7 Car Engine Coolers and Other Complete Components

The car engine cooling system is an important unit in four-wheeled vehicles. The car cooler works to stabilize the temperature so that the engine can operate perfectly.

Understanding the structure and workings of the cooling system can help you take care of your favorite car. The following is a further explanation of the car engine cooler and the components that play a role in it.

Car Heat Source and Car Engine Cooling Function

Like a moving machine, it will certainly produce heat energy from the friction between the components in it. The mixture of fuel in a car engine and perfect air produces heat energy to the car exhaust.

Here's the process of burning a car engine takes place:

  • The engine starts and the combustion process occurs in the radiator.
  • The combustion runs continuously according to the speed of the car.
  • As long as the engine is running, the combustion process increases in the combustion chamber and engine block.
  • If the combustion takes place for a long time, it will cause overheating.
  • The car coolant serves to stabilize the temperature of the working engine.

The ideal temperature after the engine reaches working temperature (the car starts/runs) is 80-92 degrees Celsius. The car engine cooler will maintain the ideal temperature of the car engine while driving.

Car Engine Cooling Components

Modern cars today use a liquid cooling system in the engine. The car's cooling system requires components.

The following is a list of car engine coolant names:

1. Radiators

The car radiator is the main component in cooling the car engine. The small pipe inside breaks and radiates heat energy by means of a cool radiator fluid.

The grille on the radiator also functions in cooling the engine and removing hot air. The cold water produced will flow to several engine blocks evenly.

Use a good and quality radiator water. Don't just buy fake radiator water that will damage your car's radiator.

2. Water Pump

The water pump is a car engine cooling device that serves to distribute the radiator coolant to the hot engine parts. The closed water circulation drains and dissipates heat energy out of the car engine.

3. Thermostat

A car thermostat is a car engine cooling system that functions to maintain a stable fluid temperature. The thermostat works by adjusting the amount of fluid that enters the radiator automatically.

Calibrate the thermostat on your car engine regularly. A faulty thermostat will damage the radiator and cause the car to overheat.

4. Radiator Fan

The radiator fan plays a role in physically cooling the car engine. The radiator fan absorbs air from the radiator to be exhaled into the engine.

There are two types of radiator fans, namely:

  • Digitally operated radiator fan motor in a car engine.
  • Radiator fan that works directly with the fan belt connected to the engine.

5. Radiator Pipe

A series of water channels that enter the engine block can deliver hot temperatures out.

There are two types of radiator pipes in a car engine cooling system, namely:

  • The top pipe serves to distribute hot water that comes from the absorption of engine temperature to the radiator.
  • The bottom pipe serves to distribute cold water to a hot engine.

Tips: A damaged radiator pipe is certainly easy to detect when the engine makes a loud noise when the engine is started. Make sure your car's engine radiator pipe is in good condition.

6. temperature Gauge

The temperature gauge on the wheelhouse dashboard has a role as a tool to check the temperature of your car engine. A visual display with clear parameters can help to understand the temperature state of your car.

7 . Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

Digital sensors located on the engine to activate the radiator fan when the engine reaches the highest temperature point.

If you buy a used car with a history of " down the car engine ", make sure again the condition of the engine coolant temperature sensor contained in the car.

The process of cooling a car engine requires several interrelated components of a car engine cooling device. The main component is definitely the radiator and continued with car engine cooling lubricant to help the cooling process faster.

Another function of car engine cooling lubricant is to cool the piston chamber by minimizing friction in the piston which has the potential to generate fire.

Without a Car Engine Cooler, This Is the Danger of the Engine overheating

Overheat is a condition where the engine temperature is too hot. When the engine overheats. the components that have severe damage are the pistons and the handlebars.

The bent handlebar due to the heating process will close the piston chamber. So that there is a block in the engine that makes the car break down.

The cost of replacing car cooling components is quite expensive. It is better to prevent than to treat by paying attention to the cooling components of your car.

That's an explanation of how the car engine cooling process, the impact of a car without a car engine cooler, and what components play a role in it.

Tips from Auto Insurance Agencies! Make sure to continue to service your car engine regularly at a quality workshop to maintain the condition and performance of your favorite car.

Take Advantage of Car Insurance to Cover Repair Costs at the Workshop

Comprehensive vehicle maintenance, especially cars, needs to be done regularly. In addition to the car cooling system that has been discussed, you also need to make sure the other components are running well, right ?

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