Here Are 7 Easy Ways to Repair Dry Battery!

No wonder the battery is considered a fairly important car component. Because without a healthy battery, several other components cannot function optimally because they require electricity. It is important that you know how to repair a dry battery.

Worse yet, the car will also not be able to start, let alone walk. As is known, in the ignition process, a car needs a battery as a battery or as a device that provides a power source. The battery stores electrical energy in the form of chemical energy.

It can also be said that the battery, accumulator or accumulator alias which is often known as the battery is the only source of electricity in the vehicle. In the automotive world, batteries are divided into two types, namely wet and dry batteries.

Then, what is the difference between dry battery and wet battery? In the dry type of battery, the liquid is denser and the form is a gel. Whereas in wet batteries the liquid is more watery, like water in general. Another difference, dry batteries require regular maintenance, in contrast to dry batteries which are maintenance free or can also be called maintenance free (MF). To be clear, here automotive tips will provide a complete review regarding dry batteries and how to fix them.

Get to Know the Type of Battery by Type

Basically there are five types of batteries. The five have different specifications, advantages, disadvantages, and prices, what are they? Here's a more complete explanation.

1. Wet Battery

First there is a wet battery. This type of battery is the most common battery, the easiest to find. It is called a wet battery because in this battery there is a liquid electrolyte or battery water in the form of sulfuric acid. Wet battery water contains antimony tin which will quickly run out due to the large potential for evaporation.

Usually, these wet batteries are sold at a low price compared to other types of batteries. Not only that, many repair shops will sell or receive wet battery maintenance services. However, wet batteries require regular maintenance. The evaporation that occurs can make the battery fluid run out quickly. Then, if not treated properly, the battery fluid can spill and damage other components.

2. Dry Battery

Even though the name is dry battery, it doesn't mean that this type of battery doesn't contain electrolytes. Dry batteries, or often known as Maintenance Free, use electrolyte fluids that contain calcium lead. Compared to antimony tin in wet batteries, calcium tin is more efficient in the evaporation process. In addition, dry batteries also don't need to be treated as often as wet batteries because these batteries don't require refilling electrolyte fluids. The dry battery is also tightly sealed so that the electrolyte liquid in it does not have the potential to spill.

However, because the quality of dry batteries is better than wet batteries, this type of battery is sold at a higher price. Strong sealing also has a certain impact. The reason is, when you do dry battery maintenance, automatically, you have to replace the dry battery components because the seal cannot be opened.

3. Hybrid Battery

Hybrid batteries can be used by various types of cars. This type of battery is called a hybrid because the technology it carries seems to be the result of a combination of the properties of a conventional battery and also Maintenance Free or what is known as the abbreviation MF.

Hybrid batteries actually still use liquid electrolytes like conventional batteries but the evaporation rate is very minimal. Unlike the conventional type, the hybrid battery has been filled with liquid from the factory and has a stun. So it can be used directly like an MF battery.

Bicara mengenai kandungan kimiawinya, aki jenis ini adalah hasil kombinasi dari aki biasa dengan aki kalsium. Dengan racikan tersebut, aki jenis ini terkenal akan tingkat penguapan yang sangat minim dan tidak memerlukan perawatan yang terlalu rutin.

Namun ada beberapa hal yang cukup diwaspadai dari aki hybrid. Layaknya aki kalsium, aki hybrid jarang ditemukan di toko-toko. Apalagi, cairan elektrolit di dalamnya bersifat korosif serta berbahaya bagi kulit manusia.

Layaknya aki konvensional, aki hybrid juga diperlukan ganti air. Hal itu termasuk dalam perawatan rutin dengan cara menambahkan air aki agar aki dapat bekerja dengan optimal dan tetap awet. Hal ini disebabkan karena seiring waktu dan pemakaian, terdapat proses penguapan pada aki hybrid.

4. Aki Kalsium

Berbeda dengan aki kering dan basah, kutub aki ini terbuat dari material kalsium. Aki kalsium memiliki tingkat penguapan yang lebih sedikit daripada aki pada umumnya. Di sisi lain, daya tahan baterai aki kalsium sangat baik dalam menyalurkan listrik.

Sayangnya, aki jenis ini masih kurang populer di Indonesia. Aki ini sangat jarang ditemukan di toko. Meskipun ada atau tersedia, stoknya akan terbatas dan harganya juga tak main-main.

