Difference Between Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid

Chemical compounds play an essential role in our daily life, and we interact with them almost every time. Some chemicals have a positive impact on our environment, while others can have detrimental effects. Two such compounds are ethanol and ethanoic acid. Although they sound similar, they have different properties and uses. In this article, we will discuss ethanol and ethanoic acid in detail and highlight their similarities and differences.

What Is Ethanol?

Ethanol is a colorless, flammable liquid with a slightly sweet odor. It is a simple alcohol with the molecular formula C2H5OH. Ethanol is commonly found in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits. It is also used as a fuel, solvent, and disinfectant. Ethanol is produced by the fermentation of sugars and starches in plants, and it is also a byproduct of the petroleum industry.

What Is Ethanoic Acid?

Ethanoic acid, also known as acetic acid, is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. It is an organic acid with the chemical formula CH3COOH. Ethanoic acid is used in the production of vinyl acetate, acetic anhydride, and other chemicals. It is also a primary component in vinegar, which is used in cooking and as a cleaning agent. Ethanoic acid is produced by the oxidation of ethanol or by the bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates.

Definition of Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid

Ethanol Ethanoic Acid
Definition A colorless, flammable liquid
  with a slightly sweet odor, used as
  a fuel, solvent, and disinfectant.
Chemical Formula C2H5OH
Molecular Weight 46.07 g/mol
Melting Point -114.1°C
Boiling Point 78.4°C
Solubility Soluble in water
Odor Slightly sweet
Uses Fuel, solvent, disinfectant


Ethanoic Acid  
Definition An organic acid that is the primary
  component of vinegar, with a pungent
  odor and sour taste. Used in the
  production of chemicals and as a
  cooking and cleaning agent.
Chemical Formula CH3COOH
Molecular Weight 60.05 g/mol
Melting Point 16.6°C
Boiling Point 118.1°C
Solubility Soluble in water
Odor Pungent
Uses Production of chemicals, cooking,
  cleaning agent

As you can see, ethanol and ethanoic acid have distinct chemical structures, properties, and uses. Ethanol is a simple alcohol used primarily as a fuel and solvent, while ethanoic acid is an organic acid used in the production of chemicals and as a cooking and cleaning agent. Both compounds are soluble in water, but ethanol has a slightly sweet odor while ethanoic acid has a pungent odor and sour taste.

What's the Difference Between Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid?

The primary difference between ethanol and ethanoic acid lies in their chemical structure and properties. Ethanol is a simple alcohol, whereas ethanoic acid is an organic acid. Ethanol has a hydroxyl group (-OH) attached to a two-carbon chain, whereas ethanoic acid has a carboxyl group (-COOH) attached to a methyl group (-CH3). Ethanol is a flammable liquid with a slightly sweet odor, whereas ethanoic acid is a pungent liquid that is corrosive to metals and attacks many plastics. Ethanol is soluble in water and has a low boiling point, whereas ethanoic acid is combustible and reacts with metals.

What's the Relationship Between Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid?

Ethanol and ethanoic acid are related because ethanoic acid can be produced by the oxidation of ethanol. In the presence of oxygen and a catalyst, ethanol can be oxidized to ethanoic acid. This reaction is commonly used in the production of vinegar, which is made by fermenting ethanol and then oxidizing it to ethanoic acid. Ethanol and ethanoic acid are also related because ethanoic acid can be reduced to ethanol. This reaction is commonly used in the production of ethanol from biomass.

What Is the Similarities Between Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid?

Despite their differences, ethanol and ethanoic acid also share some similarities. Both compounds are produced by the fermentation of sugars and starches in plants. Ethanol and ethanoic acid are also used in the production of various chemicals and products. Ethanol is used as a fuel, solvent, and disinfectant, while ethanoic acid is used in the production of vinyl acetate, acetic anhydride, and other chemicals. Both compounds also have various advantages and disadvantages.

Table of Advantages and Disadvantages:

Ethanol Ethanoic Acid
Advantages Advantages
Ethanol is a renewable Ethanoic acid is a primary
energy source that is component in vinegar, which
cleaner and produces is used in cooking and as a
fewer greenhouse gas cleaning agent. It is also
emissions than fossil used in the production of
fuels. It is also a various chemicals.


biodegradable solvent.  
Disadvantages Disadvantages
Ethanol production can Ethanoic acid is corrosive to
compete with food metals and plastics, and it
production and may lead can cause severe burns and
to land-use changes and respiratory problems. It is
deforestation. Ethanol also combustible and can
has a lower energy react violently with other
density than fossil fuels chemicals.


One example of the relationship between ethanol and ethanoic acid is the production of vinegar. Vinegar is made by fermenting ethanol, which is produced by the fermentation of sugars or starches in plants. During the fermentation process, yeast converts the sugars in the plant material into ethanol. This ethanol is then oxidized to ethanoic acid in the presence of oxygen and a catalyst. The resulting ethanoic acid is what gives vinegar its pungent odor and sour taste.

Table of Comparison:

Ethanol Ethanoic Acid
Chemical Formula Chemical Formula


Molecular Weight Molecular Weight


46.07 g/mol 60.05 g/mol
Melting Point Melting Point


-114.1°C 16.6°C
Boiling Point Boiling Point


78.4°C 118.1°C
Solubility Solubility


Soluble in water Soluble in water
Odor Odor


Slightly sweet Pungent
Uses Uses
Fuel, solvent, Production of
disinfectant chemicals, cooking,
  cleaning agent

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In conclusion, ethanol and ethanoic acid are two compounds with distinct chemical structures and properties. Ethanol is a simple alcohol, whereas ethanoic acid is an organic acid. Ethanol and ethanoic acid are related because ethanoic acid can be produced by the oxidation of ethanol, and ethanoic acid can be reduced to ethanol. Despite their differences, both compounds are produced by the fermentation of sugars and starches in plants and have various advantages and disadvantages. Ethanol is a renewable energy source that produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels, while ethanoic acid is a primary component in vinegar and is used in the production of various chemicals.