10 Keys to Make a Mechanical Workshop Work

Running a garage is as complicated as any other business. It takes a lot of work, a good strategy, organization and, why not say it, a little luck. Surely with these 10 tips you will be closer to success.

1. Identification plate

The workshops must demonstrate that they offer their services in a completely legal way by showing an identification plate that accredits it. This plate guarantees that the workshop complies with all the regulations regarding safety or emission of polluting substances.

2. Label and entry

Offering a good first impression is essential, also for a mechanical workshop. An entrance with two unarmed cars and a ramshackle sign gives the impression of belonging to a neglected workshop, yet an entrance with a clean facade, moving cars, and an eye-catching sign draws customers.

3. Facilities

The entrance can be spectacular, but if the facilities leave to be desired, the client will go elsewhere with his car. The workshop should be equipped with everything necessary to deal with the pertinent modifications or repairs at the lowest possible cost.

4. Cleaning

Most people think of machine shops as dirty places, full of grease, dust and cobwebs. It is true that in the workshops there is some dirt derived from the professional activity itself, but this does not mean that the facilities, appliances, bathrooms, parts are not kept clean and, ultimately, adequate hygiene conditions are maintained . We give you a few tricks to keep your workshop clean .

5. Personalized attention

A workshop should offer each customer personalized attention, demonstrate that each customer counts and make them feel important. Therefore, we must avoid poor service, delays, changes of idea, lies regarding the price, etc.

6. Listen to the client

The professionals of the workshops say that it is very important that the client knows how to explain what happens to his vehicle in the workshop. But the complementary circumstance should also be given, that is, the workshop professional knows how to attend and understand the client's explanations.

7. Promotion

Today there are numerous ways to advertise, both in traditional media and through the internet. Even some of them, like social networks , are completely free and can be very successful. We recommend that you download  this guide so that you know everything about how to promote your workshop .

8. Price

It is not about being the cheapest, but about being honest. The key is to offer the best value for money , or offer the best service for the same price as others. The excessively cheap rates deceive and confuse the client, who tends to think that it is too beautiful to be true or, failing that, they will believe that the quality of the service will be very low.

9. Location

Location is another of the basic concepts when it comes to leading a business. Where to locate the workshop? Will it be only physical or will we also receive visits and sell pieces online? Avoid premises that are too small, too difficult to access (busy central streets, for example), close to other more reputable workshops, etc.

10. Human factor

And of course, the last key, one that shouldn't even need to be mentioned: surround yourself with a group of reliable and competent professionals .