. However, they can both be used as condiments to add flavor to meals.

Are relish and chutney healthy?

Relish and chutney can be healthy if they are made with fresh ingredients and minimal added sugar and salt. However, some commercially made relish and chutney can be high in sugar and salt, so it is important to read the labels and choose healthier options.

Where are relish and chutney commonly used?

Relish is commonly used in American cuisine, particularly in the southern and midwestern regions. Chutney is an essential condiment in Indian meals and is commonly used in Indian cuisine.

Can I make my own relish or chutney at home?

Yes, you can make your own relish or chutney at home using fresh ingredients and your preferred spices. There are many recipes available online for homemade relish and chutney.

How do I use relish and chutney in cooking?

Relish and chutney can be used as condiments to add flavor to meals. Relish can be added to burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, or as a topping for salads. Chutney is commonly used as a dip for appetizers or as a side dish for Indian meals.

How do I store relish and chutney?

Relish and chutney should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Homemade relish and chutney can last for up to two weeks in the refrigerator. Commercially made relish and chutney may have preservatives that can extend their shelf life.

Can I freeze relish or chutney?

Relish and chutney can be frozen for later use. Homemade relish and chutney can be frozen in small portions in an airtight container for up to three months.

Can relish or chutney be used as a marinade?

Relish and chutney can be used as a marinade for meats and vegetables. The sweet and tangy flavors of chutney can be used to marinate chicken or fish, while the spicy flavors of relish can be used to marinate beef or pork.

Are there any cultural or religious significance to relish or chutney?

Relish and chutney have cultural and religious significance in many cultures. In Indian culture, chutney is an essential condiment that is served with every meal. In Jewish cuisine, relish is used as a condiment for hot dogs and hamburgers during summer barbecues.

Can relish or chutney be made with alternative ingredients?

Relish and chutney can be made with a variety of ingredients depending on your taste preference. For example, relish can be made with different types of vegetables or fruits such as cucumbers, onions, or apples. Chutney can be made with different types of fruits or vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, or peppers.

What are some common spices used in relish or chutney?

Common spices used in relish or chutney include cumin, coriander, ginger, garlic, and chili powder. These spices add flavor and depth to the condiments and can be adjusted based on personal taste preference.

Can relish or chutney be used as a substitute for ketchup or salsa?

Relish and chutney have different flavors and textures than ketchup or salsa, so they are not suitable substitutes. However, they can be used as alternative condiments to add flavor and variety to meals.

Can relish or chutney be used in vegan or vegetarian dishes?

Relish and chutney can be used in vegan or vegetarian dishes as they are typically made with plant-based ingredients. They can add flavor and depth to dishes such as vegetable stir-fries, sandwiches, or as a topping for baked potatoes.

Can relish or chutney be used in desserts?

Relish and chutney are typically used as condiments for savory dishes, but they can be used in desserts in some cases. For example, cranberry relish can be used as a topping for cheesecake, or mango chutney can be used in a fruit salad.

What is the origin of relish and chutney?

Relish originated in the United States during the late 19th century, and it was initially made from pickled vegetables such as cucumbers or onions. Chutney originated in India and has been used as a condiment for thousands of years. Chutney is made from a combination of fruits, vegetables, and spices and is an essential condiment in Indian cuisine.

How do I make my own relish or chutney?

To make relish, you will need chopped vegetables or fruits such as cucumbers, onions, or tomatoes. Combine the chopped ingredients with vinegar, sugar, and spices such as mustard or celery seed. Simmer the mixture until the vegetables or fruits are tender, and then let it cool before storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

To make chutney, you will need a combination of fruits or vegetables such as mango, tomato, or onion. Combine the ingredients with vinegar, sugar, and spices such as cumin or coriander. Simmer the mixture until the fruit or vegetables are tender, and then let it cool before storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Can relish or chutney be made without sugar?

Relish or chutney can be made without sugar, but it may affect the flavor and texture of the condiments. Sugar is often added to balance out the acidity of the vinegar and to enhance the natural sweetness of the fruits or vegetables. However, alternative sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup can be used instead of sugar.

Are there any health benefits to eating relish or chutney?

Relish and chutney are typically consumed in small amounts as condiments, so their nutritional benefits are limited. However, the fruits and vegetables used in chutney can provide vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Some studies suggest that consuming vinegar, which is an ingredient in both relish and chutney, may have health benefits such as improved digestion and blood sugar control.

Are there any drawbacks to consuming relish or chutney?

Relish and chutney can be high in sodium and sugar, especially if they are commercially made. Consuming high amounts of sodium and sugar can increase the risk of high blood pressure and other health issues. It's important to consume relish and chutney in moderation and to check the nutrition labels on commercial products.

Can relish or chutney cause allergic reactions?

Relish and chutney are typically made from fruits and vegetables, so they are unlikely to cause allergic reactions. However, some commercial products may contain allergens such as nuts or soy, so it's important to check the ingredients label if you have a food allergy.

Can relish or chutney be made spicy?

Relish and chutney can be made spicy by adding chili powder, hot sauce, or jalapeƱos. The level of spiciness can be adjusted based on personal taste preference.

Can relish or chutney be made sweet?

Relish and chutney are typically made with sugar or another sweetener to balance out the acidity of the vinegar and enhance the natural sweetness of the fruits or vegetables. However, the level of sweetness can be adjusted based on personal taste preference.


In summary, relish and chutney are both condiments that add flavor and depth to meals. Relish is typically made with chopped vegetables or fruits that are pickled and flavored with spices, while chutney is typically made with a combination of fruits, vegetables, and spices that are simmered until tender. While there are some similarities between the two condiments, they have distinct differences in flavor, texture, and cultural significance. By understanding these differences, you can choose the best condiment to enhance your meals and impress your taste buds.

Relish and chutney are two popular condiments that have been used in many cultures for centuries. Although they are both used as accompaniments for meals, they differ in terms of their ingredients, preparation, flavor, texture, uses, regional differences, and health benefits.

Relish is a condiment made from chopped vegetables or fruits, while chutney is made from a combination of fruits, vegetables, and spices. Relish has a chunky texture, while chutney has a smooth texture. Relish can be sweet, savory, or spicy, while chutney has a strong, tangy flavor that is a combination of sweet, sour, and spicy.

Relish is commonly used in American cuisine, particularly in the southern and midwestern regions, while chutney is an essential condiment in Indian meals. Both relish and chutney offer some health benefits, but they can be high in sugar and salt if commercially made. Homemade versions made with fresh ingredients and minimal added sugar and salt are healthier options.

In conclusion, relish and chutney are both delicious condiments that can add flavor and variety to meals. Understanding their differences can help you choose the right condiment for your dish and enjoy their unique flavors and textures.

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