Here's How to Read the Car Oil Dipstick Correctly!

The car is one of the most widely used vehicles for daily activities. This makes us want to always take good care of the car so that this car does not get damaged quickly due to its frequent use. One of the most common forms of car maintenance is changing the oil or checking it. There are several ways we can do to check the oil in our cars. One of them is with a dipstick. What is the name of the tool to find out the amount of engine oil dosing? Well, this dipstick is a tool that has been given directly by the car manufacturer for us to use when we want to check the quality of the car oil to the amount of engine oil that is available. However, for those of you who are still new to it, you may be confused about how to read a car oil dipstick.

Then, how to check car oil with this dipstick? Here are some ways that automotive tips has summarized so that you don't misanalyze the results shown by the dipstick.

What Is a Car Oil Dipstick?

There are several ways that can be done to check the oil on a four-wheeled motor vehicle. One of them is with a dipstick. The dipstick is a flat rod that will be immersed in the oil storage area in the engine. As the name implies, the use of this tool is by dipping it or by dipping itself. This tool is generally part of the car that has been provided by the manufacturer and you immediately get the package when you buy a car.

You can also find it in a fairly easy place because you only need to open the hood of the car and see a stick with a yellow, white, or red tip. With this iron you can check the quality and volume of the oil more easily. But unfortunately, it has just been discovered that many car users have not been able to use this benefit to the fullest.

However, its use is not difficult. Even so, there are several things that must be considered, such as the car must be parked on a flat road so that the oil level can be adjusted according to the circumstances. Also make sure the condition of the car engine is not hot because it takes time for the oil to circulate to the shelter.

So, what does the oil stick actually do? The function of the dipstick or oil stick is so that vehicle owners can easily check the quality and volume of oil from outside the engine. Dipsticks are not only applicable to car engines, but also to the use of dipsticks to check motor oil.

How to Read Car Oil Dipstick

Similarly, before understanding how to read a motorcycle oil dipstick, knowing various information about what a car oil dipstick is first is very important before you know how to read a car oil dipstick. This is because there are still many people who do not know what a car dipstick is. But that's okay, because here you can find answers to your questions so you don't have to bother finding out information about reading this dipstick with research first.

Dipstick is a flat iron that can be used to check the state of our car oil. This tool has been provided directly by the car manufacturer for us to use. However, there is a pretty big possibility if you still don't understand how to use this dipstick.

What are the steps in checking oil using a dipstick? Here are some ways to read a car oil dipstick that you need to know. You can also apply this step as a way to read the automatic car oil dipstick or the manual version.

1. Park the Car on a Flat Surface

How to check car engine oil ? The first step you need to do is you have to park your car on a flat road surface. This is done so that you can get a more accurate oil reading. Here you have to make sure that the oil is not tilted to one of the parts which will give you a slightly inaccurate reading. Try to find a flat surface when you park the car and then you can check your oil.

2. Make Sure the Car Engine Is Off

Untuk kebanyakan mobil, sangat direkomendasikan untuk pengemudi mengecek oli mereka saat mesinnya sedang dingin. Namun beberapa automaker merekomendasikan pengecekan saat mesin dalam keadaan hangat untuk beberapa kendaraan. Supaya bisa menentukan lebih pasti lagi yang mana yang cocok untuk mobil kamu maka kamu harus mengecek manual pemilik. Jika kamu kehilangan buku manual pemilik maka kamu bisa menemukan bentuk onlinenya di internet. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi temperatur mesin ideal untuk pengecekan oli adalah termasuk jenis oli yang digunakan dan temperatur di lokasi kamu mengecek oli mobil. Elemen tambahan ini harusnya juga tersedia di dalam buku manual pemilik. Pastikan saat kamu kamu mengecek oli mobil dalam keadaan mesin sedang panas, maka kamu harus berhati-hati supaya tidak kebakar tangannya.

3. Buka Kap Mesin dan Cabut Dipstick Oli

Usually there will be a bar somewhere on the edge of the driver's door that looks like the front of your car opening. You will pull or push this bar depending on the model of the vehicle you have. Then you have to get out of the car to look at the front of the hood for a bar, usually it's in the middle but some are slightly tilted. Pull and lift your hood to see the state of the engine. On some cars, the hood will continue to stand while others will require assistance to get up.

4. Pay Attention to the Oil Volume Indicator Level

Just like how to check motor oil, you also need to pay attention to the level of the oil volume indicator on the car engine. Usually, there are two small dots at the end of the dipstick, where one indicates that the oil is full or the other indicates the minimum amount of oil that should be present.

The way to look at the oil dipstick is to make sure the minimum point should be close to the tip, and the maximum point should be about an inch or so higher. In a car that has a sufficient amount of oil, the line is about halfway between the two points.