5. Aki Gel

Terkahir, aki ini disebut sebagai aki berteknologi canggih. Alih-alih menggunakan cairan elektrolit, jenis aki ini justru menggunakan gel. Pastinya, gel lebih sedikit kemungkinannya untuk tumpah. Jika gel tumpah, kamu juga tidak perlu khawatir sebab aki ini tidak menggunakan cairan elektrolit yang bersifat korosif atau berbahaya.

Perlu diketahui, aki gel hampir bebas dari bentuk perawatan apa pun. Usia pemakaian aki gel bahkan lebih awet daripada jenis aki lainnya. Tidak perlu diragukan lagi, aki gel dijual dengan harga yang cukup mahal. Di sisi lain, jenis aki ini tidak akan mudah ditemukan di bengkel atau toko-toko.

Ciri-Ciri Aki Soak dan Perlu Diperbaiki

Selain jenis aki, mengetahui ciri-ciri aki sudah perlu diganti atau sudah soak menjadi salah satu hal yang sangat penting. Pasalnya, aki merupakan salah satu bagian vital pada kendaraan. Apabila aki pada kendaraan soak, maka hal tersebut dapat menyulitkan dirimu sendiri. Hal pertama yang sudah pasti akan dirasakan seperti mesin tidak dapat menyala.

Meskipun untuk pengguna sepeda motor mungkin masih tetap dapat menyalakan mesin motor apabila kondisi aki soak. Namun, hal tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan untuk tipe-tipe motor yang memiliki kick stater. Apabila tipe motor yang dimiliki hanya didukung dengan electric starter saja, maka mesin motor tetap tidak dapat dinyalakan.

Oleh sebab itu, mengetahui ciri-ciri aki soak pada motor dan mobil merupakan hal penting, agar kamu tidak mengalami kejadian buruk pada saat mengendarai kendaraan seperti misalnya mesin kendaraan tiba-tiba tidak dapat dinyalakan pada saat ditengah jalan. Hal tersebut tentunya akan menyulitkan dirimu sendiri.

Selain itu, merawat aki mobil atau motor menjadi salah satu hal yang perlu dilakukan juga oleh setiap pengguna kendaraan, agar aki pada mobil atau motor yang dimiliki lebih lama dari pada umur yang telah ditentukan dan tentunya kamu tidak perlu mengalami kejadian seperti mesin tidak dapat dinyalakan saat sedang berpergian.

1. Mesin Mobil Menjadi Sulit Dihidupkan

Hal pertama yang dapat dirasakan adalah sistem starter tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Jika sistem starter tidak dapat berfungsi, pastinya mesin kendaraan pun tidak dapat menyala. Karena cara kerja sistem starter yakni menggunakan dinamo yang harus digerakan dengan listrik supaya menghasilkan sebuah percikan yang nantinya akan menyalakan mesin.

Untuk beberapa kasus, sistem starter ini tidak akan langsung tidak berfungsi, melainkan ada beberapa tahapan atau tanda-tanda awal apabila aki sudah mulai akan soak. Tanda-tanda yang paling terasa adalah pada saat memutar kunci pada posisi start atau menekan tombol start untuk jenis mobil keyless, maka akan berbunyi tret-tret-tret ataupun tek-tek-tek beberapa kali baru mesin menyala.

Kondisi tersebut sudah terlihat jelas apabila kondisi aki sudah mulai lemah, namun masih cukup memiliki tegangan untuk menyalakan mesin. Hanya saja sedikit tersendat diawal.

2. Tegangan Aki Berkurang

The next sign of a drained battery is the voltage or battery voltage will decrease. The way to find out if the battery voltage is reduced or not can use a tool in the form of a load tester, if the voltage generated by the battery is still in accordance with the standard. Please note, the voltage on a healthy battery is between 12.3 to 12.6 Volts and when the engine is started it will increase to a maximum limit of 14.2 Volts.

If the voltage on the battery you have is below the specified voltage standard, then you can charge the battery. However, before recharging the battery, it's best if you change the battery water first and clean it.

3. Weak Horn or Dim Lights

What is certain to be felt is the intensity of the light produced by the headlamp is reduced. If you use your own car, then you will feel the difference in the light produced being dimmer when compared to when the battery or battery condition is still good.

