Recognize the Causes of Blong Brakes and How to Overcome It

One of the risks in driving is an accident that can be caused by many things including brake failure. However, we can all minimize this risk by always taking good care of our vehicles and driving by obeying traffic signs. Not a few of you may be curious about the cause of brake failure.

Brakes that fail, of course, are very dangerous and can cause accidents that can also harm other road users. This time, automotive tips will share information about the causes of brake failure for both cars and motorcycles and how to overcome them.

Overview of Brakes on Vehicles

Every vehicle including cars and motorcycles is equipped with a braking system. Brake is a system that works to slow down or stop the rotation of the wheels on the vehicle. The working principle of vehicle brakes is to convert kinetic energy into heat by rubbing 2 pieces of metal that are on a rotating object.

The rotation of the object will slow down so that the speed of the wheel rotation is also getting slower or even stops. To work properly, the braking system will always involve many components including the brake pads and control lever. In general, there are 5 types of vehicle brakes, namely:

  • Mechanical brake or drum
  • hydraulic brake
  • Disc brakes
  • parking brake
  • Air brake

The braking system for both cars and motorcycles has the same function, namely:

  • Adjusting the speed while driving
  • Slowing down or stopping the movement of the wheels on the vehicle
  • Hold the vehicle while parking and stop driving on uphill and downhill roads

Causes of Car Blong Brakes

The failure of the car brakes can be the cause of accidents on the highway. One of the dangers of this condition is the life that can be threatened, not only the life of the driver but also other road users.

Therefore, you have to start recognizing some of the causes of a failed car brake when the engine is running so that you can anticipate and also take care of this one car component.

The brakes on the car serve to reduce speed. However, the brakes will not function properly if they are in a state of failure. To be able to avoid this, you have to do regular checks and maintenance on every component of the car, including the brakes.

When the brakes start to fail, you have to be observant of some of the causes in order to get a solution or the right way to deal with it so it doesn't worsen the condition and doesn't damage other car components.

Then, what are the causes of the Avanza 's brakes failing? In general, there are several causes of a failed car brake, ranging from worn brake pads to dirty brake fluid. Unfortunately, not all users and car owners are aware of this. Some of them are even unfamiliar with this so they use their four-wheeled vehicles without knowing when and how to take care of the car.

1. Worn Brake Canvas

Do you know? The level of wear and tear on the brake lining can affect the performance of the braking system itself. If the component has a high level of wear, it can cause problems, especially brake failure which can endanger the lives of many people.

2. Broken Brake Piston

Another cause of his blog brakes on cars is the brake pistons are starting to break. A faulty or damaged piston can cause the component to be unable to transmit hydraulic pressure from the brake pedal to pressurize the brake lining. This is what then makes the brake performance is not optimal and even becomes blank.

3. Clogged Brake Oil Hose

There are many components in a car's braking system and one of them is the brake oil hose. If there is a blockage in this section, it could be another cause of brake failure on the panther car. This condition is caused by dirt that enters when filling the brake fluid and then causes a blockage in the brake fluid hose.

Not only that, dirt can also enter from the reserve tank. Or it could be caused by the quality of the brake fluid that does not match the needs of the car. Low-quality brake fluid, especially those sold at cheap prices, is very easy to settle and these deposits can turn into dirt.

4. the Brake Fluid Runs Out

Out of brake fluid? Do not let this happen because it can be another cause of a failed car brake. How did it happen? The process of forwarding the braking system carried out by brake fluid that does not function optimally can cause the car's brakes to fail.

5. Broken Master Cylinder Piston Seal

Damage to any part should not be allowed. If damage occurs in the master piston seal, it is not impossible that this can cause the brakes to fail. For your information, the function of the piston seal is to pull the piston back after the braking process occurs.

This damage causes the piston components to not work optimally. That is why in the end it has a direct impact on the brakes, where the braking system cannot be optimal. Users will find it difficult to control the steering wheel and this condition is certainly very dangerous.

6. Leaky Braking System

With so many causes of brake failure, you also have to know if a leaky braking system is one of them. This problem is even the most fatal and also dangerous. So, you must always be vigilant when driving a car and don't let this happen. In general, leaks occur in the master so it is very important to always carry out routine car maintenance.

7. Vapor Lock

Vapor lock is a condition where brake fluid evaporates as a result of the influence of too high a temperature and heat. Boiling brake fluid and causing steam or air bubbles in the brake system can certainly cause the brakes to fail. You also have to be aware of this kind of condition to prevent the brakes of the car that you use for daily activities from failing.

8. Dirty Brake Fluid

The low quality of the brake fluid that you use can be the cause of the brake fluid getting dirty easily. This is because poor quality brake fluid will settle easily and then turn into dirt debris. This is also the cause of the brake failure of the car.

How to Overcome Brake Blong on a Car

The problem of brake failure, of course, should not be allowed to continue. However, sometimes we only realize this when we are driving a car. If this happens, then what should be done?

To solve the problem until the car stops, try some ways that can be very useful while driving. Some of these include:

1. Use Handbrake

If the brakes are no longer working properly or we can say failed, use the handbrake instead. You can try this method after controlling the car by lowering the gear quickly. You can rely on the handbrake until the car stops.