In general, the point that is at its minimum will be at the very end of the dipstick. If the line of no oil on the dipstick is in the middle of the tip and that point then you should add oil to your car.

In other words, the common markings on the tip of the dipstick are the letters 'F' (full/full) and 'E' (empty/empty). Between the two letters, you can find lines that indicate the volume of oil. If the oil sticks to the line between the minimum and maximum, your car's oil volume means it's still safe.

The amount of oil should never exceed the maximum fill point. However, when you check the oil when it's hot, you'll see it's almost there. If that happens, you have to reduce the amount of oil in the car.

5. Also Pay Attention to the Condition of the Oil Color

The color and consistency of the engine oil will indicate its age and possibly some other engine efficiency issues that you should be aware of. So, make sure to also check the color of your car's engine oil.

Once you remove the dipstick, you will know the quality of your engine oil. Engine oil that is in good condition will have a slightly greenish yellow color, and should not be too dark. Wipe off some of the oil stuck to the dipstick and check for the oil on a cloth. This oil check method applies to Auto Ertiga, Toyota Avanza, Toyota Kijang Innova, Daihatsu Xenia, Honda Jazz, to any type and brand of car.

The oil will change its color from gold to brown and black the longer the oil is out of the engine. Metal filings and particulates will gradually damage car cylinders over time which explains why oil should be changed at recommended service intervals.

Sebenarnya, kondisi oli mesin mobil yang berwarna kuning bersih atau kuning kecoklatan masih layak pakai. Namun, jika oli mobil sudah berwarna coklat gelap atau bahkan hitam, oli tersebut sudah sangat tidak layak dan harus segera diganti.

Lihatlah warnanya secara lebih spesifik. Jika warnanya gelap atau bahkan hitam maka itu adalah tanda kalau oli harus segera diganti. Bawa mobil kamu ke bengkel untuk diganti olinya atau kamu bisa mencoba untuk menggantinya sendiri.

6. Ketahui Pengertian Tanda Pada Dipstick

Untuk lebih detailnya, beberapa kondisi bisa ditunjukkan lewat dipstick. Ada tiga kondisi yang perlu kamu ketahui seperti berikut ini.

A. Oli Rendah Atau Posisi Berada Di Bawah Low (L)

Kondisi ini menunjukkan kapasitas oli kurang dan harus ditambah. Penyebabnya bisa dari kemungkinan oli mesin bocor atau terdapat rembesan oli di sekitar mesin.

B. Normal Oil or Position Is Between Low and Full

This condition indicates the oil capacity that is not experiencing problems.

C. Excessive Oil or Position Is Above the Full Tanda Mark

This condition indicates the car's oil is too full. Please note, too much car engine oil can cause the engine to become heavy when running due to the engine shaft being submerged by oil.

Signs of Car Oil Needs to Be Changed

Knowing how to read oil using a dipstick is very important if you are a car owner. Because, this will help you to be able to know the condition of your car better. After you know how to read it, you also have to know the signs that the car oil needs to be changed. How do you know if your engine oil is no longer suitable for use and needs to be replaced?

There are several signs that appear when the car oil needs to be changed. This replacement is very important because it will make the condition of the car even better. Cars that don't change the oil frequently are more likely to be damaged, so it will cost even more to repair. Here are some signs that your car's oil needs to be replaced.

1. the Oil Indicator Light Is On, It Could Be Due to Less Oil Volume

When the car indicator light is on. precisely on the oil light indicator, this means it is a sign that the car's oil volume is low and you must add it immediately. You have to do the following steps if you see the oil indicator is on and you are on the road.

A. Pull Over to the Side of the Road and Turn Off the Car Engine

Kamu harus mencari setelah untuk menepikan mobil secepat yang kamu bisa. Mesin mobil bisa menjadi sangat rusak jika kamu memaksa untuk terus menjalankan mobil dengan keadaan oli yang kurang. Setelah kamu sampai ke tepi jalan kamu harus langsung mematikan mobil.

B. Periksa Oli Mesin Dengan Dipstick

Setelah mobil kamu aman di pinggir jalan, inilah saatnya untuk kamu mengecek level oli menggunakan dipstick. Cari lokasi dipstick seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di atas. Gunakan cara-cara di atas untuk bisa mengetahui keadaan dari oli mobil kamu.

C. Cari Gejala Kebocoran

Jika awalnya oli sudah terisi dengan banyak tetapi tiba-tiba oli yang kamu miliki tinggal sedikit maka kamu harus melihat apakah terjadi kebocoran secara internal. Lihat ke bagian bawah mobil untuk melihat adanya kemungkinan kebocoran. Jika ada oli yang menetes di bawah mesin, ada kemungkinan gasket sudah robek atau filter oli nya tidak terpasang.