However, it cannot be ascertained if the condition of the battery has worn out, because it could be the condition of the light bulb which is no longer good and needs to be replaced. However, for those of you who feel the light bulb is still good or good, then this condition can be ascertained because the car battery has started to drain.

Similar to the intensity of the light in the main light that becomes dim, another component that will be affected is that the sound of the horn will be reduced or less loud. However, this also cannot be used as a reference if the condition of the battery starts to soak.

It's best if you check your horn first before deciding that the battery has started to run out. If you have checked the condition of the horn which is still normal, then the problem is that the battery has started to drain.

4. Smells Coming from the Battery When the Engine Is Turned On

Another characteristic of a worn out battery is that it will produce an unpleasant odor when the engine is turned on. This will be felt in four-wheeled vehicles. The smell produced is because the cells in the battery components have started to break down. Therefore, when the engine is turned on, it will produce an unpleasant odor and the battery water will boil.

For conditions like this it will usually appear for those of you who use wet types of batteries and if something like this happens, it will be very difficult to repair. So you have to replace the battery.

5. the Age of the Battery Used Is Old

Just like car components in general, car batteries also have an age limit of use. Generally, when you buy a new battery, the repair shop will provide the date of purchase so you can easily check the battery life.

Basically, car batteries have a service life of about two years. However, it also depends on how to maintain and use your vehicle.

How to Fix a Dry or Dead Battery

Unfortunately, not many people know how to repair a dry battery that has started to wear out. Many people still think that dry batteries that have started to wear out can't be repaired.

Though there is a way to repair a dry battery that is easy and effective. But keep in mind, repairing a dry battery does not mean making the battery like new. This method can be done only under certain conditions or temporarily. If it is durable, it generally depends on the components in the battery itself.

1. Prepare Tools and Materials for Repairing Dry Battery

You will need tools and materials to repair the battery, such as:

  • Minus screwdriver, this object is used to open the battery cover,
  • Dry and wet battery refill fluid (zuur), for charging new batteries, not refills, yes,
  • A rag, used to wipe up liquid that drips or falls into unwanted parts,
  • A syringe or printer ink injection, this is to enter the battery water into the box where the battery is dry, and
  • Finally, plastic glue or solatip, this tool is useful for gluing back the battery cover.

2. Remove the Battery to Be Repaired

After the tools and materials are complete, you must first remove the battery from the car or motorcycle. The trick, remove the positive (+) pole first.

This is so that you don't accidentally drop the key on the car and avoid the appearance of sparks due to the touch of metal and the negative (-) pole.

3. Clean the Outside of the Battery

The next way to repair a dry battery is to clean it if it is detached. So, when you start to dismantle it, all the dirt falls to the floor. Meanwhile, for how to clean the battery, that is, wipe the dirty part with a cloth until it is clean.

4. Open the Battery Cover Carefully

The next way to repair a completely dead dry battery is to open the battery cover. Use the minus (-) screwdriver that you have provided and point it at the words 'Do Not Open'. Do the same on the side and back of the battery cover. Open it carefully so that the battery case is not further damaged.

5. Fill the Battery with Special Water

After opening the battery cover, you will find six holes. Then, fill it with battery water (zuur) with a syringe. Fill each hole up to 1 cm below the battery hole.

6. Lakukan Hal Yang Sama Pada Semua Lubang Karet Aki

Cara memperbaiki aki kering motor dan mobil ini bisa digunakan untuk aki basah juga. Jika semua lubang karet sudah terisi, tutuplah secara rapat dengan solatip sampai tidak ada celah udara untuk masuk.

Hati-hati saat pengisian air aki, jangan sampai terkena kulit, karena bisa menyebabkan iritas. Apabila terlanjur kena, segera gosok-gosok menggunakan sabun agar iritasi dapat berkurang.

7. Mengisi Ulang Daya Listrik Aki

Proses berikutnya adalah mengisi tegangan daya pada aki kering. Bengkel biasa menyebutnya setrum aki. Pada bagian ini, biasanya menggunakan dua metode yaitu dengan cara pengecasan, atau menggunakan teknik ‘jumper’.

