What is Brand Experience? Definition of Brand Experience, Brand Experience Meaning and Concept

The brand experience is the perception that consumers form when they have contact with a brand.

The brand experience is generated in the different contacts between the brand and its consumers. It can be through advertising, personal contact, the quality of the product and the service they receive. Each of these moments provoke emotions in consumers and that creates the brand experience.

Additionally, the brand experience defines the way it makes the consumer feel. This will depend on whether the consumer accepts, rejects or prefers a brand.

If the consumer forms a negative perception, he rejects the brand. If the effect is neutral, accept the brand. But, if their perception is positive, they will prefer the brand and will remain faithful to it.

It is important to note that the brand must create pleasant sensations when the consumer uses it. This stimulates the consumer's subconscious and generates loyalty and love for the brand. The brand experience has a greater impact than the benefits and attributes of the product.

Brand experience dimensions

The dimensions of the brand experience are as follows:

1. Sensory dimension

In the first place, the sensory dimension refers to all the visual, auditory, taste, olfactory and tactile stimuli that a brand causes. Visual elements include the logo, colors, packaging, and physical appearance of the product. What is sought is that the brand is presented in an aesthetic way for the consumer. For example, the colors of telefonica.

On the other hand, auditory stimuli are used to relate a brand to a particular sound, jingle or song. We have the case of radio advertisements when uncovering a Coca Cola. In the olfactory elements, aromas that identify and differentiate a brand can be used. It could be the case of the smell of new cars of certain brands.

While, the tactile part allows the consumer to touch the product and generate a positive experience. As an example, it would be when a consumer touches a mobile device to see how it works. Finally, the taste stimulus occurs when the product is tasted and generates a differentiating sensation of the brand. It is used more in the case of food and beverages.

Of course, the sensory dimension helps to differentiate and position a brand in the consumer's mind. The sensations produced establish and strengthen the brand identity and image.

2. Cognitive dimension

Second, the cognitive dimension refers to the intellectual, thinking and awareness level of the brand. This aspect helps the consumer to understand, evaluate and decide on the positive or negative of a brand. For example, the Nike slogan “Just do it” that reflects the way of thinking of the brand.

3. Affective dimension

Third, the affective dimension generates emotions and feelings towards the brand. This dimension can provoke favorable emotions, moods and attitudes towards it in consumers.

Indeed, this is one of the most important dimensions of a brand because a negative attitude causes rejection of the brand and a positive attitude generates acceptance and preference. In addition, it creates emotional ties between the brand and the consumer. This makes the consumer come to love a brand.

4. Behavioral dimension

Fourth, we find the dimension of behavior. This dimension refers to the changes that occur in the consumer behavior that are motivated by the brand experience. Being able to generate in the consumer a lifestyle, physical and behavioral actions inspired by a brand.

5. Social dimension

Finally, the social dimension is related to the points of union that a brand can establish with other people or with other social groups, creating a brand community, where this is the center of the social organization. In addition, it generates feelings of belonging.

Brand experience

Benefits of the brand experience

Among the benefits obtained with the brand experience we have:

1. Customer loyalty

Of course, we all know that it is more difficult for a company to maintain loyal customers than to acquire new ones. A good brand experience allows customers to maintain loyalty, since they perceive value when interacting with the brand.

Indeed, the brand experience offers unforgettable moments for the customer, achieving loyal customers who become brand ambassadors. This could be the case with Apple.

2. Create value

In the same way, the brand experience generates value for the customer. This helps the brand to increase its market positioning . When brands are clearly recognized, they are widely communicated and remembered by the target audience. That is, the brand becomes important for the consumer and acquires relevance.

3. Connection with the public

Naturally, a good brand experience allows you to be closer to the public, which makes the brand stronger. This, because it generates satisfaction, feelings and positive interactions with the client. In addition, if the experience is improved every day, it becomes more pleasant and a more positive perception develops. Brands that become important have a lasting connection with the user.

4. Greater control

Finally, the brand experience allows you to dominate and control all the moments where the consumer has contact with the brand. Thus, nothing is left to chance and everything is properly managed at each point of contact with the client.

Brand experience

To conclude, it can be said that the brand experience makes companies closer to their consumers. The brand is no longer a simple name or symbol, to become a seal of trust for the customer. Above all, the creation of positive emotional bonds between brands and their users is the basis for the success of any product or company they represent.