D. Tambahkan Oli Jika Jumlahnya Kurang

Ada kemungkinan kalau lampu indikator oli menyala karena kurangnya tekanan dari oli yang ada. Dapatkan jenis oli yang sama dengan apa yang ada di dalam mesin mobil dan perhatikan berat oli tersebut. Kamu bisa mengisi oli mesin sampai indikator dipstick mencapai garis full. Nyalakan lagi mobil dan lihat apakah indikator tersebut masih nyala.

E. Usahakan Untuk Tidak Kembali Menyetir Jika Lampu Indikator Kembali Menyala

Jika indikator tersebut masih nyala walaupun oli sudah ditambahkan maka kemungkinannya masalahnya terletak pada tekanan oli. Tekanan oli ini terjadi karena adanya pompa oli yang mendorong oli menuju mesin. Jika pompa ini tidak berfungsi maka mesin di dalam mobil tidak akan bisa terlumasi dengan baik.

2. Suara Transmisi Mesin Terdengar Kasar Saat Dinyalakan

Bukan hanya oli pada kompresor tetapi oli mesin juga harus kamu cek. Pengecekan ini harus dilakukan secara sering supaya jumlah oli yang ada di mesin selalu tersedia dengan jumlah yang cukup dan kondisinya masih baik. Jika oli yang ada di mesin sudah tinggal sedikit atau kondisinya sudah jelek maka mesin tidak akan bisa terlumasi dengan baik. Hal ini akan menimbulkan suara kasar dari mesin saat baru dinyalakan. Ciri utamanya adalah adanya bunyi kasar dari gesekan komponen yang terdengar dari bagian atas katup mobil. Jika sudah begini maka kamu harus langsung pergi ke bengkel supaya mesin lain tidak ikutan rusak.

3. Oli Mesin Mobil Berwarna Hitam

The yellow color of the oil indicates that the oil used is still in good condition and the distance traveled is still small. If the color of your engine oil is still like this then you don't need to change your oil. If the color of the oil turns milky white, this indicates that your oil has been mixed with water. The following is the cause of milky white car engine oil is the presence of a hole in the dividing wall in the engine which makes the possibility of mixing oil and water in the engine. You should check your car immediately to the repair shop when you see this condition in your car oil.

The black color of the oil means that your vehicle has exceeded the specified mileage. You must immediately replace it because this can damage the car engine. You should also remember the last time you changed your oil. Because there is a possibility that the oil can turn black even though it has only been changed for a few days. If this happens, it means that the cause of the discoloration of the oil does not occur in the faulty engine.

4. Machine Feels Unresponsive

A faulty or overheating engine can cause a decrease in vehicle performance. As we already know, the car engine is the main driver of the car. That is why if there is a problem with the engine it can cause the car to become less powerful.

So that this can be resolved, you have to check the condition of the car engine and make repairs to it at the nearest repair shop. But if the cause is overheating, then you can cool your car engine first. After the engine cools down you can change or fill your engine oil.

Is your car engine having problems? No need to worry about the service if you already have the best car insurance. Because, by having car insurance, you can feel the benefits of comprehensive protection. Not only that, you also don't need to worry about impromptu expenses because the cost of servicing at an official repair shop will be borne by the insurance company in accordance with the applicable car insurance policy. Great, isn't it? Wallet is safe, driving is calmer, your heart is calm because you are protected from various risks! So, don't hesitate to have car insurance for the condition of your favorite vehicle, which is always in prime condition!

5. Car Smoke Becomes Colored

If the car exhaust smoke is thin white then there may be a problem with the condensation in the exhaust. But you don't need to worry because this is not a too serious problem. It's different when you see thick white car smoke. This means that there is oil that is carried into the combustion chamber. However, only fuel can enter the combustion chamber.

6. Mileage Exceeds the First 10,000 Km or the Minimum Limit According to the Manufacturer's Instructions in the Manual

Different types of cars, different need for long oil changes. However, ideally, a car that has reached a mileage of 10,000 km should have its oil changed for the first time. This mileage is generally obtained every 6 months, but it also depends on the intensity of vehicle use. Moreover, if the car is often used to crash into traffic jams, it's a good idea to change the oil more regularly.

7. Engine Temperature Too Hot

The indicator on the car can also show the condition of the car being overheated or too hot. In this condition, it could be caused by poor oil conditions, so that the heat conductivity of the engine is reduced.

To avoid the risk of spreading heat unevenly, make sure you change your car's oil regularly. That way, you will also avoid the risk of feeling heat radiation from the engine block area towards your feet which you don't normally feel.

How to Change Your Own Car Oil at Home

Although you can change your car's oil at the nearest repair shop. you can of course also change your own car's oil. Have you compared the cost of changing car oil at home vs. a repair shop ? Have you decided to change your car's oil yourself? Here is the complete way.

