What is Viral Marketing? Definition of Viral Marketing, Viral Marketing Meaning and Concept

The marketing viral marketing is an inexpensive tool for the company, since the consumer is the one who is responsible for making the message quickly spread.

For it to be viral marketing, there must be the intention of the company to want the content to expand quickly and on a large scale.

To achieve these results, social networks and the internet are used. When people see the messages, if they like them, they share them and give it a like. This makes the content go viral quickly and spread across all media.

It can be used by companies to sell their products or also to position their brands. Previously, this strategy was known as word of mouth advertising, since consumers promoted and recommended person-to-person products and brands that generated a high level of satisfaction.

Currently with the use of the internet, this technique is called viral marketing, because digital media and social networks allow content to go viral.

Viral Marketing Features

Among the main characteristics of viral marketing are:

  • It has low cost: Because the company does not have much to invest, since the most important role in dissemination is assumed by the consumer. Of course, the contents must be very creative so that they attract attention and go viral.
  • It reaches a very homogeneous market: Since the message is viralized among members who have very similar interests and preferences, so it is easy to focus on the target market or target audience to which the brand or product is directed.
  • The content is welcomed: The content comes from known contacts, which is why recipients receive it and read it with a certain level of interest, quite the opposite when the message arrives as an advertisement. An advertising message can generate displeasure in the receiver and for that reason they may not even read it.
  • Generates a certain degree of emotion: Therefore, consumers add new and relevant opinions and points of view that add value to the content, generating new and valuable information for brands and products, even disseminated by means that the company did not expect to be will use.
  • Better positioning and credibility: the company achieves the positioning of its brands in a very creative and original way. In the same way, the attributes and benefits of the goods and services that are advertised have a higher degree of credibility, due to the opinions of consumers and to a greater degree when these users act as influencer.

Finally, we can say that viral marketing is a modern and innovative way of advertising using all the media available on the internet as a platform. It is a way to achieve the objectives using a cheap and widely distributed type of advertising.

To be successful using viral marketing, we must not forget that marketing must always focus on trying to satisfy the needs of the consumer and to reach that target market we must give them something that competitors are not achieving.

Viral marketing should motivate people to share information that is related to our brand or our product using online media, only then will the expected goal be achieved.