Give a Different Look to Your Kitchen With Wooden Countertops

Wooden countertops are an element that is gaining more and more followers. Whether for aesthetics or wanting to create a more ecological environment, they are being a trend in hundreds of homes.

At first, it may seem that wood is not the best material for kitchen countertops. This thought is based on two issues: the continuous use that we give to this surface and the alleged incompatibility between water and wood. Nothing is further from reality. Wood has a multitude of applications in decoration, including that of this room.

The first thing that wooden countertops will bring to our kitchens is warmth. And it is that few surfaces achieve that characteristic look. And no, your kitchen won't look like your grandmother's country house. Wood combined with other materials, such as stainless steel or glass, produce a contemporary atmosphere found in many decoration magazines. In addition, it is ecological, renewable and recyclable, so you will be taking care of the environment.

The best option for these countertops is to choose quality solid woods. Among them, those made of beech, oak or walnut stand out. As for the thickness of the wood, we recommend that it be between 4 and 6 cm wide.

Regarding their care, they are not as complex as it may seem a priori. A sanding and varnishing every six months will be enough to give it that shiny look that you like so much. An important aspect about this is that it is convenient to use a slightly more resistant varnish. This way it will withstand the blows without problems. In the day to day it is also easier than you think. Basic guidelines such as using a board to cut food, that it does not fill with water, or that objects that are too hot do not rest on it, are more than enough for these countertops to enjoy a long useful life.

At Monkey Floor we have a wide range of wooden countertops of the best quality and at surprising prices. Take a look at our catalog and make your kitchen a room where you can enjoy. Dare to take the step today. You will not regret.