What is Productivity in Marketing? Definition of Productivity in Marketing, Productivity in Marketing Meaning and Concept

Labor productivity in marketing is the result of optimizing the number of hours performed within each day or work project.

In short, execute the proposed work in the shortest time possible with a high degree of quality. It is also the relationship between what is produced and the means used to achieve it. Be more efficient in the office or in any other job. Therein lies the key.

Being more productive is not synonymous with working tirelessly. The objective is none other than to organize well, sift the important from the less important, focus the effort towards that task and give all the attention.

This is the only way to achieve effective labor productivity. The marketing strategy of a company, brand or individual must prioritize the sale of the product or service in the best possible way, optimizing all available resources.

How to improve work productivity

These would be the most outstanding options to improve in this aspect:

  • Planning : It is very important to know in advance the tasks that are going to be carried out so as not to improvise with the consequent loss of time that this entails.
  • Beware of time thieves : Constantly looking at email, social networks, messages, among other actions, can interrupt the time of concentration and work. Leave a specific time for these tasks and avoid doing them constantly to improve daily productivity at work.
  • Take some time : Resting between tasks, and taking time for a breather is totally normal and will help you to freshen up and change actions with much more energy and concentration.
  • Learn to delegate : If you have a business, it is important to take this aspect into account to focus on the activities in which you are a specialist, and to be able to continue growing thanks to the action of delegating other people to carry out various tasks.

Example of labor productivity in marketing

We can measure labor productivity through various parameters, for example in this case taking into account some of the indicators that are now shown:

  • Customer satisfaction: We will obtain the results by dividing the total number of customers served by the complaints or compliments received.
  • Measuring the ROI : Or what is the same, the profitability of the investment made. It is calculated in this way: (Return-investment) x 100
  • Acquisition rate : It is used to know the number of new clients in a specific period of time.
  • Conversion rate : It is nothing more than knowing how many customers who have been interested in a product or service at a given time, finally end up buying it.

Productive marketing tools

Take note of the following:

  • To automate tasks: Hootsuite allows you to automate any content publication on social networks.
  • To work as a team: Google Drive allows you to share files with other users. Trello organizes tasks in columns, stratifying them and prioritizing the most important ones.

Rewards that are obtained if the labor productivity is improved

These are some:

  • New work projects can be taken on : The business or company grows, obtains more profits and reinvests them in new objectives.
  • It comforts on a personal level : If the tasks are finished before and better, there is more free time for leisure.
  • Encourages creativity : By focusing effort on a task, it allows you to give your best.