What Is Subliminal Publicity? Definition of Subliminal Publicity, Subliminal Publicity Meaning and Concept

Subliminal advertising is the use of subliminal and unconscious messages in advertising spaces whose main purpose is to create stimuli and impacts on the public without direct knowledge of it.

Through this type of advertising practices, the receiver is not aware that information about a particular good or service is being transferred to him by means of subliminal messages. In this way, you are receiving details or characteristics about a product outside of your knowledge to shape or influence your decision-making power as an individual, through consumer preferences .

Criticism at the end

The use of this type of marketing techniques at a subliminal and unconscious level has been intensely discussed and criticized since its birth and expansion in the 1960s, mainly in terms of effectiveness and about the usefulness of these impacts and their subsequent translation into sales. .

This type of practice is common in cases of advertising soft drinks, alcoholic beverages or tobacco brands, trying to subliminally associate the consumption of these products with an idea of ​​success and triumph. For this, it is common to find suggestions related to themes of various kinds, including sexual ones.

How is subliminal advertising done?

In general, subliminal advertising is used through audiovisual messages (fixed, such as images from magazines or posters, or moving through frames) emitted below the threshold of conscious perception. This means that they reach the human brain but unconsciously for people. Information is deposited in their heads in such a way that they do not find out directly. The objective is that this information drives the desire of consumers towards a certain product, creating a need for it and influencing their behavior as buyers.

With the help of the perception capacity of the human eye and the brain (which work differently), subliminal messages are transferred that stimulate sensations or ideas such as anxiety, hunger, panic or thirst, with the help of suggestion.

The use of subliminal advertising is prosecuted and punished as a general rule by the authorities. Despite this, its effectiveness is constantly questioned and its usefulness is sometimes considered even as a myth within the world of marketing .