  • Metode Pengecasan

Ini bukanlah metode baru, apalagi jika kamu ke tukang servis. Biasanya sudah menyediakan sebuah alat untuk mengisi arus listrik pada aki. Mirip dengan pengecasan ponsel, pada pengisian daya aki kering menggunakan alat yang bisa disebut Adaptor atau Trafo.

Sama seperti adaptor pada pengecasan ponsel atau laptop, akan tetapi kapasitas amperenya jauh lebih besar. Sehingga proses pengisian berlangsung lebih cepat.

  • Metode Teknik Jumper

Untuk melakukan proses ini, dibutuhkan bantuan dari aki lain yang tentunya masih dalam keadaan baik dan sehat. Caranya hanya perlu menghubungkan antara aki kering yang kita perbaiki, dengan aki lain yang sehat menggunakan kabel penghubung.

The wires from the plus (+) and minus (-) poles of another battery, are connected to the plus (+) and minus (-) poles of the repaired battery. Then turn on the vehicle engine that has a healthy battery, let it sit for about 50-60 minutes.

How to Fix a Dry Battery That Can't Store a Stun

For those who don't know, the liquid in a dry battery is in the form of a gel. As already explained, the evaporation of this gel is very minimal. Even if it evaporates, the vapor is not expelled out, but remains in the container. This way of working keeps the dry battery volume maintained without the need for special care.

The function of the battery itself is quite a lot. Starting from regulating ignition to supporting the electrical power of various components of the car's electrical system. But if you can't save the stun, it must be very difficult for you. Therefore, follow the following methods to repair a dry battery that cannot store a stun.

1. Disconnect Battery Current

The first step you have to do is disconnect and disconnect the battery current. You do this by disconnecting the two wires, each from the new positive to the negative. Do this step carefully so that there are no short circuit problems. When you have disconnected both cables, remove the dry battery from its box.

2. Open the Battery Cover Carefully

Now you can open the battery cover. At the same time also open the rubber cover. If everything is open, then you can proceed to the next step.

3. Fill the Battery with Water Zuur

Next is to fill the dry battery with zuur water. You have to buy Zuur water first. Make sure the water purchased is correct so as not to damage this battery. Not only does it require zuur water, a tool to fill it in the form of an injection is also a must-have.

You can also directly put zuur water into the injection. Then inject zuur water into the battery hole. Make sure the fill volume is between proper limits. If there is too much, it can cause other damage to the battery. Of course you don't want that to happen, do you? This is why the process of filling zuur water into the battery must be in the right amount.

4. Close the Battery Again Tightly

Now close the battery again tightly. Also keep in mind, make sure the rubber cover has completely closed the battery so that no air gets into it.

5. Install the Battery Cable

You can reconnect the battery cable. Just like the first step, the battery installation process must be carried out carefully so as not to create a short circuit. Make sure the positive and negative cables are properly connected so that the electric current can flow optimally.

6. Try to Start the Engine as Usual

The last thing to do is start the car engine. In starting this engine, make sure the engine's stationary RPM is not below 600 RPM. If the RPM is below 600, then the battery charging is still not optimal. On the other hand, if it's above 600 RPM, you've managed to fix this problem.

How to Take Care of a Dry Battery So It Doesn't Get Damaged Quickly

It is important to know how to care for a dry battery. because as explained above, the battery is an important part of the car's working system. When your car battery has a problem, the first sign that it occurs is difficulty starting the engine. There are actually several types of batteries on the market today. There are dry batteries, wet batteries, calcium batteries, and others. But this time what will be discussed is how to take care of dry batteries so they don't get damaged quickly.

Basically, this dry battery does not need to be treated further. Because, as the name suggests, the internals of this battery are closed. The MF label attached to the dry battery also means that there is no need to periodically add electrolytes.

But over time, you also have to keep taking care of dry batteries regularly. How to? Here's a more complete explanation.

1. Warm Up the Car Engine Regularly

The first way to treat dry batteries is to periodically warm up the car engine. In addition to achieving the working temperature in the engine, this is also useful for maintaining the electrical condition of the car.

If you use the car a lot every day, automatically the battery condition is more stable. However, if it is rarely used, you should warm up the car engine every day. Take about 10 minutes per day to do this so that the engine and battery performance remains optimal

2. Clean the Surface of the Battery from Dirt

The VRLA type dry battery has a hidden valve. This valve can have dirt stuck to it and it can be annoying if you leave it on. The dirt can clog the valve. The negative impact is that the evaporation process of the battery is disrupted. Therefore, it is recommended that you clean the surface of the battery regularly to prevent this problem.

