Here's How to Install the Car Exhaust Resonator

Annoyed by the sound of vehicles that are too noisy? You need to know how to install a car exhaust resonator. Not only that, the resonator is also an important component that affects the performance of the vehicle. The resonator mounted on the car exhaust is able to create back pressure in the exhaust gas stream so as to produce power for the vehicle's speed.

A car that has good performance, supported by components that function well too. The resonator is one of the car components that has a very important role, especially for driving comfort and maximizing vehicle engine performance. For this reason, the exhaust resonator needs to be checked regularly.

Then what is a resonator and how to install it properly? Come on, see the following automotive tips review.

What Is a Car Exhaust Resonator

The resonator is a component found in four-wheeled vehicles or cars that is useful for reducing sound. This component has a fairly complex working system so special attention is needed if you want to know how to install a car exhaust resonator. The resonator is located on the exhaust system, precisely in the middle of the system itself or depending on the design of the exhaust system on the car.

The resonator in the exhaust is a tubular component. A car exhaust that does not use a resonator can cause various problems. Cars without resonators will usually produce a louder, louder sound and tend to cause hum in the cabin.

Installing a resonator on a car exhaust can provide better comfort, especially if the vehicle is used for daily activities. With this important role of the resonator, you need to know the location of the car exhaust resonator and know how to install it so that it can function properly to support vehicle engine performance.

This Is the Function of the Car Exhaust Resonator

The resonator in a car exhaust has a very important function. This component serves to muffle and smooth the sound of the car, converting exhaust gas flow into power to create back pressure. Here is the function of the car exhaust resonator that you need to know.

1. Smooth the Exhaust Sound

One of the main functions of installing a resonator on a car exhaust is as a silencer when the engine is running. Car exhaust that doesn't use a resonator will usually have a louder, louder sound and also cause a hum in the cabin. This certainly makes car users uncomfortable, so a resonator is needed to smooth the exhaust sound, especially for racing car exhaust resonators.

2. Converting Exhaust Flow as Energy

Another function of installing a resonator on a car exhaust is to convert the exhaust gas flow into power. This is because the car exhaust does not have a filter that functions as a path for exhaust gases to produce thrust. Though the exhaust gas from the combustion has a fairly high pressure.

By installing a car exhaust resonator, the exhaust gas flow will be used as power so that it can improve the car's performance. In this way the engine performance will be more optimal. This will also affect fuel consumption because the car will feel more powerful.

3. Creating Back Pressure

Installing a resonator on the exhaust not only makes the gas flow into power. However, the pressure that comes out of the resonator also produces energy called velocity energy. This energy produces thrust. You need to know that the exhaust gas from the combustion of a car engine has a fairly high pressure. But unfortunately, this pressure is not necessarily capable of producing thrust, so it is necessary to install a resonator.

The installation of this resonator is useful for creating back pressure or back pressure on the exhaust gas flow. The amount of pressure generated also depends on the type of resonator you use. So make sure to also know the difference between long and short resonators to find out how much back pressure will be generated.

Find Out the Effect of a Car Exhaust Without a Resonator

As explained above, the bottom resonator has a big influence on the performance of the car engine. In addition to its main function as a silencer, the resonator also functions to create back pressure in the exhaust gas flow. Therefore, if the resonator function is not present, it will have a direct impact on the car's performance.

The exhaust effect that does not use a resonator will be felt directly by both the driver and passengers. In addition to the noisy exhaust sound, the vehicle's power while driving will also be reduced because the pressure coming out of the resonator functions to produce velocity energy as power so that the vehicle goes faster. Therefore, it is important to install the resonator including knowing the difference between threaded and straight resonators.

Here are some effects or impacts that can occur if the car exhaust does not use a resonator.

1. Make Engine Performance Change

Car exhaust that does not use a resonator can change engine performance. This is because the function of the resonator is to create a back pressure effect on the exhaust gas flow. This back pressure will determine the rhythm that occurs in the exhaust gas flow in all parts of the cylinder.

When the car exhaust resonator function does not work, it will greatly affect the performance of the car engine. This happens because there is no back pressure from the exhaust gas flow so that the thrust is reduced. As a result, the performance of the car engine will decrease.

2. Exhaust Sound Becomes Noisy

The main function of installing a resonator is to muffle the exhaust sound. If the exhaust is not fitted with a resonator, the sound emitted will be louder and louder. Even the exhaust sound will be louder when acceleration and high engine rpm. This is certainly very disturbing, especially if the vehicle is used for daily activities.

If the exhaust resonator is not installed, when the rpm increases, the sound that comes out will increase in volume. This of course can disturb the driver as well as other motorists on the road.

3. Affects Fuel Consumption

Any changes to the performance of the car engine will certainly have an impact on the fuel consumption of the vehicle. This makes fuel consumption more wasteful when compared to using an exhaust resonator. The presence of a resonator in the exhaust, whether it is functioning properly or not, will have a huge impact on fuel consumption.

The resonator is a component that you can use to save fuel. So in addition to making the exhaust sound smoother and increasing the performance of the car engine, you also get another advantage, which is more fuel efficient. This is certainly very profitable, especially if you have high enough mobility.

