Difference between possum and opossum

Difference between possum and opossum - Many people use the terms "possum" and "opossum" interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different animals. Possums are native to Australia and nearby islands, while opossums are found in North and South America. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two animals, including their physical characteristics, behaviors, and habitats.

Physical Characteristics

Possums and opossums have several differences in their physical characteristics. One of the most notable differences is their size. Possums are generally smaller than opossums, with an average length of around 32-58 cm and a weight of around 0.5-5 kg. Opossums, on the other hand, are larger, with an average length of around 60-90 cm and a weight of around 1-5 kg.

Another key difference is in their appearance. Possums have long, prehensile tails that they use for balance and to climb trees. They also have a pointed snout and sharp teeth, which they use to eat a variety of foods, including insects, fruit, and small animals. Opossums, on the other hand, have a hairless, rat-like tail and a more rounded snout. Their teeth are also sharp, but they are known for their ability to "play dead" as a defense mechanism.


Possums and opossums have different behaviors and habits as well. Possums are primarily arboreal, meaning they live in trees and spend much of their time climbing and foraging for food in the treetops. They are nocturnal, which means they are active at night and sleep during the day. When threatened, possums will often play dead, curling up into a ball and emitting a foul odor to deter predators.

Opossums, on the other hand, are primarily terrestrial, meaning they live on the ground and do not climb trees as often. They are also nocturnal, but they are known for their scavenging habits and will eat almost anything they can find, including carrion and garbage. Opossums are not as likely to play dead as possums, but they may hiss, growl, or bare their teeth when threatened.


Possums and opossums also have different habitats and ranges. As mentioned, possums are native to Australia and nearby islands, and they are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and urban areas. Some species of possums are also found in New Zealand. Opossums, on the other hand, are found throughout North and South America, from Canada to Argentina. They are adaptable and can live in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and urban areas.

One notable difference in their habitats is their relationship to humans. Possums are often seen as pests in urban areas, where they can cause damage to gardens and homes. In contrast, opossums are often seen as beneficial, as they eat a variety of pests, including ticks, cockroaches, and rodents.


Possums and opossums may seem similar at first glance, but they are actually quite different animals. Possums are native to Australia and nearby islands, and they are primarily arboreal, with long, prehensile tails and pointed snouts. Opossums, on the other hand, are found throughout North and South America, and they are primarily terrestrial, with hairless, rat-like tails and more rounded snouts. Understanding the differences between these two animals can help us appreciate the diversity of the natural world and better understand the animals that share our planet with us.