Tips for Caring for Car Shockbreakers

the Function of the Shock Absorber Is to Maintain the Balance of the Car When Passing Through Bumpy Roads. for This Reason, It Is Necessary to Take Care of Car Shock Absorbers So That They Are Always in Optimal Condition.

As one of the important components in the car. Shocbreaker serves to minimize the effects that occur on uneven and bumpy roads. So with the shockbreaker, the car body will not experience excessive shocks. If the car that you use everyday starts to feel unnatural shocks than usual. That's usually the condition of the shockbreaker that has to be treated. So that these components can perform optimal and maximum performance.

Here's How to Take Care of Shockbreaker

Check Shockbreaker Rod

The first way to treat a car shockbreaker is. Be sure to check the condition of the shockbreaker rod to avoid sand and dust. How to clean it You clean it with a brush and a knife, if there is sand or dust stuck to the shockbreaker.

Clean Piston Rod

The pistons in the shockbreaker must be cleaned frequently, so that they are protected from dirt that can cause scratches. If the dirt is left it can damage the valve on the piston.

Apply Special Oil

The next step in treating car shock absorbers is to apply it with a wet type finish line oil. Apply on the rubber part of the front shock cylinder, do it carefully and slowly. Then clean it if there is still residual oil around it, using gasoline and then using a brush until it is assumed to be dry.

Tighten Bolt

Tighten the bolts on the car shockbreaker with an adjustable wrench. It's best not to use electric fasteners, because they can damage the threaded pistro rod.

Don't Use Pliers

When removing or installing shockbreaker components, do not clamp using pliers. This can cause scratches on the piston rod which can spread to damage the piston seal when the shockbreaker does its job. Then keep in mind when tightening the shockbreaker bolt, it's best not to jack it up. Lower first, then push forward and backward the car within 1 meter. After that, tighten the bolts so that the bolts can lock with the maximum.