2. Lower Gears Gradually

It's natural for you to panic when the brakes don't work or fail. However, make sure not to panic and try to downshift rapidly to 1st gear. Yes, this method applies to manual transmissions. As for the automatic transmission, the driver can reduce the gas and disable the overdrive feature so that the car experiences engine brake.

It can also be done by moving the transmission lever to positions 3,2, and L quickly but still gradually. When using an automatic car equipped with a paddle shift, shift gears with that part like a manual car.

3. Don't Step on the Gas Pedal

Even in a state of panic, don't let your foot step on the gas pedal. At times like this, it would be better if you keep your foot away from the gas pedal. The goal is that you don't step on that part by accident.

4. Avoid Turning Off the Car Engine

Turning off the car when the brakes fail is not the right solution. Keep the car running and then check left and right, then pull over if possible. And you can also immediately turn on the emergency lights so that people around or other drivers know that your vehicle is in trouble.

5. Shake the Brake Pedal

Another way you can try is to shake the brake pedal because the brakes may just fail for a while. If the braking system is working again, you can immediately pull over and check the condition of the braking system. It would be better if you don't continue driving and just call the nearest auto repair shop to check your car.

6. Crash Cars

If you've tried many ways but the car still can't stop, the option is to crash or crash the car on an object with minimal risk. You can try dropping the car into a muddy area or crashing the car against a wooden fence.

Causes of Motorcycle Brakes

Similar to brakes on cars, brakes on motorcycles also play an important role in reducing the speed of these two-wheeled vehicles.

1. Motorcycle Brake Canvas Is Worn

The disc power to clamp the disc disc can no longer work optimally if the motor brake pad is worn out. This also has the potential to cause interference with the brake system. In addition to reducing its performance, it can also cause accidents.

In fact, there are still many motorcycle owners who are still ignorant and even let the brake pad plate completely wear off. This can also potentially cause the brakes to fail.

2. Less Brake Fluid

The motorbike that you use for activities in everyday life is a true friend that accompanies you in any condition. Therefore, you have to pay close attention to it, including the condition of the brake fluid. Lack of brake fluid supply can cause various problems that hinder the use of the motorbike or even cause an accident, especially if the brakes suddenly fail.

3. Brake Master Leaked

If you are looking for the cause of the brake failure of the motorcycle, a leaky brake master is one of the causes of the problem. The rubber seal on the piston can wear out due to age. As a result, the brake master has a leak.

In this condition, the wind cannot be suppressed so that the motor speed will decrease automatically. Although the brakes can still be pressed, but it feels sluggish. There is also another possibility that the brakes feel very hard when pressed.

4. Brake Fluid Flow Is Blocked

Blockage in the oil line prevents hydraulic pressure from being applied to the braking system. This can cause the motor to go out of control even if you press the brakes deeply. Dirt is the cause of blockage in the flow of brake fluid while the supply hole is only 1-2 mm in size.

5. Braking Device Is Too Hot

The hot temperature of the braking device is not a favorable condition for motorcyclists. In some cases, this can also be the cause of the brake failure on the automatic motorcycle.

The device is located on the brake master and brake fluid hose. There is a decrease in brake quality when the temperature in the braking device is hot. Another consequence of the hot temperature in this section is that the brake fluid seals and hoses wear out quickly. That's why the brakes on your motorcycle feel sluggish.

How to Overcome Brake Blong on a Motorcycle

Prevention must be done as early as possible so that you will never experience a brake failure on two-wheeled vehicles, namely motorbikes. But if the brakes feel loose when you ride a motorcycle, try these things as a way to solve the problem.

1. Keep Vehicles Away from Crowds

When facing a failed brake, try to avoid the vehicle from the crowd. You can find a quiet but spacious place to avoid unwanted incidents. In addition to being calm, be sure to keep lowering the speed of the motor either with the engine brake on a manual motor or by processing gas on an automatic motor.

2. Set the Distance with Other Riders

The condition of the brake failure on the motorcycle can cause accidents when driving on public roads. However, you can prevent this by keeping your distance from other drivers. Keep doing this until you can really control the speed of the motorbike and find a place away from the crowds or the motorbike stops.

3. Lower the Motor Gear Gradually

Another way that can help overcome a failed motorcycle brake is to gradually lower the motor gear. Yes, this can be an effort so that you avoid problems that may arise when you can't control the brakes or fail.

4. Don't Turn Off the Motor Engine

Turning off the engine when the brakes fail is not recommended. This is a wrong and even dangerous action that can make it difficult for you to control the speed of the vehicle. In other words, continue to run the motor but at a reduced speed and still regulate the use of the brakes.

5. Adjust Brake Usage

Even though the brakes feel sluggish, you can still adjust the use of the brakes. It's possible that this kind of thing only happens for a moment, so the brakes can work normally again a few moments later. You should also try this method when you're riding a motorcycle but the brakes suddenly fail or don't work.

After recognizing some of the causes of brake failure in both cars and motorbikes, you should be more diligent in checking the overall condition of the car. Perform routine maintenance to maintain the maximum performance of each vehicle component. This can also prevent unwanted things, especially things that are dangerous and can cause accidents.

To maximize the method above which aims as protection, you can also choose protection products for two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles. There are many products designed to protect the journey of car and motorcycle riders. This will make you more comfortable in driving.