Difference Between Ballistic and Cruise Missile Upsc

In modern warfare, missiles have become an essential tool for any military force. Missiles come in different shapes and sizes and serve various purposes. Among the various types of missiles, the two most popular and widely used ones are ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. In this article, we will discuss the difference between ballistic and cruise missiles in detail, with a focus on their features, capabilities, and applications.

What is Ballistic Missiles?

A ballistic missile is a missile that follows a ballistic trajectory, which means it is propelled into the air and then allowed to fall back to Earth under the influence of gravity. Ballistic missiles are usually launched from a mobile or stationary platform such as a land-based launchpad, submarine, or aircraft.

The trajectory of a ballistic missile is predetermined and cannot be changed during the flight. Once the missile is launched, it is guided by an onboard computer that directs it towards its target. Ballistic missiles are powered by rocket engines and can travel at supersonic speeds, making them difficult to intercept.

Ballistic missiles are categorized into two types: short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs) and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). SRBMs have a range of up to 1,000 km and are mainly used for tactical purposes. On the other hand, ICBMs have a range of more than 5,500 km and are designed to target strategic locations such as enemy cities, military installations, and other vital infrastructure.

One of the main advantages of ballistic missiles is their high speed and accuracy. They can deliver a large payload of explosives to their target with pinpoint accuracy. Ballistic missiles are also difficult to detect and intercept because of their high speed and altitude. Moreover, ballistic missiles can be launched from mobile platforms, which makes them difficult to locate and target.

What is Cruise Missiles?

Cruise missiles, on the other hand, are designed to fly at a low altitude and follow a preprogrammed flight path to their target. Unlike ballistic missiles, cruise missiles are powered by jet engines and can be launched from a variety of platforms such as ships, submarines, aircraft, and ground-based launchers.

Cruise missiles can be categorized into two types: subsonic and supersonic. Subsonic cruise missiles travel at speeds below the speed of sound, while supersonic cruise missiles travel at speeds above the speed of sound.

Cruise missiles have several advantages over ballistic missiles. They can fly at low altitudes and follow a terrain-hugging flight path, making them difficult to detect by radar. Moreover, cruise missiles can be programmed to avoid enemy air defense systems by following a route that minimizes the risk of detection and interception.

Another advantage of cruise missiles is their ability to carry a variety of payloads, including conventional and nuclear warheads, as well as electronic and cyber weapons. This makes them versatile weapons that can be used for a wide range of missions, including precision strikes against high-value targets, suppression of enemy air defense systems, and electronic warfare.


Characteristics of Ballistic and Cruise Missile.

Ballistic and cruise missiles are two types of guided missiles that are used in modern warfare. While both types of missiles have the same basic function of delivering a payload to a target, they have distinct characteristics that set them apart. In this article, we will discuss the characteristics of ballistic and cruise missiles in detail.

Characteristics of Ballistic Missiles:

  1. Trajectory: Ballistic missiles follow a high arcing trajectory that takes them into space before re-entering the Earth's atmosphere. This trajectory is predetermined and cannot be changed once the missile is launched.

  2. Speed: Ballistic missiles are very fast and can travel at speeds of up to Mach 20. They achieve this speed by using powerful rocket engines that propel them through the atmosphere.

  3. Range: Ballistic missiles have a longer range than cruise missiles. Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) can travel up to 16,000 km.

  4. Payload: Ballistic missiles can carry a heavy payload of multiple warheads, each with a high explosive yield. This makes them ideal for large-scale attacks on enemy installations.

  5. Accuracy: Ballistic missiles are highly accurate and can hit their targets with pinpoint precision. This is because they follow a predetermined trajectory, which can be programmed with a high degree of accuracy.

  6. Interception: Ballistic missiles are difficult to intercept because of their high speed and altitude. They are designed to be launched from mobile platforms, which makes them difficult to locate and target.

  7. Purpose: Ballistic missiles are primarily used for strategic purposes, such as the destruction of enemy cities, military installations, and other vital infrastructure. They are also used as a deterrent against potential adversaries.