With the importance of the resonator function in a car exhaust, try to always use it. Although nowadays many young people are modifying their cars by removing the exhaust resonator to get a louder sound, this is quite detrimental to engine performance and fuel consumption. So you should still use the way of installing a car exhaust resonator so that the vehicle functions properly.

How to Install a Car Exhaust Resonator

The resonator has a fairly complex working system so that it requires attention and skill to install it in order to function properly. So the most appropriate way to install a car exhaust resonator is to take it to an official repair shop to have it done by professionals so that the results will also be maximized.

How to install manual and automatic car resonators also differ depending on the type and design of the car you have. The location of the resonator itself usually depends on the exhaust system itself. There are resonators that are mounted on the front of the catalytic converter or near the header, but there are also those that are placed behind the catalytic converter, aka close to the muffler.

How to install an exhaust resonator also depends on the type of resonator you are using, whether it is a long or short resonator. In addition, how to install a car exhaust resonator also depends on the type of threaded or straight resonator. However, in general, the way to install a resonator on a car exhaust is by welding it to connect it to other exhaust components.

You need to know, the installation of the resonator must be done properly if you want it to function properly. If it's not right, it will cause problems for the vehicle that can reduce the performance of the car's engine. So it's better to leave the installation of a car exhaust resonator to an experienced repair shop.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Install a Car Exhaust Resonator

Here are some common questions about how to install a car exhaust resonator that are often asked.

1. Where Is the Car Exhaust Resonator Located?

The resonator is a car component that serves to muffle the sound of the exhaust. This component is located in the exhaust system, precisely in the middle of the system itself. The position of the alpino resonator also depends on the design of the exhaust system on the vehicle.

There is a resonator mounted on the front of the catalytic converter or close to the header. However, some are placed behind the catalytic converter or adjacent to the muffler. However, the function remains the same, namely to reduce sound, convert exhaust gas flow into power and create back pressure to increase the engine power of the car.

2. What Is the Difference Between Long and Short Resonators?

Basically, both long and short resonators have the same function. The use of long or short resonators usually depends on the needs and the type of car used. The long resonator makes the exhaust sound smoother. On the other hand, if you choose how to make the car's resonator short, the exhaust sound produced will sound louder.

The choice of a long or short resonator does not affect the main function of the component itself. So the difference between long and short resonators is only the size that you can adjust to the needs of the vehicle. However, it would be better not to modify the factory default resonator because it is safer and better than modifying or even removing the resonator from the exhaust.

3. What Is the Difference Between Threaded and Straight Resonators?

Threaded and straight resonators actually have the same function, namely to reduce exhaust sound and create back pressure. However, according to some, the threaded resonator can make the exhaust sound more muffled. While the straight-type resonator, the sound emitted by the exhaust is smooth but not muffled. In the end, it all depends on the tastes of each vehicle owner. For position, the location of the car exhaust resonator, both threaded and straight, is also the same, namely the exhaust system exhaust.

3. What Is the Difference Between Resonator and Muffler?

The resonator is a component in a four-wheeled vehicle or car that functions to muffle sound. The location of this component usually depends on the exhaust system itself. Some resonators are mounted on the front of the catalytic converter or near the header, but some are located behind the catalytic converter or near the muffle.

In addition to dampening the exhaust sound, the function of the car exhaust resonator is also to convert the exhaust gas flow into power while creating back pressure. With this important function, an exhaust that is not equipped with a resonator will have an impact on the performance of the vehicle's engine. Not only that, exhausts that do not use resonators also have a greater fuel consumption when compared to exhausts that use resonators.

While the muffler is a part like a fairly large tube located at the back of the car exhaust. This component serves to muffle the sound of the exhaust gases before being expelled through the exhaust tip. In addition, the muffler also serves to increase the performance generated by the engine, increase fuel efficiency, reduce exhaust emissions and to increase the appearance of the vehicle.

At first glance, the muffle and resonator function is the same to muffle the exhaust sound. However, both have different ways of working and different locations but both are components of a car exhaust that serves to muffle sound.

4. What Is the Difference Between Long and Short Resonators?

The long and short resonators are actually just different sizes. However, it still has the same function, namely to reduce exhaust sound, convert exhaust gas flow into power and create back pressure. The difference between long and short resonators usually lies in the price of the car exhaust resonator and the sound it makes.

Long resonators usually make the exhaust sound smoother. On the other hand, if you choose a short car resonator, the exhaust sound produced will sound louder. So you can choose the type of long or short resonator according to the needs of the vehicle because basically they have the same function.

In order for the car to have good performance, then you have to make sure all the components are functioning properly including the exhaust resonator. Although it is not visible, this component has a very important function for the vehicle. Not only for driving comfort, but also affects the performance of the car engine. So you have to know the difference between a resonator and a muffler so you can check regularly.

Currently, the types and choices of exhaust resonators are also increasingly diverse. There are threaded and straight resonator types, there are also long and short resonator types. Before choosing to install it, make sure you know the difference between long and short resonators so you can choose according to the needs of the vehicle. That way the exhaust resonator will function more optimally.

Those are some things about car exhaust resonators that you need to know. To keep the car's performance always good, you have to make sure all the components are in good condition including the exhaust resonator. With its very important function, make sure how to install the car exhaust resonator according to factory standards because it will affect the performance of your vehicle's engine.