What is Educational Marketing? Definition of Educational Marketing, Educational Marketing Meaning and Concept

The marketing education aims to convey to the public or society the lines of work being developed in schools and educational institutions. The objective is to publicize your educational project, the new and innovative lines that are being developed.

It arises from several factors:

  1. The economic crisis made private and subsidized schools take into account the marketing and communication work to bring their proposal closer to society.
  2. The reduction of students by lowering the birth rate.
  3. The competition between schools and the proposals that each one manages.

These questions led the centers to consider the need to highlight what happens in each of them and the benefits that the students who attend may have.

Characteristics of educational marketing

The characteristics of educational marketing are:

  • Plan actions and strategies to reflect the work and identity of the educational center. In this sense, the center must show where it stands out. For example, if you are a religious entity, you can advertise in the press of this sector, carry out activities that stand out within your ideals, and target groups that want their children to receive this type of education.
  • Identify the needs of students and families, focusing on the groups of interest to the center. This implies carrying out research work on the students who come to the center, their characteristics, what their needs are, and with all this a strategy is developed to meet those needs.
  • Improve positioning in front of competition centers. To do this, a research work on the competition is carried out, which will be useful to know the activities they carry out and promote those of the own center.
  • Increase the recruitment of students. One of the objectives is for there to be an increase in students, even more so when they are private or concerted schools (private but with state subsidies and interference). For this reason, educational marketing aims to promote this increase in the number of students through the actions that the center will implement.
  • Achieve more direct contact with the students' families. To find out the needs of students and families, the center can establish a closer contact to find out their opinions, reactions, likes and wishes.
  • Improve the degree of satisfaction among families. Positive testimonies from families can be decisive in increasing the recruitment of students and making the center known.