Characteristics of Cruise Missiles:

  1. Trajectory: Cruise missiles fly at a low altitude and follow a pre-programmed flight path to their target. They can also fly at a variable altitude to avoid enemy air defense systems.

  2. Speed: Cruise missiles are slower than ballistic missiles and can travel at speeds between Mach 0.5 and Mach 3. They achieve this speed by using jet engines.

  3. Range: Cruise missiles have a shorter range than ballistic missiles, typically limited to a few hundred kilometers.

  4. Payload: Cruise missiles can carry a variety of payloads, including conventional and nuclear warheads, as well as electronic and cyber weapons. This makes them versatile weapons that can be used for a wide range of missions.

  5. Accuracy: Cruise missiles are less accurate than ballistic missiles and rely on GPS and other navigation systems to reach their targets.

  6. Interception: Cruise missiles are easier to intercept than ballistic missiles because they fly at a lower altitude and can be detected by radar.

  7. Purpose: Cruise missiles are used for a wide range of missions, including precision strikes against high-value targets, suppression of enemy air defense systems, and electronic warfare. They are also used for reconnaissance and intelligence gathering purposes.

Ballistic and cruise missiles are two types of guided missiles that have distinct characteristics. Ballistic missiles are faster, have a longer range, and are more accurate than cruise missiles. They are primarily used for strategic purposes such as the destruction of enemy cities and military installations. Cruise missiles are slower, have a shorter range, and are less accurate than ballistic missiles. However, they are more versatile and can be used for a wide range of missions, including precision strikes and electronic warfare. The choice of weapon will depend on the mission objectives and the specific circumstances of the engagement.

Ballistic vs Cruise Missiles

Differences between Ballistic and Cruise Missiles:

Now that we have discussed the basic features of ballistic and cruise missiles, let us look at the main differences between them.

Trajectory: The most significant difference between ballistic and cruise missiles is their trajectory. Ballistic missiles follow a parabolic trajectory, while cruise missiles follow a low altitude flight path.

Speed: Ballistic missiles are much faster than cruise missiles. They can travel at speeds of up to Mach 20, while cruise missiles travel at speeds between Mach 0.5 and Mach 3.

Range: Ballistic missiles have a longer range than cruise missiles. ICBMs can travel up to 16,000 km, while the range of cruise missiles is typically limited to a few hundred kilometers.

Payload: Ballistic missiles can carry a heavier payload than cruise missiles. They can carry multiple war heads, each with a high explosive yield, and are more suited for large-scale attacks on enemy installations. Cruise missiles, on the other hand, can carry a variety of payloads, including conventional warheads, nuclear warheads, and electronic and cyber weapons.

Accuracy: Ballistic missiles are highly accurate and can hit their targets with pinpoint precision. This is because they follow a predetermined trajectory, which can be programmed with a high degree of accuracy. Cruise missiles, on the other hand, are less accurate and rely on GPS and other navigation systems to reach their targets.

Interception: Ballistic missiles are difficult to intercept because of their high speed and altitude. Cruise missiles, on the other hand, are easier to intercept because they fly at a lower altitude and can be detected by radar.


Ballistic missiles and cruise missiles have different applications in modern warfare. Ballistic missiles are primarily used for strategic purposes, such as the destruction of enemy cities, military installations, and other vital infrastructure. They are also used as a deterrent against potential adversaries.

Cruise missiles, on the other hand, are used for a wide range of missions, including precision strikes against high-value targets, suppression of enemy air defense systems, and electronic warfare. They are also used for reconnaissance and intelligence gathering purposes.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Ballistic Missiles:

  1. Speed and Range: Ballistic missiles can travel at very high speeds and have a long range, making them ideal for long-range strikes.

  2. Accuracy: Ballistic missiles are highly accurate and can hit their targets with pinpoint precision. This makes them effective for attacking strategic targets.

  3. Payload: Ballistic missiles can carry a large payload, including multiple warheads, which makes them ideal for large-scale attacks.

  4. Deterrence: The possession of ballistic missiles acts as a deterrent against potential adversaries, as they know that they can be targeted from long distances.

