The Types of Workplace Harassment or Mobbing

A good work environment is a situation that can be considered ideal for anyone since it can even determine whether or not they continue to work in the same place. It is so important that there is a good working environment at work that even many people may prefer to stay and work in the same company even though in another they may obtain more economic benefits.

One of the most unpleasant phenomena in the workplace is mobbing. In this psychology article, we will explain in more detail what this topic refers to and let you know what the different types of workplace harassment or mobbing are.

Workplace harassment: definition

The work area is extremely important in people's lives since work is where a large part of the time is normally spent. However, this is not always the case and on many occasions the work environment can become a real hell for some people, either because the relationship with colleagues is terrible and / or with bosses and there is no respect for people.

Workplace harassment or mobbing refers to situations where there is constant work mistreatment that is maintained over time towards the worker and can manifest itself in different ways, the main one being psychological abuse. The consequences of workplace harassment can be seen in the self-esteem, anxiety levels and emotional well-being of the person who suffers it.

There are two main ways to classify this phenomenon: according to hierarchical position or according to the objective of the bullying itself.

Types of workplace mobbing: vertical harassment

There are two types of workplace harassment according to hierarchical position: vertical and horizontal mobbing. Next, we define what each one consists of.

Downward vertical mobbing or bossing

This type of workplace harassment refers to the harassment that employees may suffer from their bosses or superiors . This means that there is no real respect on the part of the superior towards a special person or several who are in charge, which is why it would be talking about a type of abuse of power. This type of abuse of power has to do with the attitudes and actions that the boss takes in a way that deliberately excludes his subordinates from the job.

Ascending vertical mobbing

In this type of workplace harassment the opposite occurs than in the previous one since the boss is attacked and mistreated by his subordinates . The type of mistreatment that is generated is mainly psychological and normally when it occurs, the boss has many difficulties in ordering and directing the employees under his charge in an adequate way.

Horizontal workplace harassment between colleagues

This type of mobbing or workplace harassment refers to the harassment that an employee suffers from his colleagues who have the same hierarchical level as him. This type of harassment is very common in most cases due to envy that can cause a partner to stand out more than another, either because they have more skills than him, because he is more prepared, because he has a better relationship with the other colleagues or with the bosses, because they have more years of service or because they are new to the company, among other things.

This situation can also occur due to personal conflicts, which tend to mix with work issues, gossip, intrigue, rivalry , lack of patience and empathy, among other types of personal situations that when wanting to work as a team or they simply intervene so that they cannot do it in a good way.

Mobbing at work: what to do?

Currently many companies promote labor respect and even for the person to be accepted at work they have to have certain values ​​that are increasingly given more importance, such as respect mainly since it is even unproductive for the company to hire conflictive people .

If you are in a risky situation or are currently experiencing mobbing, it is important that you go to human resources, report the situation and stand up to the people who are exerting violence on you.

Workplace harassment according to the objective

Strategic mobbing

This type of workplace harassment is usually very common in some companies where the direct managers plan, as a strategy that the employee feels uncomfortable and stressed enough in his job so that he decides to leave it himself and not have to compensate him for a dismissal that does not proceed. Obviously this type of harassment is one of those that can most harm a person since it can bring many consequences, especially on an emotional and psychological level.

Address mobbing

This type of mobbing or workplace harassment is carried out by the top management of the company and can occur for different reasons, including when they intend to fire a worker who is not very submissive, to expose and isolate a worker who does not it adapts to the expectations of the company or the boss or to reach labor slavery . It is necessary to mention that this type of harassment can be carried out so that the company obtains more and more benefits at the expense of the worker, generating fear through constant threats that they may be fired if they do not comply with what is requested. Surviving this type of toxic work environment can be very difficult and even counterproductive to the employee's well-being.

Disciplinary mobbing

This type of harassment is carried out in order for the employee to understand that he must adapt exactly to what the company asks of him. In the event that the worker intends to take initiatives or carry out anything that goes against what is firmly established by the company, even if he does not try, he is threatened with being fired. It is very common for the boss to expose and set an example to another coworker to warn others what can happen if they decide to act in a certain way.

Perverse mobbing

This type of mobbing, as its name implies, is called perverse since it does not have a work objective but rather a personal one. Generally, it is carried out from a colleague of the same hierarchical level to another and even from the boss to the employee in charge. The person who exercises it is extremely manipulative and tends to constantly attack the victim in such a strategic way that it is very difficult for someone else to suspect him. This type of harassment is very difficult to correct since it does not require any work strategy to be carried out, but rather it is necessary to re-educate the person who is carrying it out.