What Is Business Marketing? Definition of Business Marketing, Business Marketing Meaning and Concept

Trade marketing is a tool that is intended to encourage consumers to consume at the point of sale.

Consumers have a great tendency to buy, and acquire products at the physical point of sale of a brand . For this reason, it is essential to train workers, or create a specific department that deals with generating that feeling of need in the user to motivate him to make a purchase.

For this type of action, you must have a specialist called a trade marketing manager. This expert will be in charge of making a plan to get customers to buy as much as possible.

Objectives of trade marketing

These are the most prominent:

  • Increase and accelerate the sale of products at all times.
  • Plan, coordinate, and organize the required promotions.
  • Successfully rotate the products that exist in the physical establishment to give them an effective outlet, and improve sales.
  • Generate traffic, take care of the branding of the brand , and take care of the merchandising.

What is the job of a trade marketing manager?

The person in charge of carrying out all these actions mentioned above is called a trade marketing manager, and has an important weight within the brand because his work is essential to increase sales, and the consumer's desire to buy the items of the establishment.

These are its main functions:

  • Define the promotions of the services, or products. An essential task that can generate many benefits to a company if it is carried out effectively. For this reason, a series of strategies must be carried out, defining the promotion time, the products that will be included in it, the objectives that are intended to be achieved, the prices, as well as the advertising and the workers who will collaborate in the launch. starting this practice.
  • Coordinate assortments and categories of the establishment. This means offering a greater assortment of products to customers to improve sales, that they can choose from a wide variety, and meet the needs of the consumer. The objective is to reduce costs, and adjust an interesting and beneficial offer for the consumer and the company. It is also an important part when it comes to managing processes and ways of working with agility. All this with the purported objective of increasing sales in the shortest time possible.
  • Be aware of what is trending at the points of sale. An essential task that aims to know in situ the experience that users feel, and live in order to transfer this data, and create news, trends, and actions aimed at generating the desire to purchase.
  • Take care of valuing merchandising . Brochures, tastings, or cards delivered to users at the point of sale are other actions that this professional must be on the agenda for. All this has one goal: to enhance the brand, and stand out from the competition.

What are the sectors that have this strategy?

It is mainly addressed to:

  • Physical point of sale. This concept includes the establishments of the different brands. so-called retailers.
  • Wholesalers, and distributors. Its task is to carry out the distribution to ensure that the consumer has easy access to these products anywhere.