What is Real Customer? Definition of Real Customer, Real Customer Meaning and Concept

A real customer is a person who currently buys the goods and services that a company offers to the market.

A real client is a very important client for the company at the present time, because it is the one that allows to maintain an adequate level of sales and billing.

Undoubtedly, companies that understand the true philosophy of marketing know that their fundamental task is not to sell products, but on the contrary to create customers and keep them in the long term.

Since, if we keep our current customers in the long term, we will ensure that the company maintains a special position within the market and in its competitive environment.

The real customer and the company

However, real customers are the ones who incentivize companies to continually improve and innovate their product offerings and marketing strategies, as they require great dedication from all staff to achieve excellent customer service.

Of course, that way it is easy to maintain and preserve them, and the better for a company if the time is very long.

How can we understand the real customer

Therefore, for any company it is very important to take into consideration that customers have changed their behavior a lot, due to the accelerated evolution that has occurred in the technological field; for that reason if you want to keep your real customers, you will need to understand the following changes and make the necessary adaptations.

1. The customer wants to shop quickly

Above all, today's real customers want to make their purchase transactions in an agile way and without many procedures; For this, companies must avoid that the processes are long, confusing or complex; because this could alienate them from the competition.

to. Fast and efficient buying process

Therefore, it would be advisable for the purchase process to be fast and efficient.

b. Ask for the minimum of information

In addition, the least amount of personal information should be requested, because today's consumer fears situations of fraud or the inappropriate use of their data.

2. The client wants to use the internet to solve problems

In addition to, customers today expect to solve their problems immediately and without physically moving from place to place.

to. Be available 24 hours

For this reason, companies should be available via the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

b. Fix problems immediately

Indeed, most companies increasingly understand this situation and seek to solve customer problems through this platform, because the customer wants an immediate response.

3. The client wants to follow market trends and be part of a group

Likewise, they seek to follow market trends, through the behavior manifested by consumer groups around the world.

to. Address preferences

On the other hand, this situation makes group preferences prevail and not individual preferences; to feel like members of a community.

b. Follow trends

For example, following the trend to be organic consumers reduces the importance of individual interests, in search of achieving group interests.

4. The client wants to make cost benefit comparisons

On the other hand, clients in their exchange relationship evaluate the benefits they are receiving against the price they are paying.

Likewise, this gets them comparing a number of different brands and vendors, to be sure they are making the best decision.

Consequently, the customer is currently an information seeker and a great connoisseur of the prices and benefits of most of the brands and products that are sold in the market, and that are interesting for him.

Characteristics of real clients for companies

For this reason, real clients present certain traits that are important for companies such as:

1. They are today's customers

That is, these customers have part of the present moment of a company, that is why they are part of the current sales.

2. They allow the achievement of profitability

It turns out that, these clients determine the level of profits of the companies and maintain adequate profitability share; as well as a stable position within the market.

3. They maintain market share

Finally, they allow the degree of participation of the companies to remain stable, because if they make buybacks continuously, the company has its market share assured.

How to keep the real customer satisfied

To keep their real customers happy and satisfied, companies must:

1. Get to know the customer

The main basis for having satisfied customers must begin with the company listening and observing its customers, to get to know them better.

Then, that way it can anticipate your needs and deliver better proposals for increasingly innovated and improved products.

In addition, this allows, to have a certain level of contact and closeness with the client; which also favors the long-term relationship.

2. Solve problems

A client remains happy if his problems are resolved immediately and when he is treated in a friendly and courteous manner.

It is also important that the company acknowledge its mistakes and provide a customer-friendly solution.

3. Ask the client's opinion and give him guidance

It is convenient to ask for the opinion of customers both when the products are developed and when they are delivered to the market, in order to achieve better customer satisfaction.

At the same time, it is convenient for the company to guide you, to suggest that you choose the satisfier that best suits your needs and the customer is happy.

Finally, it is important to mention that, to keep our real clients loyal, we must continue a series of actions that are necessary to give them a correct follow-up and to maintain a better relationship situation. In this way we gain a better understanding of them and can better focus on their needs.

This means that they continue to prefer us and that allow us to maintain our level of participation and profitability in the market.