Car Down Engine Recognize the Cause!

Be careful not to let the car down the engine, if it happens it can be troublesome later. Always pay attention to any small damage to the machine to anticipate it.

Down the engine is a form of solving the problems that occur in the car engine. It is commonly used to describe the process of removing an engine from a vehicle mount. The causes can be many, from starting the car hard to start, white smoke coming out, discoloration of the oil, to strange sounds that can be heard in the engine. If when the engine is lowered and rechecked whether there is major or minor damage, it is necessary to repair or replace the damaged component.

Therefore, in using the car everyday, you must be sensitive to the little things that happen to the car. So, it can be detected early on all forms of damage. To avoid dropping the engine on the car, below are some of the causes that you can identify.

come On, Check the Various Causes of the Engine Down:

Lubricating Oil

One of the causes of the engine down could be from engine oil. You have to check the oil regularly, don't let the oil run out and dry. The function of this oil is to lubricate car engines so they don't rub or collide. Just imagine if the oil runs out and is dry, it's the same as letting the engine components collide with each other. Of course, if this is allowed to suffer damage.

Check how many liters of oil are left with the help of deep stick oil regularly. Then also pay attention to the oil indicator light on the car dashboard. if the image is lit, it means there is a problem with the lubricant. The reason could be a lack of pressure or it could be poor oil circulation. This could be a clogged oil line, due to a faulty oil pump.

Immediately take it to a repair shop if there are indications like this, when oil has entered the combustion channel it can cause the car to emit white smoke when heated.


The next thing that can cause the car to run down the engine is overheating. the sign could be from the car engine breaking down. If this happens, immediately turn off the car engine when the temperature reaches the HOT level. This is indicated by the letter H on the indicator, take the car immediately to the repair shop for inspection.

There are also many possible causes, it could be due to running out of cooling water because there is a leak, the radiator fan does not turn on and other components related to the radiator. You can check the radiator, there may be several causes of reduced radiator water and the characteristics of the car's thermostat are damaged. In fact, the temperature of the car can suddenly rise during an incline.

It is important not to force it open, as this can cause the cylinder head to warp. Well. this bend can make water and oil even mix. Not only overheating. which can cause the cylinder to warp, it can also be due to corrosion. If the condition is already curved, you can fix it by removing the cylinder head and leveling it. Then use sandpaper or grinding paste.

timing Belt

The timing belt factor can also affect it, this timing belt function aims to transfer power from the crankshaft to the camshaft. If the timing belt breaks, the valves and pistons can collide with each other, causing damage. If this is damaged, there is no other way but to get off the machine and have to fix it immediately. But there are some cars that can stand it and have no problem even if the timing belt is broken.

water Hammer Effect

Water hammer can cause the engine to drop, this effect can occur when the car has just passed a high water level such as a flood. So when the water enters through the filter and continues to flow into the combustion chamber, the water cannot be compressed like air, resulting in the piston breaking, connecting rods. crankshaft damage and eventually the car crashes. To prevent this, don't go through roads with high water levels and don't force cars to pass through cars.

The cause of the last car engine down is the water hammer effect. This effect occurs when the car has just passed a high water level such as a flood. Water enters through the filter and continues to flow into the combustion chamber. Because water cannot be compressed like air, it causes the piston, connecting rod to break. damage the crankshaft and eventually the car breaks down. The way to prevent this, of course, is not to go through roads with high water levels and don't force cars to pass through floods.