What is Marketing Environment? Definition of Marketing Environment, Marketing Environment Meaning and Concept

The marketing environment is those actors and forces outside the company, specifically, the marketing department, that directly or indirectly cause an impact, either positive or negative.

What is the use of analyzing the marketing environment?

Studying the marketing environment allows the organization to make decisions with the least possible uncertainty and adapt more quickly to market changes, and consequently, be closer to meeting its objectives.

In other words, the study of the marketing environment provides the company with knowledge of its threats and opportunities, and thus endows it with a margin of anticipation and reaction.

Depending on factors such as size, competitive advantages, product or service exclusivity, or financing capacity among many others, you will be able to exercise more or less control over these forces.

Two dimensions make up the marketing environment

They are the microenvironment and the macroenvironment.

  • The Microenvironment is made up of those actors close to the company, the behavior of which will affect decision-making. In this case, having control over them, however little, is possible. In turn, the microenvironment is classified as internal and external. Who are these actors?
    • Internal micro-environment : Your actions will affect the marketing strategy directly and immediately.
      • Company
    • External microenvironment : Your actions will affect the marketing strategy indirectly.
      • Providers
      • Intermediaries
      • Customers
      • Competitors
      • Public
  • The Macroenvironment is formed by those external forces over which the company cannot exercise any type of control, but on occasions, it can influence them. It is important to bear in mind that the macroenvironment will affect the entire microenvironment.
    • What are these forces?
      • Demographic
      • Economical
      • Policies
      • Natural
      • Technological
      • Socio-cultural

Marketing environment example

Let's imagine that we have an interesting project, a promising product, and we want to create a company to carry it out.

Will the idea we have in mind be enough to be successful?

The answer is no. For a company to be successful, it must make its entire value chain work, which implies that both the internal factors that it can control, and the external ones, over which it cannot exercise any or very low level of control, must be favorable to it.

The objective will then be to know the entire situation in which the company is in order to anticipate threats and take advantage of opportunities.