Difference Between Bytecode and Binary Code

When we write code in a programming language, the computer doesn't understand it directly. Instead, the code needs to be translated into a format that the computer can understand. There are several types of translations that can occur, including compiling code into binary or bytecode. In this article, we'll explore the differences between bytecode and binary code, including how they're generated, how they're executed, and their advantages and disadvantages.

What is Binary Code?

Binary code is the most basic form of code that a computer can understand. It's a series of 0s and 1s that represent different instructions that the computer can execute. When we write code in a high-level language like Java or C++, the code needs to be compiled into binary code so that the computer can run it. The compilation process takes the code we've written and translates it into binary instructions that the computer can execute.

Binary code is often stored in a file with a.exe or.dll extension on Windows or a.out file on Unix-based systems. When you run an executable file, the operating system loads the binary code into memory and begins executing the instructions in the file.

What is Bytecode?

Bytecode is a type of code that's generated by a compiler, just like binary code. However, instead of being in a machine-readable format like binary code, bytecode is designed to be executed by a virtual machine (VM). The VM reads the bytecode instructions and executes them, allowing the code to run on any platform that has a compatible VM installed.

Bytecode is often used in programming languages like Java and Python. When you write code in one of these languages, the source code is compiled into bytecode, which can then be executed by the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) or the Python VM.

Differences Between Binary Code and Bytecode

Now that we know what binary code and bytecode are, let's explore the differences between them.

  1. Execution

Binary code is executed directly by the computer's processor. When you run an executable file, the operating system loads the binary code into memory and starts executing it. Binary code is specific to the platform it was compiled on, which means that code compiled on Windows won't run on a Unix-based system, and vice versa.

Bytecode, on the other hand, is executed by a virtual machine. The VM reads the bytecode instructions and executes them, allowing the code to run on any platform that has a compatible VM installed. This means that bytecode is platform-independent, and the same bytecode can run on different operating systems and hardware architectures.

  1. Portability

Because binary code is specific to the platform it was compiled on, it's not portable. If you want to run the same code on a different platform, you need to recompile it for that platform.

Bytecode, on the other hand, is designed to be portable. The same bytecode can be executed on any platform that has a compatible VM installed, which makes it easier to write cross-platform software.

  1. Security

Because binary code is executed directly by the computer's processor, it can be vulnerable to security attacks like buffer overflows and code injection. These attacks can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the computer.

Bytecode, on the other hand, is executed by a virtual machine, which provides an additional layer of security. The VM can check the bytecode for security vulnerabilities before executing it, which makes it harder for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in the code.

  1. Speed

Because binary code is executed directly by the computer's processor, it can be faster than bytecode in some cases. However, this depends on the specific code and the platform it's running on.

Bytecode is typically slower than binary code because it needs to be interpreted by the VM. However, modern VMs use just-in-time (Just-in-time) compilation, which can improve the performance of bytecode. Just-in-time compilation compiles bytecode into machine code at runtime, which can be faster than interpreting the bytecode.

  1. Size

Binary code is typically smaller than bytecode because it's in a machine-readable format. This means that it can take up less disk space and memory than bytecode.

Bytecode, on the other hand, is designed to be human-readable, which means that it can be larger than binary code. However, modern bytecode formats like Java bytecode and Python bytecode use compression and other techniques to reduce their size.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Binary Code


  1. Fast execution: Binary code is executed directly by the computer's processor, which can make it faster than bytecode in some cases.

  2. Small size: Binary code is typically smaller than bytecode because it's in a machine-readable format.

  3. Native compatibility: Binary code is specific to the platform it was compiled on, which means that it can take full advantage of the hardware and operating system features.


  1. Not portable: Binary code is specific to the platform it was compiled on, which means that it's not portable.

  2. Vulnerable to security attacks: Because binary code is executed directly by the computer's processor, it can be vulnerable to security attacks like buffer overflows and code injection.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bytecode


  1. Portability: Bytecode is designed to be portable, which means that the same bytecode can run on any platform that has a compatible VM installed.

  2. Security: Bytecode is executed by a virtual machine, which provides an additional layer of security.

  3. Platform independence: Bytecode is platform-independent, which makes it easier to write cross-platform software.


  1. Slower execution: Bytecode is typically slower than binary code because it needs to be interpreted by the VM.

  2. Larger size: Bytecode is designed to be human-readable, which means that it can be larger than binary code.


Binary code and bytecode are two different types of code that are used to make programs executable. Binary code is a machine-readable format that's specific to the platform it was compiled on, while bytecode is designed to be executed by a virtual machine and is portable across different platforms. While binary code can be faster and smaller, it's not portable and can be vulnerable to security attacks. Bytecode, on the other hand, is portable, platform-independent, and provides an additional layer of security, but it can be slower and larger than binary code. Understanding the differences between these two types of code can help developers choose the right format for their applications based on their specific needs.