Disadvantages of Ballistic Missiles:

  1. Vulnerability: Ballistic missiles are vulnerable to interception during their boost phase or during re-entry.

  2. Limited Flexibility: Ballistic missiles follow a predetermined trajectory, which means they cannot be redirected mid-flight. This makes them inflexible in terms of target selection.

  3. High Cost: The development and maintenance of ballistic missile systems are expensive, which limits their availability to only a few countries.

Advantages of Cruise Missiles:

  1. Versatility: Cruise missiles can be used for a wide range of missions, including precision strikes and electronic warfare.

  2. Low Altitude: Cruise missiles fly at low altitudes, which makes them difficult to detect and intercept by air defense systems.

  3. Cost-Effective: Cruise missiles are generally less expensive than ballistic missiles and can be produced in larger quantities.

  4. Flexibility: Cruise missiles can be redirected mid-flight, which makes them flexible in terms of target selection.

Disadvantages of Cruise Missiles:

Apologies for the confusion earlier. Here are some disadvantages of cruise missiles:

  1. Limited Range: While cruise missiles are effective for short to medium-range strikes, they have a limited range compared to ballistic missiles. This means that they are not suitable for long-range strikes or for attacking targets that are located far away.

  2. Vulnerability: Despite their low altitude flight, cruise missiles are still vulnerable to interception by advanced air defense systems. This is particularly true for stationary targets that are well-protected, such as military installations or command centers.

  3. Payload: While cruise missiles can carry a variety of payloads, they are limited in terms of the size and weight of the payload that they can carry. This means that they are not as effective as ballistic missiles when it comes to delivering large payloads or multiple warheads.

  4. Limited Speed: Cruise missiles are generally slower than ballistic missiles, which can limit their effectiveness in certain situations. For example, they may not be suitable for attacking time-sensitive targets, such as moving vehicles or aircraft.

  5. Navigation: Cruise missiles rely on a guidance system that can be affected by interference or jamming, which can cause them to lose their target or miss altogether.

  6. Cost: While cruise missiles are generally less expensive than ballistic missiles, they are still costly to develop, produce, and maintain. This means that they may not be available to all countries or military organizations, particularly those with limited resources.

Both ballistic and cruise missiles have their advantages and disadvantages. Ballistic missiles are fast, accurate, and have a long range, making them effective for strategic strikes. However, they are vulnerable to interception and are inflexible in terms of target selection. Cruise missiles are versatile, cost-effective, and flexible in terms of target selection, but they have a limited range and are vulnerable to interception. The choice of missile type will depend on the specific mission objectives and the circumstances of the engagement.

From a military perspective, both ballistic and cruise missiles can be used to achieve a variety of objectives, including deterrence, strategic strikes, and precision strikes. However, their use is not without risk, as the launch of missiles can be seen as a provocative act that could escalate tensions and trigger an armed conflict.

Furthermore, the use of missiles, particularly nuclear missiles, has a significant impact on international relations and global security. Therefore, the development, deployment, and use of missiles should be carefully considered by all countries, and the international community should work to prevent the proliferation of missile technology and reduce the risk of their use.

Ballistic and cruise missiles are two types of guided missiles with distinct characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. While they have different roles and applications in modern warfare, their use carries significant risks, and their development and deployment should be carefully considered by all countries. Ultimately, the use of missiles should be seen as a last resort, and efforts should be made to resolve conflicts through diplomatic means.


In conclusion, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles are two of the most important weapons in modern warfare. While they share some similarities, such as their ability to deliver a devastating payload to their target, they differ significantly in terms of their trajectory, speed, range, payload, accuracy, and applications.

Ballistic missiles are faster and more accurate than cruise missiles, and are primarily used for strategic purposes such as the destruction of enemy cities and military installations. Cruise missiles, on the other hand, are slower and less accurate than ballistic missiles, but are more versatile and can be used for a wide range of missions, including precision strikes and electronic warfare.

In summary, both ballistic and cruise missiles have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of weapon will depend on the mission objectives and the specific circumstances of the engagement.