What is Three-dimensional Mark? Definition of Three-dimensional Mark, Three-dimensional Mark Meaning and Concept

A three-dimensional mark is the mark that allows a product to be recognized or identified by means of its shape, container and packaging.

It should be noted that three-dimensional marks allow products to be recognized using mainly the sense of sight. But also using the sense of touch. We use the sense of sight when we refer to shapes and colors. While the touch when the containers have a type of texture or relief that is possible to perceive through touch.

Above all, the three-dimensional mark has to occupy three dimensions in the space height, width and depth. These aspects serve to identify and differentiate a product from the rest of other similar products that compete in the market.

Important elements in a three-dimensional brand

The most important elements of a three-dimensional brand are:

1. The shape of the product

First, three-dimensional marks are associated with the specific shape that a product can have. Therefore, it can be the shape of the product itself, the packaging that preserves it, the packaging or any specific design of the product that makes it different.

Based on the shapes, the first brands to be registered include the Coca Cola bottle, the Toblerone box of chocolates, and the Old Parr whiskey bottle. These forms allow these products to be distinguished between the product market competing.

  • The contour shape of the Coca Cola bottle gives it a differential advantage in the carbonated water market.
  • The same occurs with the triangular shape of the Toblerone product and packaging, which allows it to be distinguished from the other chocolates that are marketed on the market.
  • Old Parr whiskey is distinguished by the particular shape of its bottle and its corrugated surface.

What happens when the product is a service?

Of course, we all know that services are intangible, but they can also be differentiated from their competitors through the forms used in three-dimensional brands. An example of this could be the Kodak brand whose development kiosks had a characteristic shape. Which allowed their customers to easily identify them.

2. Packaging and wrapping

Second, the three-dimensional brand uses packaging and wrapping to differentiate itself. This in order to make the product look more attractive and different from its competitors. We can mention some examples such as the Absolut Vodka bottle or the Nestlé Nescafé bottle. Both packages give it a sign of differentiation between competing brands.

Obviously, a very particular case is the perfume market where the three-dimensional shape of its packaging makes it easy for consumers to identify them. Giving them a level of status and positioning within the market. Many people buy perfumes for the attractiveness of the packaging, so the packaging is what gives the product personality through the brand.

3. It must give a distinctive sign to the product

Third, the use of a three-dimensional brand gives products and companies that represent them an advantage from a marketing perspective. In particular, because it helps the consumer to quickly recognize a product, without the need for a detailed search.

That is, users do not need to read the brand name because the product or package design allows for easy recognition. Nobody confuses a bottle of Coca Cola, when it is displayed on the shelves with other competing brands. The design of the packaging makes it unique and allows it to be profitable for the company, because this makes it always stand out from the competition.

In addition, the three-dimensional brand is a shape or an object that exists in reality, but does not exist in the market as a brand. Therefore, when registering as a brand, the product becomes known in the market.

4. It is difficult to register

Fourth, a three-dimensional brand is one of the most coveted differential advantages in the market, because it makes products unique. That is why it is very difficult to register, since it usually tends to be confused with certain industrial designs or utility models.

Difference between three-dimensional branding and industrial design

To make it clear that a three-dimensional brand and an industrial design are not the same, we must observe the following differences:

1. Regarding the purpose

Indeed, the purpose of a three-dimensional brand is to promote the competitiveness of products or companies within the market. Whereas, industrial design seeks to encourage creativity in product design, to create products that are innovative in terms of their use or utility.

2. Regarding the function

However, the function that a three-dimensional brand associated with a product seeks to fulfill is to ensure that its consumers differentiate their products from the competition. On the other hand, industrial design seeks to make products attractive or beautiful to arouse the interest of its consumers. The idea is to achieve greater commercial value through attractive design.

3. Regarding rights and times

Undoubtedly, the three-dimensional trademark, when registered, confers exclusive rights to the company that owns the trademark for an unlimited time. Either because the registration does not need to be renewed or because the trademark is being used properly within the competitive environment within the market.

On the other hand, the registration of an industrial design grants the exclusive right to the owner for periods of time ranging between 10 and 25 years. This period begins to take effect from the moment the registration is legalized.

Advantages of using three-dimensional marks

The most important advantages of using a three-dimensional mark are:

  • The registration and ownership of a three-dimensional trademark prevents other competitors from making use of shapes or packages that provide an advantage within the market.
  • It makes it easier for consumers and users to recognize and identify products.
  • It favors the spirit of competitiveness in the market.
  • The right of use in terms of time is unlimited.

Finally we can say that a three-dimensional brand is a very important commercial asset for any company. Because consumers value the shapes, packaging or distinctive features that make a product different from competing products. This makes them willing to pay more for a product whose brand meets their expectations better. This gives any company a clear comparative advantage over the competition.

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