3. Avoid Giving Too Heavy a Load on the Battery

The battery has a maximum electric power which should be enough to provide power to various car components. But when you want to add accessories such as new lights, sound systems, and others, the results of these modifications can burden the performance of the battery. The life of the battery can be shorter and that is definitely a disadvantage.

If you really want to add accessories that require large electrical power, replace the battery with the latest edition and have an even higher capacity.

4. Make Sure the Battery Fastener Is Tight

The battery has a bracket that is useful as a holder while keeping it stable even though the car is passing through bumpy roads. If the condition of the bracket is loose, the position of the battery can change until it is even detached. Make sure all the battery bracket bolts are tight so they don't shake when the car is running.

5. Always Keep the Battery Terminal Clean

Talking again about cleanliness, the battery terminal must also be considered. In general, there is scale in this section due to the evaporation of the battery electrolyte as well as heat. If left alone, there will be problems in the system so that the battery voltage cannot reach the maximum point.

You can clean this area by rubbing it with hot water. Also provide lubricant in the form of grease or grease in the battery terminal area.

6. Ensure Alternator and Regulator Are Safe

For information, the alternator serves to convert some of the engine rotation into electrical energy. Meanwhile, the regulator is useful for regulating the stability of the charging current. If these two components are having problems, then there is an abnormal charging. The battery will work to extract it faster.

Here's How to Choose a Good Battery

For owners of four-wheeled vehicles, of course they want to provide the best components for their vehicles, one of which is the battery. Having a quality car battery will extend the life of the car and keep the engine well-maintained.

Discussing this, it turns out that there are still many who do not know how to choose a quality car battery. Most must be lulled by the words of a fake seller. Then, what are the tips for choosing a quality car battery so that the car's performance is maintained? Here's the full explanation.

1. Make Sure to Buy from a Trusted Store

The first important thing you have to do is to buy a quality car battery at a trusted store. A trusted shop will certainly sell reworked car batteries and you can ask them to recommend a suitable car battery for your car. Today many shops are doing naughty business by selling reconditioned car batteries with new labels. Indeed, not all stores do this, but when you choose a trusted store, this can be minimized.

2. Adjust the Battery to the Specifications of the Car

If your car doesn't make major modifications, such as changing brighter lights, or changing the sound system, it means that the standard car battery has followed the electrical standards your car needs. Make sure when buying a car battery follow what has been set by your car manual. Also consult with your official car repair shop about what type of car battery is needed.

3. Choose the Right Battery Type

There are 2 types of car batteries on the market, dry and wet batteries. The choice to use a wet battery or a dry battery all depends on your taste. If you are a person who tends to not have time to take care of your car, for example because you are busy at work, you should use a dry battery because this dry battery does not need regular maintenance.

4. Pay Attention to the Capacity of the Battery to Be Used

Keep in mind to pay attention to the capacity of the car battery that you are going to buy, both wet and dry batteries have their respective capacities and sizes. Be sure to check the size, dimensions, amperage, and voltage of the car battery. Also make sure it is in accordance with the standards that your car has, read your car manual again or consult an official repair shop. In order to get a battery that is more durable and does not drain easily, it would be better not to choose a battery with a higher voltage than your standard car. Choosing a battery with a higher voltage will cause damage to the electrical components in the car.

5. Consider the Best Car Battery Brand

There are many good and quality car batteries on the market to choose from for your car. However, it would be better to choose battery brands that are already trusted in the market.

6. Avoid Buying Used or Reconditioned Batteries

One more thing that is important in tips for choosing a quality car battery is to make sure not to buy a reconditioned or used battery. Reconditioned batteries will only cause problems for your car in the future. Maybe you don't want to buy a used battery but sometimes there are some sellers who cheat by selling a reconditioned battery as a new battery.

That's an explanation of how to repair a dry battery. In addition to routinely caring for and replacing batteries, don't forget to complete your car protection with car insurance. Because, with car insurance. you no longer need to worry about the high costs of car maintenance and repair. Your driving experience will be safer and more comfortable.