1. Make Sure the Car Is Warm

Before changing the oil, you have to make sure that the engine is still warm. This is because if you change the oil while the engine is still hot it will be very dangerous for yourself.

2. Jack the Front of the Car

Jack up the front of the car and make sure that the jack is also correct. This will make it easier for you to drain the car tank if the oil tank is under the engine. Don't forget to open the hood and also the oil fill cap.

3. Place the Oil Drain

Place this container right under the oil tank and make sure that you have a newspaper base so that no oil drips onto the garage floor.

4. Drain and Throw Away the Old Oil Until It Runs Out

If the drain container is already under the oil tank, you can unscrew the oil tank bolt with a bolt opener. Let the oil drain until it runs out.

5. Open the Oil Filter

You can also change the oil filter while you are waiting for the old oil to run out. Usually the oil filter will be in the car pool but some are in the engine room.

6. Replace the Oil Tank Filter and Drain Bolt

If the oil filter has been removed and the old oil has run out, then you can install a new oil filter and also close the drain hole tightly.

7. Pour New Engine Oil

Pour the new engine oil into the filling hole and make sure the oil level is in accordance with what the car engine needs. Do not fill the oil with an excessive or less dose.

Tips for Choosing a Good Car Oil

Well, before changing car oil, it's a good idea to know which car oil suits your needs and of course the best. The following are tips for choosing car oil that you need to know.

1. the Right Type of Car Engine Oil

Engine oil viscosity is a measure of the viscosity of the lubricant so that the oil can flow to the component parts with the SAE (Society Automotive Engineer) number. The lubricant will be thicker the higher the SAE number. It is better to have a stable oil viscosity which means it has resistance to low and high temperatures.

2. Choose a Certified Engine Oil

Some of the bodies that issue certifications are API, ACEA, ILSAC, and JASO. This certification makes the quality of the oil even more guaranteed.

3. Adjust to Factory Recommendations

You can find out the recommendations from the manufacturer by looking at the manual on the car. Don't just use one brand, but rather those that fit the specifications.

Knowledge of Car Oil Color

To support your knowledge about how to read the dipstick and the quality of your car's oil, automotive tips provides information about the color of car oil that you need to know.

A. Oil Color Like Milk or Cream

If your car oil has a milky or cream color, then there is a possibility that the head gasket is leaking. Another way to find out is if your exhaust has white smoke. This means there is water contamination of the oil.

B. Dark Oil Color

Oil with a dark color can mean many things. This may be due to the presence of additives in the oil. Alternatively, a dark tint can occur if the oil is also recycled too often, and it's time for a change. If the oil is thick and dark, then there may be dirt contamination, especially if it is an offroad rig. What's more, this means that the oil can already feel very high heat. Usually, there will also be a burning smell when you use the dipstick. The brown color is okay, and usually occurs because it has been used for a long time. It's black that you have to think about and have to figure out the crux of the problem.

How to Add Car Oil Independently

Use the oil quality recommended in the owner's manual. You can buy it at any repair shop, or even in a supermarket. To add oil, remove the existing filler cap, usually at the very top of the engine. Since filling too much oil is not good for the engine, then you have to add it little by little. Start by adding half of it first.

Use a funnel to keep it from falling apart. Wait a moment and check the dipstick again. If the level is still below or near the minimum point, then add the rest. If your engine isn't leaking or is overheating then you rarely have to fill more than a quarter. However, if a second quarter is needed, add it the same way. After that, put the oil filler cap again, and you're done.

Tips for Reading Car Oil Dipstick

There are a few additional ways you need to know to read a car's oil dipstick. Anything? Check the following points.

  1. It is very important to check the condition of the oil regularly to prevent engine damage
  2. Use a cloth or paper towel to dry the dipstick
  3. Wait until the car engine is off for at least 30 minutes to get an accurate reading
  4. Check the state of your oil every time you fill up with gas

Warning Regarding Car Oil

There are two important points that are a warning about the condition of the oil which is also related to the condition of your car. Take notes, yes.

  1. If the oil condition is below the minimum, you can make your car engine seriously damaged
  2. Also don't fill the oil too much because if you fill it too much, the oil will form into foam and when the foam hits the crankshaft, then there will be problems with the car's performance.

Those are some tips, warnings, and how to read a car oil dipstick that you should know if you are a car owner. You have to know this because taking care of your car doesn't always need to go to the repair shop. You have to be able to do it yourself. Imagine if you are in an area without a repair shop and suddenly there is a problem with your engine oil.

This of course will be very annoying, because this easy thing makes you unable to continue your journey. That is why it is important to know the condition and how to change the car engine oil properly so that you know the problem with your car.